New law passed about burn US flag is banned

Liebeig is from Germany and she does drive her car to work.

Just be careful, never know if US is gonna to ask for extraidation and can force you to come back! Have it happened? The answer is yes. Also, since your deaf, many countries do discriminate and don't give damn about deaf. If your born deaf and in German, you are not allowed to drive, period! Some countries do not allow deafies to work at all! Do you want that? I don't think so!
Disgusting video

I know this is a old post but this video about a sick guy who really advocate with American Native Indians and black people. This guy is sick! Wait until you see at 3:10. This guy burned a flag! A deaf African American guy burned a flag and he is not proud to be an American!?!? He was totally against white people and Christian people...WHoa...I hope this guy will not come to AllDeaf and spread all kind of craps coming from this sick guy. Here the video...make sure you look at it at 3:10

[ame=]YouTube - Black Indian Warrior come in this VIDEO!!![/ame]
If guys were to burn the national flags of any arabic countries then for sure what they would do is shout Allah Akbar !!!! then attack, fight and slay the flag burner with their bare hands, a knife or their AK-47. Don't be surprised or shocked if the arabs on the street tried to behead him on the sidewalk of the street. The police won't even help, the police will jump up and around and shoot their guns in the air Jihad !!!! Jihad !!!! Allah Abkar !!!! with bloodthristy excitiement as the beheading proceeds with horrifying sounds of screaming and the last thing the flag burner sees as his head is being cut off is the flag is still burning and he sees somebody is running with a bucket of water to pour out the fire and preserve what is left of the flag or maybe they will let the flag burn to set an example to anybody who dares to burn their flag as he feels the cutting motions grate on his neck and his lights go out.

It is no different than here in the USA if people saw somebody burn the flag of the USA in an angry manner then he got what is coming to him. People will attack him with bare hands, fists and knives and even guns. That flag resprents much more than meets the eye. No beheading though. That is too sick.

The only appropriate way to burn a U.S. flag is to turn in old flags that have been weathered through many rainstorms etc. is to go to the American Legion or the V.F.W. then you give them your old flag then the veterans will collect all the flags at the end of the month, they will go somewhere to burn the old U.S. flags with honor, diginity and in a peaceful manner. There will be a period of mourning and refelection on what the U.S. flag means then they will set the old flags on fire in a diginifed, respectful manner.

Arab :crazy: :ugh:

If someone burned USA flag here in our country. Sometime it went unaccounted for cuz no one cares when they see burning flag and walked off. some people cares and call cop. So it all depends on individual. I've seen some people burned USA flags. I would believe that if veteran ever see anyone burn flag dishonorable manner, flag burner would get their butt chewed by them..

I ever wonder if supposed you accidentally burned flag that was hanging over grill or from firework ect.. Would that means you'll have to go to jail over just an accident? Not!!

I agree that hand over US flag to veteran and they'll burn with honor.

Did you remember that one of kid cut up the USA flag and made it into clothe?? It is disrespectful. I recalled they got sued.

Arab :crazy: :ugh:

If someone burned USA flag here in our country. Sometime it went unaccounted for cuz no one cares when they see burning flag and walked off. some people cares and call cop. So it all depends on individual. I've seen some people burned USA flags. I would believe that if veteran ever see anyone burn flag dishonorable manner, flag burner would get their butt chewed by them..

I ever wonder if supposed you accidentally burned flag that was hanging over grill or from firework ect.. Would that means you'll have to go to jail over just an accident? Not!!

I agree that hand over US flag to veteran and they'll burn with honor.

Did you remember that one of kid cut up the USA flag and made it into clothe?? It is disrespectful. I recalled they got sued.


Yes I know it seems to be disrespectful. I just found out more of his vlogs that he will burn more American flag to show more disrespect for America. This is shameful.
Liebeig is from Germany and she does drive her car to work.

DieHardBiker LOL you're :Owned:

Deaf can drive cars in Germany anyway. If they can't get license to drive, I'm sure they have way around to get license and drive car.

If you visit deaf group in German, I'm sure that you'll meet with smart deaf who managed to get licensed to drive car.

:ty: for pull old thread over here, purplecatty... I didn´t know about this until today.

