Newton Shooting BUSTED?


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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NBC Admitted: No 'Assault Rifle' Used in Newtown Shooting Independent Journal Review
When the president surrounds himself with children while giving his announcement that reasonable gun control measures are necessary, bear in mind that those ‘assault rifles‘ the government is sure to be going after were not even used in the Newton, Connecticut elementary shooting. As NBC admits in the video above, four handguns were used to carry out that despicable atrocity. This directly contradicts other reports.

Pete Williams, who is NBC’s chief Justice correspondent, reported the following in the video posted above:
This continues to be a very complex investigation and there is a lot of contradictory information out there, but we have some new information this morning (one month ago) from a couple of federal officials and state officials.

They say now that there were actually four handguns inside the school, not just two as we were initially told. Four handguns and apparently only handguns that were taken into the school.

We knew that Adam Lanza, the man said to be the gunman here, also had an ‘assault-style’ AR-15 -style rifle that he had had taken to the school, it was in the car he drove there, his mother’s car, but we have been told by several officials that he had left that in the car.

The correspondent makes it clear over and over again that he confirmed this information with federal and state officials. Now, a lot of media reports contradict this one, but somebody’s lying. The report that an ‘AR-15-style’ assault rifle was in the trunk of murderer Adam Lanza’s car is up for dispute as well. If one examines footage from police breaking into Lanza’s car, one sees police clearing a round from a “long gun of some type” that does not appear to be ‘AR-15 style’ or ‘assault-style.’


Whether or not the mainstream media are intentionally spreading disinformation about the Sandy Hook elementary tragedy, there is one thing for certain: not only are violent crime rates at a modern low and going down, but only 323 homicides were committed by rifles in 2011. That includes hunting rifles, assault rifles, military style rifles, semi-automatic rifles and whatever label one comes up with, regardless of magazine or clip capacity.

In a nation of 311 million people, the odds of being killed by a rifle is about one homicide per million people, which is far less than the odds of being murdered by a blunt object. But we don’t hear the media arguing about regulating hammers and clubs. Again, when 99.7% of registered gun owners are law-abiding, gun control is not about guns, it’s about control.
That's why society have been so overreacted, STUPID, ABSURD, and another taxpayer waste of money! Now with new law enacted and in order, where are they going to get money to pay for extra expense, while government budget is in limbo?

Number one, NEVER trust media, number one, don't mess with US constitutions.
That's why society have been so overreacted, STUPID, ABSURD, and another taxpayer waste of money! Now with new law enacted and in order, where are they going to get money to pay for extra expense, while government budget is in limbo?

Number one, NEVER trust media, number one, don't mess with US constitutions.

X2 The mass media has no right to call themselves Journalists!!!!
Gun companies are behind the gun laws too... they are seeing 10-20 fold or more increase in sales... 6 month back order on all magazines over 10 rounds.. Obama and the rest of the sensationalist politicians are the best gun salesman ever!!!
Hell Im going to the next gun show in Feb and buy some and magazines just because government is trying to ban them all.. If it was not for the new and pending legislation, I would not even buy these guns in my lifetime but if you want to take away my 2nd amendment right to buy a gun of my choice, then I am going to get some before you do!!!

So at least in my case, these gun laws are going to put a few more guns in the hands of 1 citizen rather than take them away. In Colorado the background check is up from about a 20 minute wait to a week wait due to backlogged submission.. Figure out how many additional guns that are being sold!!!

By the way, It is illegal for the government in colorado to collect any info or track the sales of any private party gun sales. I just sold 2 guns a couple months ago and absolutely no tracking or paperwork was involved... verified they were over 21. swapped their cash for my guns... end of transaction.. This basically makes any and all gun laws useless as there are millions of guns legally owned in the US that are untrackable.

Try Free access to mental health care mandates and laws instead of Useless gun laws!!!
Did anyone even bother to verify which kinds of guns the mother had registered in her name?
Did anyone even bother to verify which kinds of guns the mother had registered in her name?

that's what I was waiting for. I was waiting to hear any official statements from ATF/FBI/LEO rather than from news.

this is really the lowest point of news reporting... :( but I'm glad that NBC came clean.. unfortunately the damage's already done.
Did anyone even bother to verify which kinds of guns the mother had registered in her name?

If she bought them private party in some states as I mentioned above, there would be no way to verify what guns she owned... Also it does not matter because the point is the shooter STOLE the guns from his mom to use them to commit mass murder which are already illegal under the law and it did squat to stop him..

Criminals do not follow the laws so stop making stupid laws that only affect law abiding citizens and do zero to prevent these types of crimes...

For all the anti gun folks read this, you won't find the mass media sharing this info.
Some interesting gun facts! Please keep in mind that statistics can be shown one way or the other to further a political agenda!

