No. If you can read you have access. Hearing has nothing to do with it.
That's what I'm thinking. It's easier and faster to sign
than to sign the exact english phrase
The river flows into the the dam and gravity drains the water into large turbines which turn from the force of the water to generate electricity. This is how Hydroelectric power works.
My god just signing the entire sentence out to myself seems long and cumbersome.
Having needs has absolutely nothing to do with being needy. All human beings have needs. A deaf student has a need to have access to communication in the same way that a hearing student has a need to have an access to communication. A deaf student has a need to know what is being communicated in the classroom and a hearing student has a need to know what is being communicated in the classroom. A hearing student's need is simply addressed in a different manner than the deaf student's need. They both have the same need. There is nothing disabling about having a need for communication, or the entire human population would be disabled by it. What is disabling is the refusal to address that need for the entire population.
There is nothing wrong with using a word that accurrately describes something.
Having needs has absolutely nothing to do with being needy. All human beings have needs.
Sorry i disagree, really nicely composed answer but reality is needs is something they used against us. Hearing people 'dont have needs, except when discussing economics prioritys that is, needs against wants.
They impose needs assessment, very clever 'compromise' to fulfil the hunger for control those in power and to 'administrate' the playing field to their likings by introducing a 'communicative process' in the name of 'needs assessment'.
Sorry Jillo i dont buy your explanation, it is nice but too idealistic. I have done research, and I am lending to the likes of some writers from Disability advocates in Britain. They eloqently expounds all this arguement with great clarity, even though its British, its well fitting for New Zealand, as right now New Zealand is similar to Canada, well maybe 10-15 year behind but both share similar characterisitics of mutating their social admininstration protocols. The British focuses on direct power, whereas the American disability tend to rely on the power from use of the congress admentments.
I find that attitude infuriating. Though I have language delays, that doesn't mean that I shouldn't improve myself. I think the same goes for others.
No no..everyone, whether dead, hering, blind, and so on have needs and people will do what it takes to get their needs met. Why do people eat, have sex, sleep, and so on..we all have needs. Simple as that.
Hahahaha! HearAgain, u caught my typo...maybe dead people have needs too? Lol!
Hahahaha! HearAgain, u caught my typo...maybe dead people have needs too? Lol!
Hahahaha! HearAgain, u caught my typo...maybe dead people have needs too? Lol!
A hearing person's needs are no more or less important than a Deaf person's needs and vice-versa.
If you're going to separate yourself in terms of Deaf needs vs. hearing needs, you're only placing more of a distance between you and hearing society.
maybe, but you would also be severing the chains of controls, which means d/Deaf people can define what their 'needs' are , and how it is to be administrated. As long as we are in 'under' their decree, no amount of redefinition of 'needs' is going to change how we are subject to 'their ideas' of procedures.
So 'distance' could be a good thing, but in real terms it would affect in the opposite manner, we would be more 'included in society' just as how they have said forever to this date, as long as we are included in their perceptions of this widely recognised word from the dictionary, this means sharing their ideas of power and what happened? we get exclued further and further away.
duh its hard to explain, but thats all i can say for now.
No no..everyone, whether dead, hering, blind, and so on have needs and people will do what it takes to get their needs met. Why do people eat, have sex, sleep, and so on..we all have needs. Simple as that.
Actually, a Deaf person cannot define how their needs are to be administered since they must be considered reasonable accommodations under the ADA.
What do you mean by that??