Yes, you are correct, MilitaryGirl83 and purplecatty.

Just be careful, never know if US is gonna to ask for extraidation and can force you to come back! Have it happened? The answer is yes. Also, since your deaf, many countries do discriminate and don't give damn about deaf. If your born deaf and in German, you are not allowed to drive, period! Some countries do not allow deafies to work at all! Do you want that? I don't think so!

Huh? I have no clue why you got that information from?

My German hubby is deaf and drive for over 30 years. I myself am deaf and got drive liescne in Germany and drive since 1992.
Well....I am the one bring the old thread about flag burning but thanks for purplecatty for bring it up point about driver license in Germany. :)
Well....I am the one bring the old thread about flag burning but thanks for purplecatty for bring it up point about driver license in Germany. :)

Oopps, I can see that you are first who pulled the old thread over here... :ty: for get our attention...

wow, that guy in the video is a definitely sick. I feel sorry for him.
Oopps, I can see that you are first who pulled the old thread over here... :ty: for get our attention...

wow, that guy in the video is a definitely sick. I feel sorry for him.

Yea, definately, this deaf guy has major problem. His next vlog the same guy posted about not being proud to be an American. Watch this:

[ame=]YouTube - I am not proud of AMERICA!!!![/ame]

Then later at his last vlog he posted watch at about 3:20 . He was looking for his flag, but he couldn't find the flag because he burned it! Unbelievable guy he is. Watch this one below...

[ame=]YouTube - To Shawn28 and LimeRockz[/ame]
wow... :shock: Is he ADer?

He really don´t know what he say... *shake my head*
No, not one of the AD'er. He is one of the banned member who got banned DVTV. I am sure you can find DVTV at DeafVIDEO.TV - Deaf Videos and Vlogs He is such sick person who really against some deaf vloggers and even the owner of that website that he had problems with. The reason he got banned because he did not respect the rules provided by the website which it called The R-List. R-List make simple rules similiar as AD rules when you post and follow the rules here in AD. But, he did not follow the rule in that website and he got banned for it anyway. If he does that in here, I know for sure he would get banned in here forever if he commented in here.

You can see his over 400 videos that he set up in his youtube account. He been doing this every hour 24/7. This guy is unbelievable and very sick in his mind. How can he make vlog if he had to go to the bathroom? I don't really know what he is doing. He claims that deaf people in DVTV don't even know the truth, but...what kind of truth is he talking about?? I would make a vlog and speak up against him but I rather not do it because I don't really want to see his head grow bigger when he get angry or making foolish statement. That's why I let him talk and let his big head grow until one day he will get banned from YouTube.
he is..... a very confused person...
he is..... a very confused person...

Yes, I agree with you...first he said he not proud to be American but he said he loves America because it is free. The way I see in the first place he did not say why he was against USA so he purposely burned the flag then later he say the reason he burned the flag because of US government did to the blacks and Native Americans 300 years ago??? It is 2009, it is time to move on! Why he had to mull about the past on what US Government did in the past?? When he did burned the flag in that video, it really an insult to America and he is deaf...which it mean it is an insult to the deaf community as Deaf American. He just opened a can of worms and vlogs just started popping up in DeafVideo.TV created controversy about this guy, Ken X, which he called himself Ken X, because he believes very much in Malcolm X that is why he called himself Ken X. He keep saying "Peace!" but it is really confusing and really contradict himself about having happiness and peace but obviously this guy has no happiness and peace at all. This guy need psychological help badly.
Now this person's mind getting really cloudy and cloudier every minute of it...take a look at this....

[ame=]YouTube - EVERYONE AT DVTV!![/ame]

Now, the flag burning video he created, are still there in his account. The viewers already reported to FBI. You too, you can take action against this guy. You can just click red flag on his video or you can report it to FBI and let them know about his illegal action. If you really love your flag, then please report him to FBI. I don't care if he is deaf, please report him to the authority. I know flag burning is part of freedom of speech. But exposing it on public property or on internet in USA, it is still illegal. This is really an outrage created by this guy. Protect your flag!!
[ame=]YouTube - My girlfriend want song for America (CC)[/ame]

Yay! Proud to be American!! :applause: