I was not surprised either....parents should always stand behind their children. It's possible Dallas' parents did not know of the abuse?....If Dallas was a chronic abuser, and his parents have repeatedly bailed him out of trouble, then I feel they are doing the wrong thing!...But if this was the first time, then the parents' should try every avenue they can to try to get him some help.
Even if the parents refused to bail him out....he would have friends to do so anyway.
As I told my oldest son, when he got into some trouble, that I would be there for him and beg the judge for liency (mercy)....BUT...I also told my son that if he ever got into any other trouble, that he was on "his own"....and I have repeated this to my other 2 boys, and fortunately, they have not been into any trouble, at school or home.
First and foremost, I believe we as parents need to teach our children to be responsible for their own actions.
Good Luck to Sunny during this time.