My RIGHTS to keep my Hearing Dog....

Sweetmind said:
Look at yourself that you dont read it carefully what my writings tell you in many things about the deafness that it turns me off from audist attitude people who thinks the number one is HEAR and the number two is SPEAK only that still exists in today's if you mind. You just dont get it and too busy to bash me all along. Sighs!

WHERE in the bloody hell did I say that the number one thing is HEAR and number two thing is SPEAK?????? Pregnancy does absolutely nothing for my state of mind nowadays, but I think I would remember if I said something along those lines. Please go baaaaaaaaack (follow the friggin' yellow brick friggin' ROAD!) and RE-READ my posts. Where the FECK did I say that I believed that the number one thing was to hear and the number two thing was to speak, Sweetmind? WHERE!? Yet you still refer to me as having an audist attitude and of bashing you for your choices.

Sweetmind said:
I feel you ignored the facts that I just explained as much as I could. And you dont take time to think of what's real going on our deafness that destroys by audist attitude at first place . My and deafies's true experiences are much similar problems that needs to be heard for a very good reason. Device is not the answer to make the difference because it destroy a natural Deaf people's Adaption that is very healthy tool for us to use for a reason as I feel it should be having the POSITIVE OUTLOOK about d/Deaf people like me if you mind. So why bother to focus on and destroy me as A Natural Deaf person for not having a choice with devices or a true language when I was two years old if you mind. I am not allowed to be a deaf person or have a legally deaf which is very outrageous for anybody to do this to the d/Deaf children. Who said I must hear and speak?? Of course the answer is the audist attitude people in a hearing world that what turns me off completely. Scoffs!

Thank you for scoffing on my behalf here - I see your scoff and raise you an eyeroll or two...or three. I have NEVER said that I didn't understand your point of view. As a matter of flippin' fact, I plain as DAY said that I support your opinions, and my only request of you was that you do the same thing of mine and of the rest of those here that you refer to as audists. Apparently I need a mallet or something in order to pound this into your head because after about two weeks of going fingertip to fingertip with you, you're STILL reading my posts the wrong way. Is it too advanced for you to read? Am I using words that are too big for you to com-pre-hend? (Err...that means UNDERSTAND.) Do you need me to dumb it down? It might prove to be a challenge for me, because I'm NOT used to resorting to such dimwittedness, but I'm more than willing to make an attempt in your case.

Sweetmind said:
Thats why I brought it up to explain what s Diversity all about? I dont need audist attitude people focused into a big light spot on Deafness as one sided. to conform that destroy us badly in our Diversity world anymore. Thats their hearing world that doesnt have a healthy thoughts or feelings about Deaf people 's capabilities for many years. SCOFFS!! They make money to become rich to rip off on parents and their child and deafies s positive outlook for both sides in Diversity world that shows me they actually destroyed a Natural Deaf people 's health. All I can say Damn you, audist attitude people dont care but $$$$$$$$$ I have to live with my pains and sufferings that is FOOOORRRRRR WHAT??? SCOFFS!!!

For god s sake, my mom raised her seven children with no ASL and doesnt have the kind of money to spend on fricky MEDICAL expenses for my deafness that is not necessary to mess around with my ears at all and the parents money. Thats what it ticks me off about the whole thing happens to me and many deafies. This is real NONSENSE to destroy our deafness for any reasons.

And my mother didn't??? My mother raised me oral, too. I've told you this many times already. Money has nothing to friggin' do with it. So there's technology out there - people actually SUPPORT that. It's a damn shame that you don't.

Another thing - how is deafness destroyed?????? Do you REALIZE how stupid you sound??? Deafness is not a destroyable factor. If you're deaf, it means only that you cannot hear. Since when is deafness something that can be destroyed? It can be HELPED by way of hearing aids or cochlear implants, but even those are NOT a cure to deafness...soon as they are switched off, it's friggin' lights OUT!

