O.J. Simpson Found Guilty of Armed Robbery

... I think one of the reasons O.J. wasn't found guilty in 1995 was because he had an all-black jury. If the jury make-up had consisted of Caucasions, African-Americans and Hispanics, I'm sure the end result would have been different.
No, it wasn't an all-black jury in 1995.

"Simpson’s 1995 murder trial had a jury made up of nine African-Americans, two whites and one Hispanic who delivered the not guilty verdict."
O.J. Simpson jury contains mostly women, no African-Americans - Las Vegas Sun
Thank you for correcting me Reba. I based my statement on one of the earlier newspaper articles Sara posted which said that it was an all-black jury.
Ah, I see.

No problem. :)
OJ Simpson faces life behind bars because jury was 'on payback mission for Nicole Brown murders'
OJ Simpson faces life behind bars because jury was 'on payback mission for Nicole Brown murders' | Mail Online

OJ Simpson jurors disagreed with past acquittal over wife's muder
OJ Simpson jurors disagreed with past acquittal over wife's muder - Telegraph

Payback time for OJ after 13 years
Payback time for OJ Simpson after 13 years | The Sun |News

I would agree their side even no matter if the judge claimed not to count his last famous BS trial in LV. He needs to pay for that regardless of that. Thank you, juries!
There's a joke about O J Simpson and Clay Aiken--What's the difference between them? Well of course OJ is not coming out! :D