@Bottesini, you're right. I have some time. For now I will learn as many signs as I can and use them around the house. To bring the conversation then back to where I'm at right now...we had our hearing aid consult yesterday and did ear molds! The audio recommended phonak bolero q or widex baby 440. We are leaning towards phonak since it has FM which I plan to use around the house and extracurriculars before he starts school. Though the widex baby 440 is so small and looks like they'd stay on easier. I'm nervous about keeping them on, not getting milk all over them during feeds, how fussy he will be during the initial adjustment, the dog eating the HAs, and getting my son to open his eyes and look at me sign since he is usually crying with his eyes closed :p He is still such a little baby with little baby problems, let alone worrying about his future education.