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I think yes^Angel^ said:<---I'm curious what about this avatar here? is it sexually explicit?..![]()

I think yes^Angel^ said:<---I'm curious what about this avatar here? is it sexually explicit?..![]()
Main Entry: por·nog·ra·phy
Pronunciation: -fE
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek pornographos, adjective, writing about prostitutes, from pornE prostitute + graphein to write; akin to Greek pernanai to sell, poros journey -- more at FARE, CARVE
1 : the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement
2 : material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement
3 : the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction <the pornography of violence>
- por·no·graph·ic /"por-n&-'gra-fik/ adjective
- por·no·graph·i·cal·ly /-fi-k(&-)lE/ adverb
Oceanbreeze said:I voted to keep all sexually explicit content in the penisarium forum.
Thank you for making the poll simpler, Eve. I was actually a bit confused by your choices in the first one, so thank you for revising it. Consider this to be a truer representation of how I feel about the adult content on here, and where it belongs.
Liebling:-))) said:pornography
Nudist = no clothes (penis, breast, virgina, etc)
Yes sex relationship is the same thing as pornography but there´re different type of sex relationships...
Loving, romantic feeling and intimacy mean is loving sexual relationship, what pornography doesn´t. Pornography mean is public sex with extreme (oral sex, sexual interncourse) and satisfaction... Take picture and film of them to sell the world for money... no love.
Got it?
Please do not confuse type of sex relationships with pornograpy. It doesn´t mean that it´s pornograpy because they show penis, virgina and breast.
Remember there´re difference between loving sexual relationship and pornography.
I let my children watch loving, romantic and sexual relationship without public sexual intercourse, etc but cover in the bed with loving and caress... like natural as everyone...
That´s what I am trying to explain those difference because GA, BlueEyeDeaf, Mookie, Steel and other members signatures or avators are not related to pornograpy types but sense of humor.
Beowulf said:Who gives a fying fluck?
ecevit said:Sorry, but your quote has been TMI !
Mods: please find a solution to this avatar problem![]()
I stated my opinion, please don't get offendedLiebling:-))) said:![]()
It´s not prevert information I give out but explain the difference between porn. and loving sex retationship...
Please keep your mind open and see the sense that it´s not TMI... but meanfuling information for everyone in general way. I´m sure Admin. and Mod. would say the same as me when they see my post...
ecevit said:I stated my opinion, please don't get offended
I see .. You have freedom of speechLiebling:-))) said:Okay, no problem when you entitled your opinion but for your information, it´s not my sexual life but explain the example because the people confused porn. with normal sexual issues.
^Angel^ said:<---I'm curious what about this avatar here? is it sexually explicit?..![]()
I agree with you on thisLiebling:-))) said:To me, I do not consider it as sexually explicit but romantic and exotic because she wear silk nightie...See what people answer your question... To me, no...
I don’t see that as being sexually explicit, but that is just MY opinion. Now then, if you had posted some nasty message along with that pic saying something about wanting your bf or lover to perform some explicit sex act on you, then yes, I would feel that would be sexually explicit. That is not the case here.<---I'm curious what about this avatar here? is it sexually explicit?..
Bingo! That was why I said about the questions in the poll were vague. Some people just don't see that way.Eve said:I don’t see that as being sexually explicit, but that is just MY opinion. Now then, if you had posted some nasty message along with that pic saying something about wanting your bf or lover to perform some explicit sex act on you, then yes, I would feel that would be sexually explicit. That is not the case here.