People burning our flag??? Say it ain't so!!!!!!
Never have I ever burned a Flag! And I've always had one in my yard!
When it gets old and tattered.....I take it down, fold it up very neatly......and BURY IT!
Never would I ever even Think about burning our Flag!
I've never known anyone who has done this. If I ever do witness someone burning our Flag, I would call the police. I don't know if it's against the law, if not, then it should be!
It's very unpatriotic to even think about burning the Stars & Stripes. The flag is to be respected, never touching the ground! Just to look at my flag everyday, flying in the breeze, gives me pride that I'm an American.
To descrete our flag, even burning a disgrace to our Country. What the hell?...I can't believe this post!
People burning our flag??? Say it ain't so!!!!!!
Never have I ever burned a Flag! And I've always had one in my yard!
When it gets old and tattered.....I take it down, fold it up very neatly......and BURY IT!
Never would I ever even Think about burning our Flag!
I've never known anyone who has done this. If I ever do witness someone burning our Flag, I would call the police. I don't know if it's against the law, if not, then it should be!
It's very unpatriotic to even think about burning the Stars & Stripes. The flag is to be respected, never touching the ground! Just to look at my flag everyday, flying in the breeze, gives me pride that I'm an American.
To descrete our flag, even burning a disgrace to our Country. What the hell?...I can't believe this post!
Ummm....bury it?I am not sure if you can bury the flag. You can just bring the worn flags and bring to the veterans and they would do the honorable custom of burning the flag. Hmmm, bury the flag? I am not sure if that is possible. I can do some checking for you if you want me to do it for you.
Yes, Vampy...he does looks like he was having a baddddddd acid trip![]()
He burned the A in his shirt because it stood for AMERICAN which he hates. But he also doesn't realize that the very language he uses is American, if he wants to do away with it, then he must stop using ASL completely and switch to something else. Dumbass tripping on acid I tell ya!
Another vlog made by Ken....he cut out "A" from his shirt which it stands for American Sign Language. So he cut out "A" from his shirt and burned it! But still....why the heck he still using ASL??? Geesh
YouTube - To Yoda U are right about ASL smile.
Well guess what he did next....he just burned U.S. One dollar bill. YES, United State of America currency which it belonged to the Federal Reserves and YES he will burn more money: 5, 10, 20, 50, and even 100 dollars! He said he would do it because he doesn't care! I think it is really illegal to burn the money on purpose. I think this guy is more worse than tripping on acid....possibly he's on LSD!Un-freaking-believable!