Sweetmind said:
Another thing is that I feel like I am watched by audist attitude people in hearing world and feel offended by their negative sayings.. This is Hearing world all my life. Heck with you guys. Keep that in your mind, they are responsible for my damage on the right ear so therefore they should give me a free Health insurance since I have no health insurance for more than 17 years that I could not afford. Scoffs!!! SIGHS! Thats all I want.

What part of what I said to you in any post of mine was negative? Up until now, I have been extremely careful as not to step on your toes, Sweetmind, simply because while I don't entirely agree with your mentality on this issue, I respect it as YOUR decisions. I've made that clear SEVERAL times...and I've ALWAYS tried to remain open minded as far as where your opinions lie, strictly because they're how YOU feel.

I'm very sorry you had some bad luck with your right ear. This was a several years ago, technology was not where it is now. They didn't even KNOW what CI's were back when your mother was trying to do what she felt was right. My mother is guilty of the same thing. My mother succeeded where yours failed. Not to say your mother was wrong, either - she was tryingto do what she felt was right, don't you think that she wanted what she perceived to be best for you at the time? Bottom line is, your ears are fine the way they are if you're satisfied with wearing no hearing aids or with not getting yourself implanted. They're fine because you say they're fine.

I cannot say much for your brain, though. You may be eligible for health benefits based solely on your mental frame of mind. How 'bout going in for a psych evaluation?

Sweetmind said:
I am the invisible a Deaf Natural person from a hearing world in the past and I am not the invisible a Deaf Natural person from the diversity world in today's that I will always proud of myself as a legally deaf and believe in myself until I die. Get it???

Yeah, whatever. I get it. So why don't you go ahead and slap the cuffs on me already, because I have a CI and I make USE of it. Now this would make me ILLEGALLY deaf in your book, now wouldn't it? Or better yet...oh, my GOD! It makes me an audist!!! I have an audist attitude!!!

"Gene Mirus, a deaf studies instructor at the nation's leading university for the hearing-impaired, Gallaudet University, told the Statesman that many deaf people who think they can detect approaching trains by their vibrations are mistaken."

That 's sad we lost other d/Deaf citizen in this society.

I strongly feel I have to say this: It s still not to be the blamed on d/Deaf people only as well as I am getting tired of people who are using their lame excuses about our deafness itself. :barf:

The reason is that I understand how it happens to any human beings who did the stupid mistake to walk on the track because it s the rule.

Other thing is that we all normally not to pay attention on everything whatever we are busy to think or having a daydream thinking with or without any communication accessories or in our thinkings that you dont realize until too late. Now you can see why there is a communication accessories law for the driver.

I was walking thru the campus as someone is trying to get my attention. I was wandering somewhere in my thinking that I did not see someone is trying to get my attention meanwhile someone passed by me. That s the whole thing happens to all of us. So thats the way it goes. So be it!

Thats what everybody says Pay attention what you are doing. Take it one at a time! ;) Many of us dont.

Have a wonderful day!

Oh boy, I can someone is still not getting what my true inner soul that HOW I feel being destroy for who i am as legally deaf or my own deafness. That's how the audist attitude people are trying to overlap my writings that not to be heard the whole point of view in my own true feelings between Natural and Artificial legally deaf. GET IT???????? My goodness you dont see what I see it. what a pathetic!!! Thanks!!!!

I have been tolerated with their MEDICAL deafness with their own audist attitude with all that bs as ONE-SIDED whatever they decide what s the best for me on my own deafness to make the best of it. all my life ;P~~~~~PHHFFFTTT! Who do the hell you think? GRRRR I am even :mad2: now after all they caused me having the health problem from hearing aid. Am I being punished for being a legally deaf or having my deafness? I THINK NOT!!! YOu dont give a damn about my sufferings and pains. Scoffs!!!

Yea go ahead to kiss more on their arses until it hits you to understand what I am saying someday. Thats all I can say.

Damaged my eyes that makes a shaking eye occassionally and my middle ear canal pains from the sounds that will never solve the problem that they created to destroy my deafness if you mind. I am not born into the diversity world to be destroy with my own organs that should be left alone that wont make any health problem to be additional anymore. They are robbed my whole life after all I m getting sufferings and pains for the rest of my life.. MIND YOU!

No one have the rights to destroy d/Deaf chlldren 's rights to protect their body property not by anyone else. No one is owned by anybody in this reality. I m so fed up with control and power with all kind of deafies s money that should be turned out into the POSITIVE OUTLOOK about our deafness / d/Deaf community and etc etc you name it. Thanks! it was their mistake to destroy by those audist attitude people who did it to me as a d/Deaf child if you mind. I did not ask for it or ask for a help. Thank you!

And I am done with you because it s not getting you anywhere to be openmind and see the difference between you and myself as a legally deaf if u dont mind. Thank you! I am here to break their old cycle behavior pattern that they are still doing it to all of us deafies if you dont mind. IT SHOULD NOT BE ONE SIDED on deafness> thank you!


Sweetmind said:
IT SHOULD NOT BE ONE SIDED on deafness> thank you!
No, you are absolutely correct. It should NOT be one-sided. (not even yours)
Eve said:
No, you are absolutely correct. It should NOT be one-sided. (not even yours)

Precisely the point I was trying to make in the dozen or so other posts that have been exchanged between me and Sweetmind.
Sweetmind said:
Oh boy, I can someone is still not getting what my true inner soul that HOW I feel being destroy for who i am as legally deaf or my own deafness. That's how the audist attitude people are trying to overlap my writings that not to be heard the whole point of view in my own true feelings between Natural and Artificial legally deaf. GET IT???????? My goodness you dont see what I see it. what a pathetic!!! Thanks!!!!

WHAT are you thanking me for? No offense (yeah, right) but your "writings" aren't exactly holding any water with me - At least I was honest with you in saying so, and I was respectful. didn't answer my question. WHERE, Sweetmind, in any of my posts, did I try to "destroy" you or your harebrained theories? I told you once, twice, three, four, five, six (get the damn picture, or do you want me to keep counting!?) times that I respect your position and where you are coming from. What the hell else do you want from me??? I never once called you any negative or degrading names pertaining to your opinions or your beliefs. I've told you FLAT OUT that I supported them.

Sweetmind said:
I have been tolerated with their MEDICAL deafness with their own audist attitude with all that bs as ONE-SIDED whatever they decide what s the best for me on my own deafness to make the best of it. ;P~~~~~PHHFFFTTT! Who do the hell you think? GRRRR I am even :mad2: now after all they caused me having the health problem if you mind. YOu dont give a damn. Scoffs!! Damaged my eyes that makes a shaking eye occassionally and my middle ear canal pains that will never solve the problem that they created to destroy my deafness if you mind.

No, Sweetmind, I don't give a damn or pity you in any way other than for your very, VERY limited perspective on these things. I recall saying that I WAS sorry that you've got some irreparable damage to your inner ear due to the botched medical care you received as a child...and I am. It's a tragic thing that's happened to you, but this doesn't mean that it's going to happen to every single deaf child or baby that receives medical attention or guidance before he or she is old enough to make the decision as to whether or not they wish to continue with speech therapy or auditory training or even getting a CI. Like I said before, the medical field is FAR more advanced now than it is in the past. They don't make as many "mistakes" or mess ups than they used to.

So yes, I'm sorry you've had some bad luck. I really mean that, Sweetmind. As much as I don't agree with you in my postings, I am not a cruel person and I don't have anything against you as an individual. I'm sure you're happy with your life and your choices and your family and friends...and that's just WONDERFUL. PLEASE don't misunderstand my intentions, here. It is not my aim to make you angry, or to tell you that you're wrong in what you believe, because you're not - but then again - neither am I.

I just feel AS STRONGLY as you do about MY perspective than you do yours. Okay?

