Newton Shooting BUSTED?

Are you sure? I would be more careful on accusing somebody.

Often when parents beg for help for kids, and they do fall on deaf ears. Insurance coverage denied, red tapes, etc that could be causing mother unable to get help. So wondering if she did ask for help and got denied? If this is the case, then it is the SOCIETY'S fault not her.

Did you realize that in order to get help for autism children is very tough and almost impossible.
Not finding the help she sought, OK, maybe that's not her fault.

Leaving her guns accessible to a troubled son--that was her fault.
...I don't know if Obama has resources to sign the executive order to improve the mental health....
:hmm: Isn't improved mental health coverage included in Obamacare? If not, why not?

I guess Obamacare doesn't have all the answers, eh? But we're supposed to believe that Obama executive orders would be a solution? :hmm:

Here's another research question for you:

Are there any statistics showing how the percentage of mass shootings by mentally ill people changed, up or down, since the trend of deinstitutionalization started?

I found the answer, but may not liberally answer.

What if I don't have mental health coverage in my employer’s insurance plan? Will the ACA change that?

Employers with 50 or more workers can continue to not offer the benefits. But small group and individual plans will be required to offer the coverage in 2014 through online exchanges created under the law.

I'm planning to buy an insurance plan through one of the new exchanges. What kind of mental health coverage will I have?

All plans sold in the exchanges will be required to provide coverage for mental health and substance abuse as one of 10 essential benefit categories. That coverage must also comply with the parity laws already required for large employers. The exchanges will be open to individuals and small businesses.
The same rules will apply to small group and individual plans purchased outside of the exchange.

This means that beginning in 2014, if you, or your small employer, are purchasing any new insurance plan, coverage will include mental health benefits on par with any other medical condition. It’s not clear what exactly will be covered – for example, group home and residential treatment outside of a hospital.

What else in the ACA may improve mental health treatment?

The ACA has several other provisions that will affect mental health coverage and treatment.

The Prevention and Public Health Fund created by the law, for example, includes $35 million to integrate primary care and mental health care, $10 million to train and recruit mental health professionals, and an additional $53 million in mental health screening, surveillance and suicide prevention funds.

The ACA also requires that plans offer depression screening for adults without a copayment, co-insurance or a deductible.

Also, the Medicare does cover the mental health service.
the easiest solution? be a filthy rich lobbyist.

It looks like NRA may should become lobbyist for mental health services and dismiss all proposed gun control laws.
Yeah, but there is another way... ORGANIZED, so don't need filthy rich to begin with. Wait until organization grows to greedy filthy rich then go ahead. Ya know?

Do you see my question in #99 post?
Yes, and there is one that is possible infringe one of constitution rights. I don't want to continue debating anymore over this anyway.

Oh ok, I was just curious and not intended to debate with you.

The debate has been served on purpose with many gun threads.
Whether you agree with what is being said or not, interrupting a grieving father's statement with shouts about infringing on the 2nd amendment is totally disrespectful and callous.

Yup, I agree with you.
I think they really should highlight articles about 'good' owners with guns who save people's lives. It's not just 'bad' gunners kill innocents.

I'm so tired of all of those common articles... Oh, well.