Enter Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.), the Blue Dog Democrat who struck a deal with Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) to narrow the health care bill's scope and cost. Ross' amendment to the bill spends two of its 28 pages on the question of end-of-life care. Specifically, Ross makes it illegal for counselors to promote or list as an option suicide or assisted suicide. Ross also states that the counseling is optional, and that seeking counseling on a living will, for example, will not be interpreted by a hospital as declining full and aggressive treatment.
The House has not passed its health care reform bill yet, and the Senate Finance Committee has not voted on health care reform at all. But the language now in House's health care reform bill, specifically in the Ross amendment, does not promote euthanasia or assisted suicide. It prevents health care providers from discussing it.
Euthanasia and Reform: What is the Truth? -- Politics Daily
If you’ve been listening to all those Republican leaders spouting this nonsense and thinking “man, that sounds crazy”, there’s a good reason why. It’s because it is crazy. How can we tell? Because it is disturbingly similar to a line that has been pushed for a couple months now by an actual crazy person — political cult leader and full-on nutbar Lyndon LaRouche.
If you’re not familiar with him, LaRouche has been living on the American political fringe since the 1960s, first as an extreme Marxist, then reinventing himself in the 1980s as an extreme right-winger to capitalize on the popularity of Ronald Reagan.
Over all those years, though, LaRouche has been consistent in advancing some of the most downright crazy ideas ever introduced to American political discourse. Said crazy ideas include, but are not limited to:
The world is secretly run by the British Empire!
The international drug cartels are secretly run by Queen Elizabeth!
The Beatles weren’t a band, but a psychological warfare campaign by the British government!
Henry Kissinger was an agent for the KGB and the Trilateral Commission!
Vice President Dick Cheney was a puppet of British intelligence!
This spring’s swine flu outbreak was orchestrated by the World Wildlife Fund!
The anti-tax “tea party” movement is a creation of liberal billionaire George Soros — and popular social-networking site Twitter was created by Soros to control it!
It would almost be comical, if his little cult didn’t have a record of embezzling elderly people and exploiting impressionable young people — with one such young person even ending up dead after attempting to break away.
So why do I bring all this up? Because for months before Betsy McCaughey and the GOP started peddling the Big Lie that health care reform meant euthanasia, LaRouche was peddling the same thing.
Consider this statement from a LaRouche publication dated May 16:
Today, the looters are inside the White House, in the persons of Larry Summers, Peter Orszag, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Nancy-Ann DeParle, and others. There, they are dictating how to continue the HMO looting rights, even to the point of death, under the banner of “saving money” by health-care “reform.” Citizens are receiving Hitler-era “reasons” for why they must accept drastic medical cutbacks, sickness, and death. For example, you must forego what is called “wasteful, excessive treatment,” during your end-of-life months.
President Obama has proclaimed this Nazi medicine/health
“reform” his top goal. Congress, so far, is acting in lockstep, under the direction of Sens. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), and Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), to whip up comprehensive reform legislation by this June.
Or this one, dated May 15:
“This is mass murder,” LaRouche said. “Obama has adopted Hitler’s program. There is no reason to hold one’s tongue. When the President of the United States has adopted Hitler’s program, that’s the time to unleash. This is exactly what I warned about on April 11th in my webcast. Obama has a Nero complex. Obama is the new Nero. This is exactly what is happening. This is Hitler’s policy now being echoed by Obama. Let’s not allow any compromise. You have to attack this directly. He has adopted Hitler’s genocidal health policy.”
The "Health Reform = Euthanasia" Lie: It Sounds Crazy Because It Is Crazy | CtW Connect
“AARP supports specific measures that would help older Americans and their families – including bipartisan proposals to create a new follow-up care benefit in Medicare that would help prevent hospital re-admissions, as well as to address the Medicare prescription drug coverage gap known as the ‘doughnut hole.’ We also support the need for lawmakers and the Administration to act this year to fix what doesn’t work in the health care system.
“We share the President’s commitment to act this year, and our members appreciate his insistence that any final reform package will not reduce Medicare benefits for the millions of people that literally depend on that program as a lifeline.
AARP Reacts to President?s Health Care Townhall