You're welcome.
I'm gonna be real clear here. Don't bring my kid up again. You don't know her, you don't deserve to. I would never allow her to be around such a vile person as you. You disgust me on every level. You want to talk about me, attack me, fine. But don't you dare bring her up again. I won't mention her, I won't use her as an example, nothing, so you have no reason to. Drop it, and move on. If you a single ounce of decency, you will not bring a child into your quest to....I don' know what your goal is, maybe to feel smarter and better than every one....I don't care what it is, just leave my child alone.
Oh boy, here we go again...
Sounds good for me. Don't bring her up - that's very fair.
I'm gonna be real clear here. Don't bring my kid up again. You don't know her, you don't deserve to. I would never allow her to be around such a vile person as you. You disgust me on every level. You want to talk about me, attack me, fine. But don't you dare bring her up again. I won't mention her, I won't use her as an example, nothing, so you have no reason to. Drop it, and move on. If you a single ounce of decency, you will not bring a child into your quest to....I don' know what your goal is, maybe to feel smarter and better than every one....I don't care what it is, just leave my child alone.
Then I suggest you get your kid's business out of public view.
This wasn't about your kid. It was about your contradictions and denials.
I still have serious gaps in my spoken language despite being immersed in it full time growing up. Only my ASL doesnt have gaps!
Thank you. If only others (DD much) would shut up about things they know nothing about, and agree.
agree to what?
Not to bring a child into their hate.
Shut up about my child.
Any parent who makes their child's life public should be prepared for any public's opinion about their child or their child's journey. Cant have your cake and eat it too.