my statement

You're not going to hear it from me. Instead, this is what you're going to hear:

I'm sorry matajan, I am with Alex.
To matajan: Why can't you just shut the fuck up?

STOP!!!!! STOP!!!!!! STOP!!!!!

Isn't multiple posting disallowed on here, anyways? Geez.
why are ya'all so mean? did ya'all just got placed on Santa Claus' naughty list?
I need coal for my bbq grill.

I'm mean because I'm an idoit who didn't go to an ivy league school. Oh, I work for the deaf community, thus I don't have wealth.
Not everyone is cut out for an Ivy League school and it has NOTHING to do with being d/Deaf. I'm hearing and I never went to an Ivy League school. In fact, I barely, and, I mean, BARELY got into college but never finished. However, I am far from dumb. DO NOT think that because you're in the position that you're in, that you're better than anybody else. I gaurantee you that will piss of a WHOLE lot of people; not just a fellow deafie, but, a hearing person too. It's people like you that allow this divide between the hearing and the deaf to perpetuate. We'll never make progress unless both sides come together. That won't happen if people act like snobs.
I think he just made this statement to make it clear to Ivy League Schools that he is worthy, as a reaction to PFH's thread about Ivy League school's watching AD.

He took it literally. Just ignore it.
why are ya'all so mean? did ya'all just got placed on Santa Claus' naughty list?

I was placed on his naughy list since becoming a teacher for the deaf. Maybe it is time to change careers so I can get off his blacklist, heh?
Every once in a while curiosity gets the better of me and I click one of these threads and I immediately do this

I thought Harvardgirl06 told me that many girls are not nice at Harvard, for example, they took advantage on guys who are rich and tough attitude in front of people as well as deaf people who over the boundaries on them. But you said ivy league people do not like that act like snobby way.

How come girls did not like me? why?

"Originally Posted by green427
You are right, matajan. You are so much better and smarter than the rest of us lowly 'deaf' people. We all come from poor, dysfunctional families that don't think we are worthy enough to go to college. We are dumb and you are smart.

Is this what you want to hear from us?

Yes, this is what I want to hear from you. "

THIS IS WHY GIRLS DO NOT LIKE YOU ! you think you're better than anyone else! If you're feel you're better than us why do you keep asking us our opinions about everything! Are just trying to waste our time by asking us the same thing over and over again! I know you have aspergers but you have to take some responsibility for what you say to other people!
Well...these snobby girls like boobs and pussy more than your ding dong.
Yes, this is what I want to hear from you.

THAT, Matajan - is why no one likes you, girls don't want to date you, people don't want to be your friend, don't want to talk to you and call you a snob.

You don't "act" like a snob - you ARE a snob

(your family must be so embarrassed)
matajan got accepted to Harvard's extension school. it's for everybody who are interested in "learning more". it's not a real degree program. it's more of a continuing education for anybody - affordable and doable. its academic standard is much less stringent than degree program.

OH - I know! By all accounts Harvard extension school is no more "elite" than any other online or correspondence based school etc (like Phoenix etc).

Matajan ... you DO understand that, unlike you keep telling everyone, you AREN'T actually going to be attending the REAL Harvard right ??
I mean you're attending the "extension school" ... which will accept ANYONE - people don't have to be smart to get accepted or attend, they just have to give the school the tuition money for the classes.

Harvard extension school is NOT "prestigious" or "elite" or "Ivy League" ... it's just a school/program that happens to share "Harvard" in the name ... almost like a trick so people will THINK if they glance at a diploma etc from there that the person REALLY went to the REAL Harvard (when they really didn't) ... those schools are insults to the people who really get accepted into and graduate from REAL Ivy League universities!