North Korea threatens U.S.with Nuclear war!

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Buckdodgers said:
He didnt do his job right.He was so soft on North Korea and on Al Queda.For example Bush Spend Billions getting Terrorist.Bill Clinton Spent Billions getting Bill Gates.Bush got Saddam and Most of Al Queda and Killed some of them.Bill Clinton was too chicken to do something about saddam,Al Queda or North Korea.

No I don't think so, he had a powerful position. I'm sure he had a good reason not to get too involved or something. I guess he had different ideas when he was in the power.
me_punctured said:
We're still waiting for the weapons of mass destruction!

There is no WMD in Iraq, but we went there for oil. It expalins why our gas price was getting really expensive before.
Cane Corso said:
There is no WMD in Iraq, but we went there for oil. It expalins why our gas price was getting really expensive before.

Sorry, totally disagree. They did find WMD stuff...not necessarily upto date. It isn't about oil either and the high prices is not directly due to the conflict. It has much more to do with the Chinese buying up as much oil as possible to run their economy. They need the economy to run to keep the money pouring in and they are desperate to keep a lid on discontent with the pleasants and need the jobs the economy generates. Everybody wants oil and there isn't nearly enough to go around and hence the volitility of oil prices. Every little jitter in geopolitical realm pushes up the price. Right now, it all about Iran and its nuke program, North Korea and its missiles, and issues in Nigeria (the haves and have nots).

We are not even in control of the Iraqi oil...they are and its infrastructure is all messed up due to Saddam shannegans over the years. Plus the insurgents keep messing up the pipelines and other stuff. We aren't seeing the same output as long before the invasion. In the scheme of things, Iraqi oil is irrelevant.
sr171soars said:
Sorry, totally disagree. They did find WMD stuff...not necessarily upto date. It isn't about oil either and the high prices is not directly due to the conflict. It has much more to do with the Chinese buying up as much oil as possible to run their economy. They need the economy to run to keep the money pouring in and they are desperate to keep a lid on discontent with the pleasants and need the jobs the economy generates. Everybody wants oil and there isn't nearly enough to go around and hence the volitility of oil prices. Every little jitter in geopolitical realm pushes up the price. Right now, it all about Iran and its nuke program, North Korea and its missiles, and issues in Nigeria (the haves and have nots).

We are not even in control of the Iraqi oil...they are and its infrastructure is all messed up due to Saddam shannegans over the years. Plus the insurgents keep messing up the pipelines and other stuff. We aren't iaryseeing the same output as long before the invasion. In the scheme of things, Iraqi oil is irrelevant.

What an interesting view you have, but I haven't heard a thing about WMD being found in Iraq. A few months ago, I remember very clear that a reporter asked about the WMD in Iraq and the person who runs the military operation said there's no WMD. I'm not sure what his name was, but he is the 2nd military officer right next to Rumsfeld. Was it found recently? If so, do you have the source or a reliable link?

My opinion, why do we want to go after Saddam if he is not that dangerous to us compare to Iran and North Korea? I think it is full of B.S.
Cane Corso said:
Mr Clinton got his congressmen to limit the CIA's fund. Some of the CIA's secretive papers were stolen and they were found in China, North Korea, and other countries. I'm not sure if I believe the story, but my sister is a politic science major. She told me about it yesterday so I haven't look up anythiing about it.
just recently appeared on news that CIA disbanded the task group that focus on Bin Laden last year. Gee... It is like Bush saying "I don't care about him anymore" when he first said "wanted dead or alive"
Boult said:
just recently appeared on news that CIA disbanded the task group that focus on Bin Laden last year. Gee... It is like Bush saying "I don't care about him anymore" when he first said "wanted dead or alive"
We are playing an psycology game with him.When Osama shows up and if they pick him up on phone by satelite then we know where the target is.Just like we found out where al-Zarqawi located in IRAQ and them we dropped a bomb on his house.Sooner or later we will find these terrorist.Belive you me Bin laden is worried.
Cane Corso said:
Was it found recently? If so, do you have the source or a reliable link?

