Goodness I'm 25 now since after tax day... I've my license at age 16 for family reason but driving ever since... I got into 5 accident:
2 at fault: 1. Crashed into a parked vehicle in neighborhood area on a curve while working for Domino's Pizza, got into sudden snowstorm and was about to do a last run but oh well.
2. rear end a SUV with other 4 friends in my car (was trying to change music station and looked up and too late)
Oh Gosh
.. Why not and next time to asking your friend hold your wheel while you looked change music station

3 NOT at fault: 1. A moron man was speeding behind me and I stopped in front of red light just in time and the car rear-end my motorcycle and I walked away from the scene little injured (I refused to go hospital cuz the man's insurance expired 2 week before my accident so I end up sued his old insurance company and attend physical therapy for 5 months before I got better but will have problems when I become old fart.
2. A woman from NYC rented a SUV (whose on cell phone while driving) ran through a red light in a one way street in downtown and I was driving across the street (right of way on green light) and when I saw her about to crash me, I slammed my brake and turn right fast as I could but crashed front of my car (funny to watch my front bumper flying 1/2 block away lol) I drove home in my car but felt so UNSAFE cuz I could see my headlight, front grill etc then send it for repair while I had a rented car at the lady's insurance expense.
3. A lady on cell phone hit my rear bumper which cause a minor dent, she want to swap insurance with me but I refuse (cuz I know nowadays many people will exchange a fake insurance infos) so I use my sidekick IP-relay to call police, within 5 min 4 cops swarmed around me and other driver lol so I made sure I had correct insurance infos from other driver AND MADE sure she got ticketed before she can get away (bleep)
Also I had 3 speeding tickets: 1 on motorcycle going over 105 mph but cop clocked me at 93 mph before I could hurrily slow down but cop was pissed off trying to catch me, my good excuse I had to go bathroom but still got ticketed, fun memory lol... The other 2 tickets from my current car oh wella... But I noticed I got speeding ticket every 2 years in the month of October. Now I gotta prepare for october 2008 lol
Yes my insurance have went up and down a bit throughout the years and I have switch many insurance to find cheaper... Now I'm with encompass insurance who offer a 1 year rate instead of 6 months and is also cheaper for me, no compliants heh.