Mormon is opposed on homosexual, from marriage to activity, also unlike other different of christianity and opposed on abortion too, also same goes on pornography.
Attend at BYU (Mormon college in Utah) isn't fun because male students aren't allow to have beard due religion issue, also no goatees too and no cross-dressing.
Mormon children aren't allow to play outside or go out to somewhere on Sunday because of big family day.
male students can't have beard? that's ridicilious, because Jesus have a beard. I need an explaination of this, I want the reason from Mormon about this one.
And about children can't go outside at Sunday applied to my Mormon friend too.
You'll get no argument from me there about Mormon's stand on homosexuality.
Again, get your facts straight. BYU is NOT the Mormon church, but run by school administrators who happen to be Mormon. BYU is a private religious university with their own sets of rules. No facial hair on the men is one of them because they want their students to be clean-cut and presentable to themselves and everyone else. No long hair for men as well. BYU also have a Honor Code and dress code for BOTH men and women. It's the same with other religious colleges or universities where they require dress codes and "silly" rules.
The Mormons treat Sunday as the Sabbath Day and a day of rest. It is their religious belief that Sunday is the day you stay with the family and focus on the spiritual well-being of each member of the family. TV shows, video games, computer, playing outside, having a party are all considered irreverent and not "keeping the Sabbath Day holy".
Wow, not surprised that mormon is believe to kill animals for meat.
PuyoPiyo said Mormons are recommended to eat "sparingly" meaning Mormons are to eat meat VERY little. The belief is that if you eat red meat all the time, it will cause cancer or other health problems. Also, Mormons are encouraged to eat balanced meals, mostly fruits and vegetables. Meat is considered as a last resort to eat if starving or famine.
Yeah, I'm waiting for Rocky or Mormon beliefs to answer my question.
I forget to add one more question for mormon.
As far as I know from my German co-worker who married to American. They are Mormon and have 3 grown children. Mormon husbands are allow to have sex with other women to protect their wives or leave their wives alone.
Mormons are supposed to be monogamous and stay with one spouse. The LDS Church has already established the policy long time ago that a family is one man and one wife. The "mormons" you see on TV who have more than one wives are not real members of the LDS Church. If anyone was practicing polygamy in the LDS Church, they would be asked to divorce all the wives, choose one to be married to or face excommunication from the Church.