Multiple Uses of Cued Speech
Cued Speech was created for use by families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Cued Speech provides cued listening, cued phonemes, cued languages, and cued speechreading. Research and experience have proven the benefits of Cued Speech use for people who are deaf or hard of hearing in the development of
reading skills.
Speech-language pathologists and special educators saw the results of Cued Speech use with children with hearing loss and began the expansion of its use to children and adults with other needs. These individuals may have no disabilities or may have one or more disabilities, including but not limited to:
auditory neuropathy / dys-synchrony
cerebral palsy
developmental disabilities
learning disabilities.
Cued Speech is the unique link in sensory integration, bringing together sound, sight, kinesthesia, and motor movement at the phonemic level of language in any setting. Children and adults with and without hearing loss benefit from the multi-sensory nature of Cued Speech for a variety of purposes, such as
phonemic stimulation for listening, speech, language and literacy
presenting phonics to beginning readers
learning the phonemes of an added spoken language
speech instruction for articulation and disfluencies
language development
auditory discrimination and processing
oral-motor patterning
and more…
The following articles describe in more depth some of the many uses of Cued Speech:
Speech-Language Pathologist Uses Cued Speech for Hearing Children By Anne Marie Dziekonski
Cued Speech for Special Children By Pamela Beck
Cued Speech and Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorders By Pamela Beck
Cued Speech and Down Syndrome By Pamela Beck