my sister & drugs "Paraphernalia and crack-cocain

Awww Liebling, I had no idea! I know how you must been feeling right at the moment you've heard about your sister, It real saddness me in fact that you talked about her and worried about her life being on drugs, how it had effect your whole family, now that it's too late to get her the help she needed, I broke down in tears after reading your post. :tears: You know that you have a big hug from me and I'm really sorry from the bottom of my heart about your sister. :(

I'm just lost with words at this time, but I want you to know that don't blame yourself for her death, You did all you could do, and it's sad that it had to end that way. Hang in there Liebling, :ily: a bunch!
I am so sorry to hear about your sister, it made me cried when I read yours. I wish I was there to give you a big hug. I really don't know what to say, but all I can say is that I am sorry and send you my love.

If you need to talk or anything, let me know. I am here for you and always will. *Hugs*

I'm sorry to hear about your sister, it made me cry when reading this... my prayers and thoughts to you and your families.

May your sister rest in peace.

I am sad to read this now and I had hope for your sister to find a way to beat it but it took over her life. damn it.

You tried hard to help her many time, now she is gone. U don't deserve to be heartbroke by this.
I cried when I read your post just now...didn't know about it til now. My heart bleed and goes out to you as I know you truly love your sister. I wish I could hold you and comfort you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers for days to come.
I'm sorry to hear about your sister...My prayer and thoughts are with you... If you need a shoulder to cry on, we all are here for you! Please take care!
I posted in another thread to say I was sorry about your sis first but to come in here and read this.. I'm totally totally speechless. I wish there were words I could say but there isn't. I feel for you! You tried, remember. There wasn't anybody that could do to help or change her. You did the best you could. She knows you and everyone else had done everything to help her.

She's in a better place, healthy all over again. If you need to talk, email me. Now reading this.. I'm more afraid for my sister.

Here's my :hug: Please hang in there! :cry:
Wow, I read it and I do understand how you feel. I am truly very sorry about your sister, just remember same like I told you in another thread that your sister is in your heart.. :grouphug:
Oh man... after reading this long long topic and the pages... I can only feel for ya, Liebling... the hardships ya had to deal with your sister and others and more... it's sad your sis passed away today and that ya feel ya are lost without her... I wonder how that will effect your other sister Tanja and what about your brother Mike and especailly your dad?? They will be in terrrible shape emotionally... that I am sure of it... I offer ya my condelences and pray that your sister Sue has finally found the peace she needed at all... god bless ya...amen


I never knew anyone else who fluently fingerspelt to your big sister to keep secrets from your Dad/Grandma, I was unable to pick it up because it was tooo fast.

You were a very pretty lady, very strong character and stubborn lady I came to meet and it's sad to see you going downhill to the wicked world you chose to live with. I have few photos of you at our 21st birthday party to remember you by.

I don't blame you as it is sooooo sad to see the drugs have won not you, as your not alone, same go with my then 22 years old brother in law died from drugs-related too.

Liebling -

Night or day, my thoughts are with you. if there's anything I can do........
WBHarley said:

MY sister is in a Rehab too. Her husband had to go to Courthouse and and file for Her to go into a program.. so Judge ordered her into 30 days lock up program for her to get some help.. she does NEED to go for longer program but.. in this world.. None is avilable to help unless the person ask for Help... also Most place are tough with the Insurance it does SUCKS!!!

But Liebling, Believe it or not. Your not alone to go thru this, I Had to draw a line on my sister between us because I WILL not allow her to have my kids to sleep over while she drinks/drunk! She is very verbal abusive, and would do any "Aggresative" attack to anybody who doesn't listen to her also when she does NOT want to listen to any of us she will attack us.. This is very not acceptable.. I can understand..

I admit I print it up to read it... because I am going back on my bed and lay down! argh I got medications from the Emergency Room this morning soo I will write back to you on this.. so that way you can feel welcome to talk to me anytime... I have experiences going thru this too with my ex bf.. so...
but all you can do for now is :grouphug: from us :)


Yes yes, I know her very well. I wish you both Wendy and Liebling a best strength to deal with this. things are never easy anyway. I have learned so much from Altoona meetings. For those people don't know what Altoona meeting is.. I might spell it wrong but I am going to explain little. Its similiar to AA meeting except this meeting is for people whose loved one is on drugs or drinking. I learned from those group meeting that we can not help them at all. They really have to help themselves to get better. That is why I am no longer with my children's father. He couldn't help himself which is sad part.
Kalista said:
I was reading again. Oh no, she is gone !! I am so sorry as she does not deserve to die at such younger age !!! I wish, they would put her immedately seek a professional help. :cry:

God is with her in peace. :hug:

thanks :hug:

I want to take your post as quote but too late, you edited and change after found out that my sister is passed away.