Again this is a link about finding outdated stuff...
WMD Link

Cane Corso said:
My opinion, why do we want to go after Saddam if he is not that dangerous to us compare to Iran and North Korea? I think it is full of B.S.

It was because it was thought that Saddam had up-to-date WMD as he did use some against the Kurds back in the 80's (some 5000) people were killed and I have seen the pictures of the victims on the ground (rather grisly). He was playing a game which convinced many people of his sincerity that he would use them. Heck, he made of mess of Kuwait in the early '90s and many people died in that fiasco. Basically you had a lose cannon in him and no telling what he might do.

Compared to him, the Iranian and North Koreans were more circumspect and played things close to the cuff. I would agree with you (now) that these two are definitely more worrisome than Saddam but 20/20 hindsight is better than

Intelligence is a difficult thing as you know so much but not everything. People in positions of power have to make decisions everyday that may or may not have enormous implications. Mistakes are made for better or worst. My only beef about Iraq has been not that we went over there but the apparent lack of a good plan in dealing with this whole thing. If nothing else, it will have taught us to plan better and stay out unless a truly compelling reason puts one in harm's way.
Cynical Vez said:
Don't blame Clinton...he's not a warmonger like Bush.
Except when he sent troops to Bosnia. :D
sr171soars said:
Again this is a link about finding outdated stuff...
WMD Link

It was because it was thought that Saddam had up-to-date WMD as he did use some against the Kurds back in the 80's (some 5000) people were killed and I have seen the pictures of the victims on the ground (rather grisly). He was playing a game which convinced many people of his sincerity that he would use them. Heck, he made of mess of Kuwait in the early '90s and many people died in that fiasco. Basically you had a lose cannon in him and no telling what he might do.

Oh yeah! He does not like the Kurds very much, because they did not want to do anything with the Iraqis. They have a different culture and their religion is very secular from Muslims; Shias, etc.
me_punctured said:
We're still waiting for the weapons of mass destruction!
Rep. Pete Hoekstra Details His Breakthrough WMD Report
June 23, 2006

... A breakthrough report says coalition forces have found chemical weapons in Iraq. That would mean Saddam Hussein lied. He did have weapons of mass destruction, at least 500 of them, according to Republican Sen. Rick Santorum and Republican Congressman Pete Hoekstra....,2933,200763,00.html
Reba said:
Rep. Pete Hoekstra Details His Breakthrough WMD Report
June 23, 2006

... A breakthrough report says coalition forces have found chemical weapons in Iraq. That would mean Saddam Hussein lied. He did have weapons of mass destruction, at least 500 of them, according to Republican Sen. Rick Santorum and Republican Congressman Pete Hoekstra....,2933,200763,00.html
I have said that somewhere in AD that it was disavowed by Dept of Defense. I wouldn't believe Santorum.. he is just hyping it up.
Cane Corso said:
No one knows what Kim Jong II wants; he is an insane leader. I'm not talking about normal leaders who care for their people, but something is wrong with his inside head. In 1990 til now, he made his people go through a bad period of famine. He does not allow any food trades and he allows a small scale of food from UN World food programme into his country. Not many people know what's going on inside North Korea and it is isolated from everyone. Yesterday, I was watching a secretive footage about two young boys who transport a few illgeal tapes out of North Korea. If both boys were caught, they would face a death plenty, labor camp, or prison. Many innocent people were executed by soliders for speaking out negative things about Kim Jong II.

I don't think Kim Jong II cares much for diplomacy.

