No Cussing Club

<beep> Jiro, u do look like a <beep> secretary to me!
holy <beep>ing <beep> !!! I am soooo <beep>ed if i try to even <beep>ing join this mother<beep>ing club!! WHEW!!! I feel soooo much better after expressing this <beep>!!

:laugh2::D seroiusly, its cool that a kid is doing this but , death threats ? man that is so <beeping>ing wrong !
I hope we don't get <beep>ing banned for cussing. This thread shoud have been moved to <beep>ing adult section.
I hope the OP doesnt get <beep>ing offended as this <beep> for brains thread! :lol:
In many movies if you delete all of the foul language, there would be almost no dialogue left.
I heard about this other day. I suspect most of them were from teenager(s) - hope they get caught soon to put a stop to all the crap they have caused for McKay and his family.

Brian, your absolutely right its a teen who started the "No Cussing Club" it lead to more problems for him and his family receiving threat don't know if they are from other teenagers. This young boy just wanted to do this for a school project who knew it create chaos and much more as threatening his life over cuss words
this thread is good relief! thats so funny to see like this XD

<bleep>, yeah! Ooh... Oops. > . >
This young boy just wanted to do this for a school project who knew it create chaos and much more as threatening his life over cuss words

that <beep> is <beep>ing rediculous that someone would <beep>ing threaten to kill someone over <beep>ing cuss words!
So, you only watch movies with a lot of foul language???
oh god yes, any good ones to pass on david
very topical topic if i may say so:hmm: as it seems there are young ones reading,I will bite my tongue.
<beep> Jiro <beep> never stop <beep> and we need <beep> truce!