Yes she got professional help many times since 1993. The problem is my Dad is soft and persuaded the doctors to free Sue from professional help in hosptital many times because Sue asked him. I told my Dad off and stay firm until Sue is total clean then...... Dad bailed Sue from jails and also free Sue from hospitail. He thought it would help if Sue realized how care he about her and tried to rid of drug stuff but she doesn´t. She mugged people and burgle houses for money to buy drugs stuffs.

She hurt us including her children totally. We suffer for her long years. I told my Dad to stay firm and ignore Sue´s pleas to free out of prison or hospital next time.

Dad told me what happened about 4 druggies in Sue´s house an earlier. I told him to call police on them because it helps to put them jail or hospitail until they are totally clean. Dad call police to check at Sue´s apartment and saw drugs there and brought her to hospital for treatment. Sue called Dad to free her again but it´s first time that Dad ignored her cries for help and told her that the doctor help her to rid of drugs.

She got out of hospital herself, one week later she was found dead.
Thank you everyone for loving support :hug: and also symathpy PM and emails as well. I will answer PM, emails and forums as soon as we come back from London.

Methadone Addiction
Is methadone more likely to kill you than heroin?

My Dad & brother said that they will answer/tell me everything as person tomorrow than they want to answer/tell me via fax and emails.

I questioned them via fax where/how Sue get methadone from? It´s illegal to give bottle of methadone to heroin users. The doctors are responsible to give them limit of methadone, not give them to use at home.

We thought it help to get the doctors to do something on Sue until she is total clean without get Dad´s help. I told Dad to not get her out of hospital or bail her out of jail which he did for her dozen of times in the past. Dad stay firm until he received the call from the doctor saying that Sue got out of hospital herself on Sunday. "Sue got out of hospital herself" :confused: It sounds that Sue escaped from hosptital?

Sue was not in home but at her boyfriend´s apartment, one week later after hospital, she was found dead. She overdose on methadone. It look like that she realized that she addict on heroin and thought that methaone would helps to reduce the heroin addcition, that´s how she learns those from hospital and then drank methadone too much to rid of addiction than she limit it. But it´s irresponsible to trust herion users alone with methadone. ??? I still don´t understand the whole so I will know everything for the sure tomorrow.

I wrote a fax telling my Dad and brother to thank them for make their wonderful job to help Sue everything in the past what they can and also suffer for her as well.

Yes, we suffer for her many years since 1992/3 because she refused to let us to help her which it hurts us more especially Sue´s children. We know drug addcition risk people´s life and tried everything for years... Now it´s worst that Sue is dead. Oh Nooooo....

Sue´s children Susie & Len took it very badly because they enemy each other with no love feeling. They have no chance to tell their mom how much they loves them. We insured them that their mom knows that they loves her and want help her in the past (She throw drug stuffs to toilet, etc. etc. and talk to her etc..). Len is also drug addiction as well is in jail. I hopes this situation will wake Len up. I will know more tomorrow.
Last edited:
Tamara said:

I never knew anyone else who fluently fingerspelt to your big sister to keep secrets from your Dad/Grandma, I was unable to pick it up because it was tooo fast.

:lol: You has a good memory about her... We sign and :giggle: each other because nobody knows what we talk about.

You were a very pretty lady, very strong character and stubborn lady I came to meet and it's sad to see you going downhill to the wicked world you chose to live with. I have few photos of you at our 21st birthday party to remember you by.

I don't blame you as it is sooooo sad to see the drugs have won not you, as your not alone, same go with my then 22 years old brother in law died from drugs-related too.

Liebling -

Night or day, my thoughts are with you. if there's anything I can do........

Thanks for remember her as person in real life. :hug:

Yes Sue is one who can sign and understand me. My parents use Sue as interpreter if they want tell me something.

I look at pictures of her and me as children... It´s hurt to see the picture of her here. :tears:

I´m going to create a memorial of her with artwork later.

Honey, I was heartbreaking to read about what happened. I wish she could be seeking professional help before it occured to her. I want to say to you that we are with you by going through. Whenever you feel up to talk about her and you when you both were child. Cuz it also bothers and fear me alot to think about what will happen to my sister while she is in prison. She wont be out till 2011 (I think). Cause I have memories with her when we were little girls. Still it tears me out to hear the tragic death. I pray with you by going through..
*breath carried away* I'll keep prayer for your family... til your feel recovery and will be always stored your sister in your good or bad time fulliest love memories...

Your sister will not forget you everyday... she knows..
She's held God's hands now..

