First of all, since when is it the duty of the President to propose anything about our public schools? Please show me in the Constitution where this is one of his duties.
One size does
not fit all when it comes to schools.
For this generation of students to remain competitive with their international peers as adults, they need to start spending more time in school.
How many hours per day, days per year did Obama attend school?
How many hours per day, days per year did our NASA scientists, computer hardware and software designers, entrepreneurs, inventors, etc., attend school prior to the 70's?
If the quantity of school time increases, is that a guarantee that the quality of schools will improve? Or will it just be more hours of the same-old, same-old? Will the kids be alert late into the afternoon?
This week President Obama proposed that American school children extend their time in class, either by lengthening the school day, or spending less time on summer vacation.
I guess he doesn't have enough to keep him busy as President, so he's decided to get involved with schools.
In fact, American children spend the least amount time in the classroom when compared to other countries. Currently, the school year length in the States is 180 days. Advocates are pushing further toward a 200-day school year, which would align with Thailand, Scotland and the Netherlands, and leave us a close second with Israel, South Korea and Japan, who leads with a 243-day school year.
Yes, the government would love to have more hours of influence over our precious children.
This comes as Obama makes it very clear that education is on his hot-list of priorities. He admits the notion of spending more time in school is not “wildly popular”, but necessary.
I thought our economy and universal health care were his hot-list priorities; oh, and that pesky war over there.
He was applauded for his breadth of knowledge regarding the public education system in the U.S.
Maybe he should be Secretary of Education instead of President and Commander in Chief?
He cited that one-third of the 13- and 14-year-olds in our country cannot read at an appropriate level for their age, and that the eighth grade curriculum is two years behind competing nations. He says the part of the problem is our “race to the bottom” mindset, wherein states are comfortable with lower standards for students.
Specifically, how would longer hours and more days resolve those problems?
How will longer hours at school develop a love for reading in the Wii generation?
Obama and his Secretary of Education Arne Duncan are truly advocates for a superior education system than that we’ve previously and currently known. It’s imperative that states use the stimulus package money to rebuild curriculum...
What exactly happened to the curriculum, and what would be done to "rebuild" it?
The stimulus money will provide the increase in pay for how long?
improve school conditions...
For how long?
offer newer technologies to students...
I thought they couldn't read and use a map. How will newer technologies resolve those problems? How did students manage to read and use maps in the past before technology was available?
and even extend the school year to ensure that this generation can not only keep up with their international peers, but even surpass them in the professional environment of the coming decades
Are we sure that adding a couple months of school will do all that?
Do we know how much it will cost to pay teachers, administration, and maintenance staff for those extra weeks? How much will it cost to air condition the schools thru the summer? How much will it cost to heat and AC the schools during longer school days? How dark will it be when kids go to school and come home? Will teachers experience burn out? When will teachers have time to get their advanced degrees? If high school students can't get summer jobs to pay for their college, what will they do? Will this plan be mandatory or will each school board decide whether or not to adopt it?