According to the National Self Defense Survey conducted by Florida State University criminologists in 1994, the rate of Defensive Gun Uses can be projected nationwide to approximately 2.5 million per year -- one Defensive Gun Use every 13 seconds.
Among 15.7% of gun defenders interviewed nationwide during The National Self Defense Survey, the defender believed that someone "almost certainly" would have died had the gun not been used for protection -- a life saved by a privately held gun about once every 1.3 minutes. (In another 14.2% cases, the defender believed someone "probably" would have died if the gun hadn't been used in defense.)

In 83.5% of these successful gun defenses, the attacker either threatened or used force first -- disproving the myth that having a gun available for defense wouldn't make any difference.

In 91.7% of these incidents the defensive use of a gun did not wound or kill the criminal attacker (and the gun defense wouldn't be called "newsworthy" by newspaper or TV news editors). In 64.2% of these gun-defense cases, the police learned of the defense, which means that the media could also find out and report on them if they chose to.

In 73.4% of these gun-defense incidents, the attacker was a stranger to the intended victim. (Defenses against a family member or intimate were rare -- well under 10%.) This disproves the myth that a gun kept for defense will most likely be used against a family member or someone you love.

In over half of these gun defense incidents, the defender was facing two or more attackers -- and three or more attackers in over a quarter of these cases. (No means of defense other than a firearm -- martial arts, pepper spray, or stun guns -- gives a potential victim a decent chance of getting away uninjured when facing multiple attackers.)

In 79.7% of these gun defenses, the defender used a concealable handgun. A quarter of the gun defenses occured in places away from the defender's home.

Source: "Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun," by Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz, in The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, Northwestern University School of Law, Volume 86, Number 1, Fall, 1995
If she bought them private party in some states as I mentioned above, there would be no way to verify what guns she owned... Also it does not matter because the point is the shooter STOLE the guns from his mom....
Yes, I know. My point was, the public impression of what the shooter used was never supported by any official announcement of the investigation results. What guns did they find in the mom's house and car, and on the person of the shooter? At the very least, which guns were registered in her name? Which guns were on her property? Which guns were present at the scene of the shooting? Which guns had been fired that day?
It looks like government organization - ATF, FBI and LEO are too slow to report and the school shooting was about almost 2 months. :eek3:
Faster report can lead misunderstand and can hit innocent people by mistake, pointless really.

The truth is criminals always at least a step ahead of authorities no matter what.
X2 The mass media has no right to call themselves Journalists!!!!
Gun companies are behind the gun laws too... they are seeing 10-20 fold or more increase in sales... 6 month back order on all magazines over 10 rounds.. Obama and the rest of the sensationalist politicians are the best gun salesman ever!!!
Hell Im going to the next gun show in Feb and buy some and magazines just because government is trying to ban them all.. If it was not for the new and pending legislation, I would not even buy these guns in my lifetime but if you want to take away my 2nd amendment right to buy a gun of my choice, then I am going to get some before you do!!!

So at least in my case, these gun laws are going to put a few more guns in the hands of 1 citizen rather than take them away. In Colorado the background check is up from about a 20 minute wait to a week wait due to backlogged submission.. Figure out how many additional guns that are being sold!!!

By the way, It is illegal for the government in colorado to collect any info or track the sales of any private party gun sales. I just sold 2 guns a couple months ago and absolutely no tracking or paperwork was involved... verified they were over 21. swapped their cash for my guns... end of transaction.. This basically makes any and all gun laws useless as there are millions of guns legally owned in the US that are untrackable.

Try Free access to mental health care mandates and laws instead of Useless gun laws!!!

I have strong doubtfully (90%) that federal government will going pass the gun control laws, such as federal assault weapon ban so those ban have no chance to get clearance from the congress. Obama, the politicians and organizations (like NRA, GOA, Brady) use those to improve the political score. It is called post-masscre anxiety or post-traumatic anxiety for government and the citizens. It is all about talk, talk, talk, so Obama's executive orders are much nothing because they are intended to improve the federal law enforcements and the background checks at federal level.

That why I said in other thread - I got sick of political overreaction after school shooting and the medias are overreacted.

I don't think that Colorado government will do it, except for try to improve the political's imagine, however he should consideration about any risk, such as lose the votes because Colorado is gun friendly state. I'm personally don't want Colorado governor to take too much issues with guns because they made gun owners anxious and that how they went to bought many guns/rounds as possible, however I see federal government as big fault.
Doesn't the ATF make unannounced home visits without a warrant to account for the owner:s lawful use of heavy weapons?
Doesn't the ATF make unannounced home visits without a warrant to account for the owner:s lawful use of heavy weapons?

Don't think so but our constitution require LEO to obtain warrant for search.
GHEI: ATF's latest gun grab - Washington Times
The Obama administration is making it easier for bureaucrats to take away guns without offering the accused any realistic due process. In a final rule published last week, the Justice Department granted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) authority to "seize and administratively forfeit property involved in controlled-substance abuses." That means government can grab firearms and other property from someone who has never been convicted or even charged with any crime.