*hugs*~ :hug: to you..
I am very sorry to hear about sad news of your sister. I know the pain you are going thru as I was there when I lost my dear friend Tracy from drug overdose. This made me cry and thinking back to the time when we lost her. I know that all of the family and friends did tried their best to help Tracy so I know what you mean by that as it is very difficult to do so! :( I pray that God will bring you and your family comfort during this difficult time. You and your family are in my thoughts and my prayers. :hug:

my brother is a recovering heroin addict.He has been clean from that over a year.Now he is on methodone.
Thank God he doesnt have kids.If he did.I would taken them from him in a second.
Because he lying,stealing,homeless.
For people like that you reach a breaking point.(They do,and you do.)
I told my brother that if he ever started using again he would not be allowed near my children or my house.As well as did the rest of my family.We could only take so much.
Drug addicts end up one of 3 ways.In recovery,dead or in jail.
My brothers best friend is one in prison.I dont think prison is the answer really.Because it doesnt address the drug problem.He will just get out in 5 years and start using again.
He has another friend that overdosed and died.
I dont know if your spiritual at all.
But for me the best thing to do was to pray to God about it and give it up to him.Because they're isnt really anything else you can do.Until they are ready to quit themselves.
Leaflet from Family Drug Support - Methadone

Thank you again for your loving support here. :hug:

I am typing and copy written leaflet/guidance. It's information about methadose how the people addict and overdose to etc.


Methadone (4.4-diphenyl-6 dimethylamino-3-hepatone) is a synethetic substance produced in a laboratory. It is a depressant drug that slows brain or central nervous system acitivity. It belongs to the same chemical family of drugs as heroin - the opioids or narcotic analgesics.

Methadone was first used as a treatment for heroin dependence in 1964 & was subsequently introduced into Australia for the same purpose in 1969.

National guidelines for methadone treatment were first endorsed in 1985 by the Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy. In 1993 the Commonwealth, State 7 Territory Governements developed a National Methadone Policy which has assisted in establishing a common set of principles for providing methadone treatment in Australia.

Methadone is used to help stabilise opioid-dependent people, enabling them to break the routines and habits associated with their heroin use, become abstinent, or reduce their opioid use. Research studies have shown that methadone improves the health of most opioid-dependent people who choose to enter treatment.

Methadone is legal and is a pure drug. It is longer lasting than other opioids such as morphine & heroin, with a single dose usually effectiver for 24 hours or longer - this enables it to be used less frequently than other opioids. Methadone is taken orally, making it cleaner & safer than injecting street drugs. Methadone is cheap & can be dispensed in hospitals, clinics or community pharmacies.

Slow withdrawal from methadone may be accomplished safely & with minimal discomfort when the sitation is appropriate for the individual.

Without the pressures associated with illegal drug use, people are likely to manage their lives more effectively. The longer patients remain in treatment the less likely they are to use illicit opiates, the fewer crimes they commit, the more likely they are to be employed, the less likely they are to be receiving government assistance & the less likely they are to suffer from serious medical conditions.


Methadone in a treatment program is generally provided as a syrup which is swallowed. In methadone maintenance programs, an oral methadone syrup preparation is substituted for the user's usual heroin or other opioid.

Clients are given a dose of methadone every day. The size of the dose is prescribed by a doctor & determined according to the characteristics of each individual person. It is worked out so that the amount of methadone given to the user will stop them going into withdrawal for 24 hours, but will not get them "stoned". Normal activities & functions can generally be maintained.

A flexible approach to dosage levels exists today in which the doctor prescribes the dose according to the client's needs rather than fixed program rules determining the maximum dose level. The initial daily dose is 20 to 40 mg, usually taken as a single dose. It can take from several days to some weeks for the new client to be stabilised on methadone. During this time the dose is gradually increased as tolerance develops & as the person's sysmptoms & signs are carefully monitored until a maintenance dose level is achieved. The client is then usually maintained on a single daily oral dose at this level, without further increases unless other circumstances change.

Some people do well on daily doses as low as 20 to 30 mg, but most are maintained in the 50 to 120 mg range. Research suggests that clients receiving daily doses greater than 60 mg are more likely to remain in treatment & to reduce or eliminate their use of illicit drugs.

The effects of methadone

Depending on the amount taken, the person's experience, the size of the dose & the frequency with which it is taken, the effects & how long it will last differs for each person. It is not unusual to experience one or more of the following: sweating, constipation, lowered sex drive, aching muscles & joints, itchy skin. Other effects like upperssion of appetite, stomach pain, nausea & vomiting can occur & can usually be reduced by adjusting the dose.

The following side effects should not generally occur & should be reported to a doctor: sedation, relief of pain, insensitivity to pain, lightheadedness or dizziness, narrowing of the pupils of the eyes, impaired night vision, shallow breathing.

Methadone, taken in pure form & regular doeses as part of a treatment program, generally has no severe long-term effects on health.