Agree to disagree. I've already done that. *KUMMMMMBAAAYYYYYAAA*

Sweetmind said:
Damaged my eyes that makes a shaking eye occassionally and my middle ear canal pains that will never solve the problem that they created to destroy my deafness if you mind. I am not born into the diversity world to be destroy my own organs that should be left alone that wont make any health problem to be additional anymore. No one have the rights to destroy d/Deaf chlldren 's rights to protect their body property not by anyone else. No one is owned by anybody in this reality. I m so fed up with control and power with all kind of deafies s money that should be turned out into the POSITIVE OUTLOOK about our deafness / d/Deaf community and etc etc you name it. Thanks! it was their mistake to destroy by those audist attitude people who did it to me as a d/Deaf child if you mind. I did not ask for it or ask for a help. Thank you!

And I am done with you because it s not getting you anywhere to be openmind and see the difference between you and myself as a legally deaf if u dont mind. Thank you! I am here to break their old cycle behavior pattern that they are still doing it to all of us deafies if you dont mind. IT SHOULD NOT BE ONE SIDED on deafness> thank you!

You're done with ME??? Be that your choice, it's fine with me. I'm running out of Tylenol as we speak and quite frankly, I do have better things to do with my time than to try to FORCE an idea or an issue onto someone else. Please take what I said into CAREFUL consideration though.

I'm not against you, I'm against your tendency to place blame where it doesn't belong.
No, you are absolutely correct. It should NOT be one-sided. (not even yours)
Whats that supposed to be me as you think of!!

Everything that they know it all about the deafness thats why I stood up and have my loudest mouth for a long long time.

I have said that NO ONE HAVE NOT HEARD the true bad experiences from HA or CI from the book . Thats why I am here to tell the truth without having tooooo much bias from Hearing people or Latened Deaf or deaf oralism s audist attitude as well as it s coming from you guys too. Thats why I said audist attitude doesnt tell the whole truth while they are busy to destroy me and many deafies in this society. Thats Abuse and Inhuman Treatment toward d/Deaf children 'Deaf rights and True identity.

Thats the purpose for me to be here for a long time that I did not give it up on the internet. So people can read and decide for themselves. I dont need to hear their whine that they did not know or refused to understand or refused to accept the fact and etc That is what it makes things harder for me to find a way to write everything as much as I can give after all I went thru hellva time with you people. Thats how audist attitude does that to us all those years. Everything audist attitude to take over what deafies from the past had in this Deaf community to make money for themselves and their business meanwhile they dont have a heart to help or work with . That turns me off in a hearing world itself. Thats where people find the information about one sided only on deafness and many other things that they dont know the whole full details that we have the positive outlook in Deaf community that we give without taking it from them . Get it!!! ;)

I am not too stupid to see real things around me every single day in my life for being deaf and my hands to communicate with ASL or without orally speaking if you mind. Thank you!

:popcorn: Oh boy!! Malfoyish and Sweetmind going at it...kinda like saying my butt is bigger than yours, huh? ;)
I think there is a hijacking in progress! :eek:
Now I have to tell this in college, they were forced me to wear the headphone in the classrooms as I refused to wear it. Audist attitude teacher was telling that I must wear it or else give me an F for that course. I told her off " go right ahead and do it" . She doesnt have the right to treat me like a kid while I was a student in this college. I walked out the classrooms and refused to come her classroom.

Other thing is that Few years ago, I was in hearing college and had been taking courses for two quarters. I got two high honors in my gpa over 3.5. I had to quit because I was burned out and after my grandmother s death that I took it so hard at the same time. I was very struggled with my school work that I need to get the right tools that make it easier for me to deal with my classroom and studies at least three or four hours each night. I can handle that with my computer much easier than using hand writing that it blocks me everything but with my learning disability that I did not received a good help after they found out that I have the problems.

Thats why I felt resisted by audist attitude people who have told me and go to Gallaudet University that I didnt want to particpate. And the money issue that I am not getting any support. So My mom supported me for two years that I feel it s enough for her helping me out. That's it.

