one ear dragging you down?

The above discussion re ENT doctors relates to whether one wants "to be considered for an Implant" not as a process for potential deaf schools/ hearing aids. I have never been in a "deaf school" thus don't know the admitting procedure. I do know the procedure here in Ontario re Sunnybrook.

Implanted-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
TXgolfer: Yeah I know that my Ultra Tec 1140 can be switched to TEXT- the only problem- it seems to me- does the other party have TEXT in their phone as well to receive your typed message?

Implant-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Yes, if you use the uniphone in TTY mode to contact a hearing person (without using relay) the person on the other side needs to also have a TTY (or TTY software such as "softTTY" on their computer which must connected to a phone line via voice/data modem)

Of course while many hearing people don't have a TTY at home, it's worth noting that almost all Canada government/civic offices have a direct/dedicated TTY line as do:
most major banks (RBC, CIBC, TD etc),
most if not all Phone/wireless/cable/satellite Co.,
many large companies/businesses
doctors/lawyers etc offices that have a large Hoh/d/Deaf/SI clientèle,
some larger retail chains etc

The benefit of having a direct TTY line that Hoh/d/Deaf/SI users can call directly without having to use relay which is both faster/most efficient, but also with no 3rd party both callers are sure they are having a private conversation (something new hearing users often worry about)
Of course, the TTY lines are typically TTY only, not VCO or HCO - however when you call, you can ask if they have VCO capability and then if they do just "switch" by pressing the VCO button or picking up the handset on uniphones.
That is interesting re having a dedicated TTY line. I don't and as such will continue using the system that I have-- TTY and Bell Canada TeleMessage service.I am aware others use their computers, etc. I don't. I am also aware that one can have A DEDICATED tty LINE AT HOME- which I understand eliminates the regular "voice" system. Hardly seem to me a worthwhile investments-ongoing costs of having 2 separate phone lines. To me much efficient-time wise/money-wise- in what I am actually doing for the last 15 years.
Yeah I know my Ultra Tec 1140 can do more than what I actually use. I understand VCO/HCO are part of TEXT- with the RELAY service assisting YOU. If not why have a "special telephone" in the first place? What I have done re TTY is the advice from CHS-assistive devices section and ongoing conversations with various Relay operators. My ongoing thanks to them for their valuable service to me- duly stated many times. Their response: smiling!
Having a computer does seem to me to shift away from phones.

Implanted- Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
That is interesting re having a dedicated TTY line. I don't and as such will continue using the system that I have-- TTY and Bell Canada TeleMessage service.I am aware others use their computers, etc. I don't. I am also aware that one can have A DEDICATED tty LINE AT HOME- which I understand eliminates the regular "voice" system. Hardly seem to me a worthwhile investments-ongoing costs of having 2 separate phone lines. To me much efficient-time wise/money-wise- in what I am actually doing for the last 15 years.
Yeah I know my Ultra Tec 1140 can do more than what I actually use. I understand VCO/HCO are part of TEXT- with the RELAY service assisting YOU. If not why have a "special telephone" in the first place? What I have done re TTY is the advice from CHS-assistive devices section and ongoing conversations with various Relay operators. My ongoing thanks to them for their valuable service to me- duly stated many times. Their response: smiling!
Having a computer does seem to me to shift away from phones.

Implanted- Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

You don't need a phone really if you have a fast internet. So you could eliminate one more bill by getting rid of the phone line.

We have not had a phone line since our children left home.
Personal preference if one has a computer-eliminate having a phone.. Since I am "piggybacking" on my son's website: still no charge- for this computer.. Helps to have sons in the "computer business". I understand this computer is "hooked" into my Bell phoneline. Has been for a long time. In the end- a sort of "offset" to having Bell Canada TeleMessage Service -which is extra to basic service- for all incoming calls--cash wise. At the present time no reason to alter this situation.

Implanted-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
That is interesting re having a dedicated TTY line. I don't and as such will continue using the system that I have-- TTY and Bell Canada TeleMessage service.I am aware others use their computers, etc. I don't. I am also aware that one can have A DEDICATED tty LINE AT HOME- which I understand eliminates the regular "voice" system. Hardly seem to me a worthwhile investments-ongoing costs of having 2 separate phone lines. To me much efficient-time wise/money-wise- in what I am actually doing for the last 15 years.
Yeah I know my Ultra Tec 1140 can do more than what I actually use. I understand VCO/HCO are part of TEXT- with the RELAY service assisting YOU. If not why have a "special telephone" in the first place? What I have done re TTY is the advice from CHS-assistive devices section and ongoing conversations with various Relay operators. My ongoing thanks to them for their valuable service to me- duly stated many times. Their response: smiling!
Having a computer does seem to me to shift away from phones.

