JohnnyE said:
I am not a bible thumping extremist. I can tell you the truth that Gallaudet University is a gay and lesbian's extremist university for Deaf glbt's.
If you looks like a duck, quacks like a duck..It's a DUCK!
You sure sound extreme to me, especially in your statment about Galludet. Granted, I'm hearing, and I've never attended there, but I highly doubt it is like you say.
Many colleges are full of things that are considered unhealthy. Take drinking for instance... It's widely known that alot of campuses have a problem with binge drinking, but does that mean they are cesspools? No. It just means that when a person goes to college for the first time, and finds out they have alot of freedom, they lose their minds, and do stupid things like drinking, partying, ect.
In MOST cases, it causes no real harm. In SOME cases, it does. But, to say that all colleges are degrading society because of the prevalence of binge drinking is a generalization. Just like it's a generalization to say Gally is extreme because of it's population of GLBT individuals.
I would suggest that you re-think some things, because, your perceptions are a bit warped.