Thats why I feel that they should paying for my needs and health insurance to cover up my loss from the damaged my middle ear canal that causes very painful by audist attitude for years and years. No matter what. That what it ticks me off for not having a full support of my needs all along.. i feel being discriminated and oppression by them at that college and outside the college. So therefore I am disabled and have the right to get my needs that I was struggled with those people. There is nowhere for me to go to. Too much trouble and hassles for me to deal with that I dont need this BS anymore. Thats my rights!!

There are thousands of negative stories that I can share about audist attitude people all my life what they did to me and many deafies for years and years.

Thank you! ;)
Sweetmind said:
Now I have to tell this in college, they were forced me to wear the headphone in the classrooms as I refused to wear it. Audist attitude teacher was telling that I must wear it or else give me an F for that course. I told her off " go right ahead and do it" . She doesnt have the right to treat me like a kid while I was a student in this college. I walked out the classrooms and refused to come her classroom.

Other thing is that Few years ago, I was in hearing college and had been taking courses for two quarters. I got two high honors in my gpa over 3.5. I had to quit because I was burned out and after my grandmother s death that I took it so hard at the same time. I was very struggled with my school work that I need to get the right tools that make it easier for me to deal with my classroom and studies at least three or four hours each night. I can handle that with my computer much easier than using hand writing that it blocks me everything but with my learning disability that I did not received a good help after they found out that I have the problems.

Thats why I felt resisted by audist attitude people who have told me and go to Gallaudet University that I didnt want to particpate. And the money issue that I am not getting any support. So My mom supported me for two years that I feel it s enough for her helping me out. That's it.

Thats why I feel that they should paying for my needs and health insurance to cover up my loss from the damaged my middle ear canal that causes very painful by audist attitude for years and years. No matter what. That what it ticks me off for not having a full support of my needs all along.. i feel being discriminated and oppression by them at that college and outside the college. So therefore I am disabled and have the right to get my needs that I was struggled with those people. There is nowhere for me to go to. Too much trouble and hassles for me to deal with that I dont need this BS anymore. Thats my rights!!

There are thousands of negative stories that I can share about audist attitude people all my life what they did to me and many deafies for years and years.

Thank you! ;)

Hi Sweetmind,

Your posts on my thread is way off the you mind you make a new thread for yourself about this post as well?

I would like to clarify for Sweetmind and for everyone else who's been following the drama here -

I never once said that there were no "stories" or cases where deaf individuals were not treated fairly in the past. This includes you and the hundreds of thousands of others that are angered by some of the same things you are. NEVER did I say that. I know BETTER.

However, it sounds like SOMEONE is still living in the past and harbors a very bitter grudge. I can definitely understand that, Sweetmind...okay? Please don't think I'm addressing your posts with the intent to flame you for something you feel so strongly about - what I don't agree with is your tendency to scapegoat.

You see - YOU had a bad experience with medical care you received. I have some news for you - so did I. I got a CI in 2002, and then I ended up with meningitis in 2004. They say the cause of the meningitis was because of the use of a positioner and since then and after I recovered from the illness, they sent me in for another surgery, where they removed the positioner and re-implanted me with a later model of cochlear implant. As for the meningitis, it was a stroke of bad luck and I'm lucky to be alive today....but I am now stronger than I was before.

You don't see me whining about it, though...and you certainly don't see me trying to solicit money to make up for botched medical care. It would make more sense if it happened recently, but it didn't. You were a child when the mistakes were made, so at this point, you're very unlikely to get any reimbursement for that one doctor's errors now.

As for you going to Gally - it's a suggestion being made to you by others - doesn't mean we're "audists" or we're trying to shove aside some of the pain you've endured in recent years. If you don't want to take classes at Gallaudet - DON'T. If you want to, go for it. It's your decision - try not to take everything as a personal insult. Another thing - If you've been trying to obtain good medical coverage and support for yourself for the last seventeen years, you should know by now that it's not easy.