Implanted- Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Having a "dedicated TTY line" is (for most people) just a matter of having a distinctive ring for the TTY (free, or under $5/month) ... it works on a single phone line and simply allows users to identify if the caller is calling the TTY or voice by a single, or double ring. It doesn't impact the voice capabilities of the line at all.

Of course you don't need this service at all if you live alone (or with other Hoh/deaf people who also use TTY - as all calls will be TTY calls (or will require a callback via TTY).

I simply mentioned it in case you happen to live with someone who is hearing - as the distinctive ring it is very very helpful (and often free) in this situation.
You might have noticed I didn't ask "Jenny B" how she "communicated" with Dr J Chen. Seems to pose the question as a consequence of not wanting to speak- hoping that Dr Chen knew ASL or used writing. I haven't checked if he knows ASL. If one accepts that "deafness is a culture" why see an ENT doctor in the first place?

Oh for God's sake!

I know how to speak. I know how to lip read. I can speak and lip read in English and in French. I also know ASL. I can read and write in English and in French. Communication has never been an issue for me and it never will be. I spoke to Dr. Chen and I read his lips.

I initially went to see him because my hearing dropped 30 dB in seconds, for no known reason. I went for the emergency consult with him to make sure there was no serious medical reasoning behind this, like a massive infection or tumor or something else.

I have also seen ENT's for my massive tonsils and the infections associated with that, for bad inner ear infections, for ear drum problems...people don't only see ENT's for CI's or for hearing.
Sorry to read your ENT troubles . Hope you have recovered!

Implanted-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
one ear hearing

Since my wife had sudden hearing loss and is totally deaf in her left ear - it has been very difficult for her. She can no longer tolerate loud sounds - especially with the dead left ear.
I made her a custom earmold for the dead ear. Whenever she goes out, such as a restaurant, she has to use the ear plug in her dead ear. She has a very low tolerance to loud sounds. This is known "recruitement". I spent over 40 years working in the hearing aid division, testing and fitting hearing aids. When fitting people that suffer with 'recruitement' we had to make sure the loudness did not exceed the loudness level that becomes painful.

John W Dudley
Well John: I guess I was lucky. When I lost all hearing - Right ear- Feb/92-no "recruitement" just silence. The same thing also happened when I lost all hearing in Left ear-December 20, 2006. Fortunately knew what to do-start the process in Sunnybrook/Toronto re Implant consideration in early January/07. Successful.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
I totally understand the recruitment issue - it's no fun at all!!

Typically I don't have issues with it - although for very loud sounds, my right ear hurts even though I can't hear anything)

I do notice it severely bilaterally when I have migraines :(
As for the problem of recruitment- guess one's ENT doctor would be the person to advise what to do. Fortunately, I don't have this problem- yet. Deaf is enough!

Implanted-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
As for the problem of recruitment- guess one's ENT doctor would be the person to advise what to do. Fortunately, I don't have this problem- yet. Deaf is enough!

Implanted-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Actually Audiologists typically have better management solutions- also an audiologist is likely the one to diagnose the problem. They are also the ones who program hearing aids, CI, and make various ear moulds to help the person manage recruitment related issues.

Many people who have severe recruitment issues (especially in loud environments) will actually have a special "musicians ear mould" made to BLOCK sound thus preventing the pain from the loud sounds (say at a concert, mall during holiday season etc). This of course means the person must rely on something other than listening to communicate (speechreading, sign language, CS, or pen and paper) when wearing these moulds.

Another way to handle occasional recruitment pain which occurs in loud areas (socials, concerts etc) is to turn the HA OFF, but leave it in place ...this allows the hearing aid ear mould to help block the sound and vibrations which cause recruitment pain.

To learn more about recruitment and hyperacusis here are some websites which may be useful:

Sinuswars Recruitment

Hearing planet - Recruitment
A minor "thought"-if one is "deaf"- real-absolute silence- how can one hear "noise"? Am I "missing" something? So far in my life this fortunately hasn't been a problem- yet. I was "under the impression" that ENT doctors deal with physical problems of the ear. I have always dealt with ENT clinic-St Michaels Hospital which have audiologists as well as ENT doctors.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
A minor "thought"-if one is "deaf"- real-absolute silence- how can one hear "noise"?
If you're talking about recruitment, you don't HEAR it, you FEEL it and it HURTS.
That could be. There is a big difference between Hearing and Feeling.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Not being an ENT doctor i would surmise the intensity of recruitment feeling would depend on the "factors that caused the problem" in the first place. Thus,the "urgency" in getting appropriate medical attention-forthwith!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

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