Heh it has not surprised me that many of you do not like the change. Obama became our president for a REASON. he is trying to bring a good change to America and I guess many of you just dont respect him for how well he is doing his job so far. He is not the next George Bush.
Yes, I have some of disagreement with his political issues but he still have my support because he deserve it. He is not prefect but I can see that he is trying his best what he can.
But anyway, America gets PLENTY of breaks than in other countries do. We got 3 months off for the summer vacation, we also have alot of national holidays including christmas, easter, thanksgiving, labor's day and so on...those are the days where we obviously dont go to school. We got plenty of breaks during these holidays. 3 months of freedom for the summer is too much. Of course I am stating from my opinon but thats how I see with our country. our schools end in early June and start in the middle of august every year. Was that plenty of breaks for us? Yes it was. It's not the end of the world if for the 21st century we are in, our schools extend longer even in the summer big whoop! of course the kids would still have a life with friends and family. You worry too much about them schools extending more time. You WANT your kids to have a bright future? Then let them have it by reaching their goals more seriously when they extend more school time.
Yes, I agree that 3 months summer vacation is too much. Summer school holiday here in Germany is 6 weeks. 6 weeks is good enough for summer break. Yes, children need proper education because its about their future.
Kids will still have a life with other kids and families same like adults who goes to work will still have a life with their friends and families too as well so...work is obviously extended than school and you would still get break from work so really, whats the difference? work, school, and future are very important of a human's life.
I do understand that you dont like that "change." But seriously...give it a chance. This is something we could do better for our country's future.
I agree everything what you said here and your previous posts.
3 months school summer holiday?I´m totally against it. NO WAY!!!!
It is also difficult when schools are expected to provide exceptional adjunct services rather than teach the curriculum. The more time spent in pull out, the less time spent teaching the curriculum.
That said, our edcuational system is indeed in crisis. However, I fail to see how more time spent in underfunded classrooms with outdated textbooks and technology is the answer.
Thank You! Finally some one understands!
It is not the days. It is the funding that is continuously being cut from our schools! It is causing the teachers to lose the motivation to teach, It is causing the kids to lose motivation to learn. Mainly.... the lack of having the tools to teach, and learn.
This has also made me wonder about the discipline methods, that are being used in countries.....
I have to agree with those ideas of longer school days.
My opinion, a month and a half (or less than two months) vacation is good enough.
Well, Liebling, Bydie, Netrox, SteelX, and a several another ADers are right. You see, at my former school, I did not have so many friends. They were really never inivent (sp) me to their houses except my best friends. I didn't go outgoing very much except special holidays or some members of my family had their birthday. I always did the self-taught in some ways, so I was only studied whatever I want to learn. But it was pretty difficult to do it alone without any help, due to my lack of grammar. Sometimes, my family didn't want to help me. Each summer, I forget some importance things to know... It was so sucks. So, I do think longer school days is pretty important for the knowlegde. Kids and teens really need it more than anything!
I prefer to see schools have longer school days for the improvement on education, and in my opinion, I think schools really NEED uniforms as a proper clothe code. I just cant stand how much teens/kids want to be so sexy for attention. :roll:
Longer days is not the solution...maybe year round schooling but definitely not longer days. Teachers are already so burnt out..if school days were to be extended, I think less people will be interested in becoming teachers due to the low pay and high stress related to the job.
I actually like the idea of year round education. When I was a kid, I went to summer school because I wanted to (it wasn't required and my mother didn't force me). Yes, it sucked to get up early but I liked it.
Also, you retain knowledge much better if you keep up with it. You can forget a LOT in three months if you don't get stimulated continously. Besides I really liked the teachers I had.
Understandable. I hope you don't mind me to ask, what is the solution for that?
Our children goes to school for some 12 years (plus some college/post educational stages) and where does that leave for the rest of their lives?
Understandable. I hope you don't mind me to ask, what is the solution for that?
The other thing I noticed about the schools in America is that we tend to give the students a day off for every holiday.......
I remember visiting my cousins who had Christmas Break, Spring Break and then have 3 months off for the summer.
Now it seems that every month--there is a 3 or 4 day weekend for the students as well as Thanskgiving break, Winter break, Mid-Winter break, Spring break....I mean for crying out loud--how many breaks do the students need?
No wonder our schools are in crisis mode as we are too busy giving the students breaks!
Honestly I believe that the government has the right to be involved in the education sector in terms of funding, however I also believe that instead of lawmakers dictating how the students should be taught, it should be left up to the teachers to dictate what works and what doesn't.
A lot of those breaks are in a high debate as we speak in this forumn. Due to the religious holidays are the ones that takes weeks off.
Presidents Day. Memorial Day, Gives an extra day off. religious holidays. People take weeks off. SO they are able to spend the time with their families.
Now.. Since America is so diverse. Other religions, want to be able to spend extra time off. Same as the standard Christian holidays.
I do not want to throw religions in this thread. but just simply explaining why certain holidays have an extended vacation.
Gorgeous post as always.
However this comment and question I want to add to is that we are failing our children in not stressing that education is an ongoing process. Many individuals just focus on obtaining their diploma and not embracing the learning process and that is where it is hurting us.
I hear you loud and clear.
However do you find it interesting that we can't say the pledge in our classrooms because it says, "Under God" in it and yet the schools get days off for religious days/weekends/weeks?
Sounds like they are speaking out of both sides of theirs mouths.....