ButterflyGirl said:
I am a parent and I don't allow my little girl to go on the internet without my supervision.
I have my computer desk turned around so she would not be able to see what is on my computer.
^Angel^ said:Same here, and no matter where or how, children will intend to find a way to view some nudity images, it could be on TV, movies, magazines, books, or during sex classes at school and not only on the internet....
Sweetheart said:![]()
I agreed with you! How did my niece find out abt sex? BY THE SCHOOL, she learned abt sex. Then, she asked my sister abt that stuffs and my sister explained her and she understood. ALL OF KIDS WILL KNOW ABT SEX when they becomes old enough.
Rose Immortal said:But parents ought to have a say in how they will explain those things. For instance, my parents decided I ought to learn from science books before there was too much time for me to hear (inaccurate) rumors from my classmates...
My point being, I do think there needs to be some consideration of that parental right.
Sweetheart said:Nope, she learned it from the teacher, not kids.
Rose Immortal said:Not arguing how the particular case of your niece happened. But I'm not sure it's always a smart idea for a child's very first exposure to the concept of sex to be at school, without any preparatory discussion by the parents.
Sweetheart said:Oh well, all of kids have to learn abt Sex, Aids, STD, different of diease, etc like that. I think its good idea for them to learning abt that situation. Because I did talk to some of parents who is my friends told me that they have hard time to telling their kids abt sex, etc like that. They thank the school for teaching them abt that so they can dicussion more easier than at start...
Rose Immortal said:While it's awkward, I do think parents have a responsibility to their children to conquer their fears and have the tough discussions. I imagine I'll do the same with my children, whenever I have them. When they get old enough, I'll take some books out from the library to help me with it. Schools don't always discuss all of the implications of sex, and that's where it's especially important for parents to take an active role in explaining what the standards of their house will be.
^Angel^ said:I had sex education class when I was in school, my parents did not teach me anything, we were very poor, they both worked hard by trying to support us by having a roof over our heads, my son had sex education class when he was in 5 th grade, he learned about sex, AIDS/HIV, protections and other sexually disease, he also had to do a project on AIDS, he learned so much from sex education classes and I did told him if he had any questions to ask me, he could come up to me anytime.....I see nothing wrong with children taking sex classes at school, it's all about learning and how to be aware of any sexually disease....
Mind me asking if you have any children?... ( you don't have to answer that if you do not want to, just curious )
^Angel^ said:Same here, and no matter where or how, children will intend to find a way to view some nudity images, it could be on TV, movies, magazines, books, or during sex classes at school and not only on the internet....
Tousi said:I agree with you but why does that make it right to do it here? Why can't we, as a group, be like good Mommies and Daddies who try here too? LOL!
^Angel^ said:That's your opinion, but don't speak for some of us here....
Tousi said:I agree with you but why does that make it right to do it here? Why can't we, as a group, be like good Mommies and Daddies who try here too? LOL!
No she doesn'tweb730 said:Well, Reba does speak for some of us, too.
ButterflyGirl said:No she doesn't![]()
Oh you mean you have to depend on Reba to speak up for ya and others? Oh okay.web730 said:I meant that Reba speak for some of us (the ones who voice against these nasty avatars here). Got it?