It's a dangerous extension of the civil-forfeiture doctrine, a surreal legal fiction in which the seized property -- not a person -- is put on trial. This allows prosecutors to dispense with pesky constitutional rights, which conveniently don't apply to inanimate objects. In this looking-glass world, the owner is effectively guilty until proved innocent and has the burden of proving otherwise. Anyone falsely accused will never see his property again unless he succeeds in an expensive uphill legal battle.

Such seizures are common in drug cases, which sometimes can ensnare people who have done nothing wrong. James Lieto found out about civil forfeiture the hard way when the FBI seized $392,000 from his business because the money was being carried by an armored-car firm he had hired that had fallen under a federal investigation. As the Wall Street Journal reported, Mr. Lieto was never accused of any crime, yet he spent thousands in legal fees to get his money back.

Law enforcement agencies love civil forfeiture because it's extremely lucrative. The Department of Justice's Assets Forfeiture Fund had $2.8 billion in booty in 2011, according to a January audit. Seizing guns from purported criminals is nothing new; Justice destroyed or kept 11,355 guns last year, returning just 396 to innocent owners. The new ATF rule undoubtedly is designed to ramp up the gun-grabbing because, as the rule justification claims, "The nexus between drug trafficking and firearm violence is well established."

The main problem is that civil forfeiture creates a perverse profit motive, leaving bureaucrats with strong incentives to abuse a process that doesn't sufficiently protect those who may be wrongly accused. Criminal forfeiture is more appropriate because it's tied to a conviction in a court with the option of a jury trial and evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Innocents like Mr. Lieto have to fight against the might of the U.S. government with a watered-down standard that stacks the legal deck so prosecutors can get a quick win.

The rule extending civil-forfeiture power to the ATF recognizes this dynamic, stating with perhaps unconscious cynicism that an uncontested civil forfeiture "can be perfected for minimal cost" compared to the "hundreds or thousands of dollars" and "years" needed for judicial forfeiture. Nowhere is there any recognition of the burden placed on innocent citizens stripped of their property, or of the erosion of their civil liberties. In fact, the rule argues that, because in the past the ATF could turn over requests for civil forfeiture to the Drug Enforcement Administration, there has been no change in "individual rights."

Instead of expanding the profit motive in policing, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. should be working to eliminate it.
GREELEY, Colo. (CBS4) – A mother claims Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents terrorized her and her 8-year-old child. She claims the person they were seeking no longer lived there.

The incident happened in the 2400 block of 18th Street southeast of Greeley. Amanda Griego claims it was a terrifying experience when federal agents and police just burst in to her home without a warrant or consent.

It’s called the RAGE Task Force, which stands for Regional Anti-Gang Enforcement. One June 13, 2010, the task force made 13 arrests in a major gun and drug sweep. It was at 7 a.m. when they arrived at Griego’s home looking for a woman named Angela.

Griego had been in the shower and her son Colby was in bed.

“They had guns, big giant guns pointed towards me,” Griego said. “They yanked me out of my front door, spun me around, cuffed me, went running through my house, kicked my son’s door in looking for Angela.”

4 On Your Side Investigator Rick Sallinger checked a database and a person named Angela was still listed as living at Griego’s address.

Griego has filed a lawsuit against the ATF and the Greeley Police Department.

“We looked into the situation at that time and discovered that our involvement in the entire situation was minimal,” Sgt. Susan West with Greeley Police said.

Griego said twice in the year before the raid she had informed police officers that the Angela they were seeking was a previous tenant and no longer living in the home.

Attorney David Lane is representing Griego.

“As far as we know they had no warrant to enter her home, they pointed rifles at her 8-year-old son, they terrorized both of them, and then they left,” Lane said. “That’s why we filed a lawsuit.”

Griego said her son still suffers.

“He says he’s never seen those kinds of guns before except for in video games,” Griego said. “Since they were all pointed at him, he’s still bothered by it.”

The Greeley Police Department said it investigated and said its actions were appropriate.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office said it will represent the ATF vigorously.

Griego said she never received an apology.
Yup, wondering if she was paid off......or worse, threatened.

I doubt we ever hear about this again.
Even worse (as far as widespread long-term consequences) than being paid off or threatened is being ignored by the government officials who are supposed to control these agencies. The abuses will become worse as those agencies feel empowered by lack of outside restriction to their methods.

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Even worse (as far as widespread long-term consequences) than being paid off or threatened is being ignored by the government officials who are supposed to control these agencies. The abuses will become worse as those agencies feel empowered by lack of outside restriction to their methods.

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since ATF hasn't had a director for past several years... I suppose a "lack of oversight" is exactly what they want? a convenient plausible deniability.