Sweetmind said:
The reason is that I m using AUDIST ATTITUDE people because I m not giving the impression that it s ALL hearing are like that if you mind.

There are some hearing people out there are so great people with a good attitude and doesnt treat d/Deaf children like what audist attitude people did. It s not my responsibility to worry about you as individual s feelings because it is YOURS not mine. So there!
You're absolutely right, Sweetmind. But guess what? You contradict yourself more than you realize. This goes both ways. If you're to ask MY respect for your opinions, then I'd expect for you to do the same for mine. I don't have a problem with people who prefer to be militant about resorting to STRICT ASL as far as communication, or not getting CI's for fear that it'll make them any less deaf. If this is how they, or for that matter, YOU, feel, then that's FINE with me. It's what they want, it's what they're comfortable with. I honestly and truly do NOT allow it to affect the way I live my life or see things. By now, if you haven't gotten it through your thick head already, I am
ALL FOR CHOICE. Okay????? By misunderstanding me, you're only flying off the handle even more than people expect you to. Do not paint ME as being the unreasonable one in this case. You simply do NOT have enough evidence of this to do so.
You DO need to understand though, that there are people who grew up differently than you did, and who adopted different methods as far as communications, etc...it was also by choice that some of us obtained a CI because we felt it would be beneficial to US. I know I speak for a lot of people here when I say this.
I'm no more or less deaf than you are, Sweetmind. Yes, I speak only, and yes, I know a little sign language because I CHOSE to learn it later on during my college days. When it came to me, my mother had the "audist" attitude you despise so much, but back when my hearing loss was detected, she had different ideas and thoughts - she did what she felt was right. Don't forget that this was also 27 years ago. Times have changed, and technology has changed. Anyway...she taught me to speak first, and didn't want me signing. YES, I felt left out, I'll admit it, but I have to ALSO admit that my speaking has developed to the point where I can function EXTREMELY well in the hearing world. I am also told that I am a very good and successful writer. Yes, I was picked on, I was teased, and I had my own trouble fitting in...but most adolescents do at one point or another. Hearing has very little, if anything, to do with it. There are plenty of factors that contribute to one's inability to fit in. Being deaf is one, yes, but what about being overweight? Or physically disabled? Cross-eyed? Nerdish? Unpopular? Impoverished? Gothic? I can go on if you deem it necessary.
I just know that I, as a person, have succeeded. Because of this, I, personally, have NOTHING negative to say about a deaf person learning to speak if they're able, a deaf individual receiving speech therapy, etc...or even getting CI's, because now I can HEAR my husband speak to me, my children laugh, cry, play, scream, fight, call each other names...you get the picture. That makes me an audist? Fine, so be it.
Point is, I'm happy with the way I am, and I don't need to be accused of not being supportive of one's decision to remain as they are. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I don't care how one chooses to live their lives - it's theirs, not mine.
Perhaps what you truly don't like about me is that I WILL stand up for what I believe to be true in my case - it may not be so for everyone, but I KNOW it's possible. It is POSSIBLE for ANYONE to improve their lives, whether they're deaf, blind, stupid, you name it. I'm all for that. However, if they don't WANT to, that's a different ballgame alltogether.
The SAME thing applies to hearing dogs. It's still a choice, no matter how you choose to twist it. If someone wants one, great - I support it. If someone feels they don't need one because their eyes work perfectly, then terrific! I support that as well. Why? NOT because it's the same choice I would make, but because it's how THEY feel.