Very true as you've stated above. I also read one magazine in a few years ago and there were several men/women who told their stories about what was goin' on inside North Korea. They accounted about what Jong II's armies did to them in prison. I will give you an example : They stomped on their faces with their hard toed boots and it caused their eyes comin' out of its sockets ... some of them had to put them back in. Gee - after hearin' their stories about what happened inside the prisons, it was realllly sick and inhumane. I mean, really very inhumane what Jong II did to his people in North Korea. Some of prisoners were lucky to be alive and they tell their stories in U.S. - I am not sure where but, that was how the stories got in the magazines. Some of them were blind by usin' experiements... some of them lose their limbs and so forth. Yep, North Korea is very isolated state.

I feel sorry for North Korea prisoners and, I am definitely sure that they need help, but they don't know how to escape from North Korea.

Thanks for the link. I have checked it out. I realized it was published on June 2006 so it must be pretty new.
Reba said:
Except when he sent troops to Bosnia. :D

Lets also not forget Mogadetsu (I know i botched the spelling!!!! ).

He sent troops there, and lets not forget what a mess that turned out to be. :whistle:
CyberRed said:
Very true as you've stated above. I also read one magazine in a few years ago and there were several men/women who told their stories about what was goin' on inside North Korea. They accounted about what Jong II's armies did to them in prison. I will give you an example : They stomped on their faces with their hard toed boots and it caused their eyes comin' out of its sockets ... some of them had to put them back in. Gee - after hearin' their stories about what happened inside the prisons, it was realllly sick and inhumane. I mean, really very inhumane what Jong II did to his people in North Korea. Some of prisoners were lucky to be alive and they tell their stories in U.S. - I am not sure where but, that was how the stories got in the magazines. Some of them were blind by usin' experiements... some of them lose their limbs and so forth. Yep, North Korea is very isolated state.

I feel sorry for North Korea prisoners and, I am definitely sure that they need help, but they don't know how to escape from North Korea.

Oh geeze! This is horrible and inhumane. How could a man allow this practice to his people? It is very digusting! I have heard that Kim Jong II told many lies to his people that outside North Korea is no better than they are. I think he has a mental illness or he just enjoys the power he has over his people
Cynical Vez said:
Don't blame Clinton...he's not a warmonger like Bush.

You are right. He is not a warmonger like Bush. Instead lets cut the military so its hanging on by a thread, stick our heads in the sand...and then wait for countries like North Korea to launch 'test' missles at us....yeah...that sounds about right.
Taylor said:
You are right. He is not a warmonger like Bush. Instead lets cut the military so its hanging on by a thread, stick our heads in the sand...and then wait for countries like North Korea to launch 'test' missles at us....yeah...that sounds about right.

Yup :ugh3:

I don't completely agree with the way Bush has handled the war, but I do believe that we're safer with Bush at the helm than we ever were when Clinton was president.
Buckdodgers want all members to be republicans then no way for him.

He don't know about anything about both of them and he make mistake at most time.

Buckdodgers seems like Ravensteve... :whistle:
Oceanbreeze said:
Yup :ugh3:

I don't completely agree with the way Bush has handled the war, but I do believe that we're safer with Bush at the helm than we ever were when Clinton was president.

I do disagree with some of the things that Bush has done as well and would like to have seen some things done differently. At least he is doing SOMETHING. Before Bush, we had terrorist attacks against this nation and nothing was ever done about it. I would have commended Clinton (and would have become a fan of his and possibly changed parties) had he actually done something about the terrorism problem much earlier..such as getting Osama when he had the chance but again stuck his head in the sand...just as he did with Saddam Hussein. It is proven that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and used them against his own people. Clinton's attitude was "if it doesn't happen on US soil, then it doesn't concern us".

The analogy I use is if somebody were breaking into my house, I'm glad I don't have Clinton as a neighbor. He would happily close his blinds and say "as long as its not my house, I don't care". Bush, on the other hand, would have called 911 and came to assist me with guns blazing. North Korea was a problem during Clinton's era and he happily closed his blinds and said "not my problem". Bush is absolutely correct that North Korea belongs in the Axis of Evil...and he sees it for what its worth.
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