Nowadays, it's hard to tell if a person is truly 100% Africa-American, Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, etc...
We brought the Africans here, then mixed the blood among the slaves. Hispanics have already been living here... in California and Texas. Native Indians have been here before any of us came here. Asians were in Hawaii before us.
Let's say that it all started before we became the United States of America. That would be 1776... 232 years ago.
Since an average generation is 20 to 22 years, that would make the United States at least 11 generations. A lot can happen in 11 generations.
For all we know I could be part African because I've never met my dad and no one has ever told me who my father was. I have friends who tell me that they're Caucasian, but they look Hispanic or Asian. The reason why they consider themselves Caucasian is because both of their parents said so.
Each generation will always forget a little something or want to forget a little something of their pass because they're trying to move on.
So, I don't really care who is African, Asian, Hispanic, etc...
All I really care about is that people grow up and behave as they should. I've seen people of other races do things because they say it's "their way". Even deaf people do it too. "I'm Deaf! Yes, with a big 'D'. So, back off!" Seriously, these kinds of things are what's making us look bad.
I've even heard people say, "If you don't know English, get out of this country!"