Ohio teen killed mom over Halo 3 video game

Watch Futurama: Bender's Game, the movie. Exact the same story. Can't seperate fantasy from reality. Yet the judge believed that the kid was sane when he killed his mom and shot his dad in the head.

World of Warcraft, hahaha, very addicting, that kid was probably rocking on the game. Did you know that if you made an account with awesome characters with incredible items, you can make up to 500 to 2000 dollars. Per account. ZZZ.
Similar things can be said for jogging. Some guy got hurt so badly he could not jog -- So he offed himself because he did not feel life was worth living any more.

Man who lived in the house back of me had diabetes, toes cut off, he said it didn't matter life was worth living so long as he could do his wood building projects. When his balance became so bad he could not stand over the table saw without being a danger to himself he shot himself.

You can't make everything that is addictive illegal.

All people are different and all parents are different. Some will always be stricter than others. Most are just doing the best they know how.

Fact is there are tens of thousands of game addicts and thousands of them are teens and younger, many of whom have had their games taken from them by their parents. No doubt some of them had tantrums and some probably ran away from home.

They didn't shoot their parents over it.

If a teenager believes what the parents are doing is wrong they can call the authorities or leave home.

Shooting them is just wrong.
I see that many of you debated whether it was parenting skills that led the teenager to shooting them.

I think that the kid was so addicted to the game and would kill to get his "fix" just like a drug addict desperate for a "fix" would.

Still, it doesnt justify the shooting.
The whole thing sucks. A trigger lock should be used in all households with children:

I would've given him a different game like Simcity.

What did he think he'd do if he killed both parents? What would happen to their house and cars? Did he think he could keep crashing at his friends' all the time? Where'd he get his food?
The whole thing sucks. A trigger lock should be used in all households with children:


That's great, but what if you lost the key and the Grizzly Bear is a-knocking at the door?

Kinda hard to predict anything, really.

The kid didn't know either, i bet, that he killed his mom and wounded his dad fatally.