BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clinton did a fantastic job on economy and he did an amazing job creating 23 millions of jobs.
Now, I am looking at Bush!! Who stood next to Bush most the times? McCain. McCain + Bush = No change.
I wish that Bush brings troops home earlier, it'd save us billions of money. 40 millions of dollars per month to the Middle East. 40 millions per month. That means... 40 x 12 months = 480 millions per year. We are having war with few countries in Middle East since 2001. That means... 7 years now. 480 x 7 = 3,360,000,000 (3.3 Billions) That'd explain why we were leading into Ecomony Crisis. Does it make sense?
Now, Bush is now well known as War President. McCain went to military academy and he went to war for years. He has military experiences. It is highly like another War President for another 4 years if we vote McCain.
Oh boy, we will not see World Peace. We are working so hard for Peace. Is that what we got in return? Think about it.