Methadone can make some people put on weight, propbably due to fluid retention & changes in diet. For men, methadone can lead to delayed ejaculation, particularly in higher doses. Some women report reduced libido or disrupted menstrual cycles, while some find their cycles return to normal after irregularities while using heroin & other opiates. Tooth decay may be a problem. Regular cleaning of teeth, rinsing, & chewing sugar-free gum can help counteract this problem.

Withdrawal from methadone

When a person wishes to come off methadone, their dose is gradually reduced, in consultation with their prescribing doctor, over 3-12 months or longer, depending on the size of their regular dosage & the individual concerned. During withdrawal, clients receive assistance & support from their prescribing doctor & other health workers.

Sudden discontinualtion of methadone treatment causes withdrawal symptoms & is not usually recommended. Such symptoms vary & usually begin one to three days after the last dose. They can include uneasiness, yawning, tears, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, goosebumps, a runny nose & a craving for the drug. They reach a peak on the sixth day & last up to one week after that. A feeling of lethargy & anorexia can last for a while longer.

Pregnant women who are regular users of heroin & illicit opioids can also receive methadone treatment. Pregnant women who receive methadone treatment are likely to have fewer complications during their pregnancy & childbirth than pregnant women who continue to use illicit opioids. Starting methadone treatment eartly in the pregnancy reduces the likelikhood of complications occuring.

Like all opioids, methadone crosses the placenta to the unborn child. Babies born to methadone-dependent mothers may go through withdrawal at birth, although with lower doses this is rare. If it occurs it can be successfully treated while the baby is still in hospital.

Methadone passes to a baby in very small quantities through the mother's breast milk. Women may breastfeed safely while on the methadone program if on a low to moderate dose.

No immediate ill effects have been noticed in the breastfed children of methadone treatment clients. Little is known about the long-term effects on a baby who has had regular doses of methadone in the early stages of development.

Methadone & the law

In Australia, methadone can only be used legally for specific medical purposes approved by the relevant State or Territory health authority.

Each State & Territory in Australia has different laws about drugs. Under the Commonwealth Customs Act, 1901 the importation of methadone is illegal & carries penalties of up to $100,000 &/or life imprisonment. There are no restrictions on the amount of methadone that an individual can have in their possession, provided that it is legally prescribed to them by a suitably authorised medical practitioner.

The laws about the possession, use & prescription of methadone vary from State to State. Those planning to travel interstate sould find out what the laws are in the States they are planning to visit, & what health services are available.

Special arrangements need to be made by people on the methadone program who wish to travel. People travellin to another town or State for a short period of time may request temporary transfer to a pharmacy or program in the place they are visiting. If a client is moving for a longer period, or permanently, he or she will need to make arrangements through their current treatment program to be admitted to a methadone program near their new home.

Travel overseas may be difficuitl for people on emthadone treatment. Special arrangements should be made to conform with regulations of the Commonwealth Department of Human Services & Health & the Australian Customs Service. Certain conditions will be applied, possession of methadone is a serious offense in some countries. The methadone provider should be able to assist with travel arrangements.

Methadone overdose can be fatal (that's how my sister died of).

Like heroin, methadone is a powerful drug. If a person accidentally uses more than their prescribed dose it is vital that they alert medical &/or clinical staff & then follow any advice given to them.

The main risk of methadone overdose is of stopping breathing. Feelings of extreme tiredness, leading to a loss of conscioiusness & coma occurs (where the person cannot be roused), often with a sudden collapse. Oral methadone can be slow acting & an overdose may not occur till 3 to 24 hours after taking the dose.

If they are breathing & have a pulse, lie them on their side & call an ambulance immediately DIAL 000.

If breathing stops & a pulse can be felt, DIAL 000 & commence mouth to mouth resuscitation (if a pulse is evident do not attempt CPR).

If no pulse or breathing is evident call an ambulance & commence CPR. DIAL 000 immediately.

The use of other drugs with methadone can cause fatal overdose. Other depressants such as alcohol, benzodiazepines (valium, serepax, etc), other narcotics & cannabis interact with methadone causing drowsiness, unconsciousness, failure to breathe & ultimately death.

Some drugs reduce the effetiveness of methadone or change its effects. On the other hand, methadone can change the effectiveness of other drugs, or produce unexpected side effects.

It is very important for people to let their doctor, dentist or pharmacist know that they are taking methadone, so that nothing is prescribed which could affect the treatment, & so that other medical prodedures are safe.

@FDS Family Drug Support: A Guide to Coping. Version 3, Nov 2002.

The reason I'm typing and copy because I want to help drug users who want to reduce their addiction, then do what the doctor says about drink methadone limitation instead of take methadone from drug user and drink the whole bottle of methadone.