Your frustrations are poorly placed, that's all. We aren't here to flame you as a highly opinionated woman, we are only trying to introduce to you ideas that may not correspond with your own.

And to everyone else - I'm sorry this thread has taken an entirely new direction - anyone with the capability to do so is welcome to take whichever posts they think fit, and put them into a seperate thread. :dunno: I just disagree so strongly with some of the things I've seen here and I've tried staying on topic as much a possible...I guess when I see something that upsets me, I'll respond to it, regardless of where it is.

It all started with a dog, though!
All I am seeing DENIAL DENIAL, DENY DENY DENYING DENYING that I am not interested in it anymore.

I am done with you anyway. YOu dont get it.. That s all I can say.

We are no different between HA and CI users in early age.. So I am not gonna to listen those craps since we are legally deaf. Dont tell me CI is the best device in this society.

We deafies like me put our true capabilities and our Deaf languages into the last resort as usual after all they dont give us a chance to be a natural d/Deaf children to use our deaf adapation first from the start. It s a real bigotry attitude.

I am not gonna to listen their CI radicals' :gossip: because we are more than doubled disabled people than a natural d/Deaf people. That s a real wacko to destroy our healthy tools that works for us not for Hearing pepole s sake.. Scoffs!.
Last edited:
Look at this yourself That is even worse off topic that doesnt fit mine. Quit pinpointing at me only.. Get a life!!!

That issue is about MY RIGHTS I have already straight this out to someone who whines about the landlord before they understand what the rules are for HUD.

Hit your head with a pot pan first before you can do my head. ;)
coloravalanche said:
Hi Sweetmind,

Your posts on my thread is way off the you mind you make a new thread for yourself about this post as well?

I think your request is polite and reasonable, and should be respected since you are the creator of this thread. You started this thread to get help for a specific problem. We are all guilty at some times for going astray on threads, so there is nothing wrong with a gentle reminder to pull us back on track. :)

There is nothing stopping members from starting new[/i] threads to support their own topics.
hey everyone whoever got into this some kinda debate about hearing world and deaf world my advice it make a new thread regarding about this... right now i see this is way off topic i cant maanage read three subjects... PPSSSTTT!! lets get back to whole point of hearing dogs and laws pls.. and their rights of using hearing dogs TY so much? hiding behind counter....
Sweetmind said:
All I am seeing DENIAL DENIAL, DENY DENY DENYING DENYING that I am not interested in it anymore.

I am done with you anyway. YOu dont get it.. That s all I can say.

That's funny. I don't think you get it, either. But then again, that's not telling anyone anything they didn't know already.

Another hilarious fact - you've said you're done with me twice now, yet you continue to banter. How so, very interesting.

Sweetmind said:
We are no different between HA and CI users in early age.. So I am not gonna to listen those craps since we are legally deaf. Dont tell me CI is the best device in this society.

Uhhhhm....I didn't.

Until you're ready to supply me with proof of what I've "said," kindly refrain from putting invisible words into my posts. You're only making yourself look even more so like a dimtard.

Sweetmind said:
We deafies like me put our true capabilities and our Deaf languages into the last resort as usual after all they dont give us a chance to be a natural d/Deaf children to use our deaf adapation first from the start. It s a real bigotry attitude.

I am not gonna to listen their CI radicals' :gossip: because we are more than doubled disabled people than a natural d/Deaf people. That s a real wacko to destroy our healthy tools that works for us not for Hearing pepole s sake.. Scoffs!.

So don't. You don't have to listen, just accept it as a different viewpoint.

Now, other members are feeling that this little hissy fit of yours is inappropriate for this thread and I concur. If you'd like to badger me some more over things I've never said, please go ahead and start a new thread. I'd be more than happy to correct your mistakes there.
OH yea people are too much judgemental about me and a natural deaf people after all you dont know about me. Yea you dont give a shyte about my and our rights that has not solved yet. Phhooeeey!!