My Back Yard Paradise

I am turning into you, Botts!

I just bought four HUGE planters. I had my 4 tomato plants in relatively small pots. Transferred them to the new planters to allow them to grow. They are about 2-3 feet high now. Do you have any tips? These are my first tomato plants, so I honestly know NUTTIN' about stuff like that. I am thinking about getting some trellis (or something like that) to help hold up the plants. Good idea or bad?
I am turning into you, Botts!

I just bought four HUGE planters. I had my 4 tomato plants in relatively small pots. Transferred them to the new planters to allow them to grow. They are about 2-3 feet high now. Do you have any tips? These are my first tomato plants, so I honestly know NUTTIN' about stuff like that. I am thinking about getting some trellis (or something like that) to help hold up the plants. Good idea or bad?

Trellis is a great idea. We have our tomatoes tied that way. Also plant food once a week is helpful. And generous watering pays off in lots of tomato production.
Trellis is a great idea. We have our tomatoes tied that way. Also plant food once a week is helpful. And generous watering pays off in lots of tomato production.

Great! Thanks! Right now, I am using long sticks sticking into the soil to tie up the plants. I will buy some plant food. And will try to remember to water them...... (This is why I don't normally grow plants...)
Great! Thanks! Right now, I am using long sticks sticking into the soil to tie up the plants. I will buy some plant food. And will try to remember to water them...... (This is why I don't normally grow plants...)

We have a huge pot of tomatoes on our back deck. My husband, the brilliant engineer, has rigged up a garden hose on a timer, so it gets 5 minutes' worth of water every morning, before the sun gets too high to burn it off.

We are getting PLENTY of tomatoes! Love 'em.
We have a huge pot of tomatoes on our back deck. My husband, the brilliant engineer, has rigged up a garden hose on a timer, so it gets 5 minutes' worth of water every morning, before the sun gets too high to burn it off.

We are getting PLENTY of tomatoes! Love 'em.

Love this!!!! I need to use my engineering capabilities to do this!
I do not mind going to your backyard and have some strawberry DQ to let the time is going to pass the week. This week is going to be long long long quiet.
It's not difficult, actually.

Our system: get a double-sided spigot for the outdoor faucet that is attached to the house. One garden hose can then be your "regular" hose for whatever you need. The other one is the dedicated plant-watering hose.

Buy a timer from the hardware store. Set it up to the hose according to directions.

Put hose on pot where water will drip near roots of the plant.

Test it. If the water is coming out at the right flow-rate (you don't want it to be so powerful that it digs a hole in the dirt), then you're done.

It's not difficult, actually.

Our system: get a double-sided spigot for the outdoor faucet that is attached to the house. One garden hose can then be your "regular" hose for whatever you need. The other one is the dedicated plant-watering hose.

Buy a timer from the hardware store. Set it up to the hose according to directions.

Put hose on pot where water will drip near roots of the plant.

Test it. If the water is coming out at the right flow-rate (you don't want it to be so powerful that it digs a hole in the dirt), then you're done.


:hmm: Do I hear Botts calling to her husband that it's time for a trip to the hardware store for some faucet/hose supplies? :)
:hmm: Do I hear Botts calling to her husband that it's time for a trip to the hardware store for some faucet/hose supplies? :)

It's a good idea, but he and the dogs have their morning ritual . He walks around watering everything and they follow him.

The poodle is getting really old, but she thinks it's great sport to try to reach in the stream of water from the hose and drink.

Well, like any dog owner, clearly you agree that "life must revolve around the convenience of the dogs," so there ya go. Can't take away a source of fun for the little ones!
Here is a window box with lots of moss roses and snapdragons.

You live in garden paradise. The window planter is so full of pretty plants. I also love the new deck color. It reminds me of bottom-of-the-pool blue or lagoon blue. Perfect for a fantasy themed back yard!
Love your yard & window box. I'm thinking I should take a pic of my flowers in the front flower bed...before Irene arrives. :shock:
My husband took this picture of a butterfly resting on one of our fences.

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We did not talk about it, and I didn't even know this existed. Thank you!

I think I will be able to find the dogs for a little longer. This is going to be a major improvement. I can hardly believe it. :)

Ms.Bottesini, you must be an amazing Lady. Granted, I have not been here long, but after reading past posts from you & others, it seems everyone speaks very highly of you & I can not find one post where you got riled about something. you always seem so quiet & calm, etc.

I saw the pics of your yard & I commend your hubby for doing all this for you...I do not know your views on GOD, but you & him must be close because nobody can be as calm as you without him.

May Allah(swt) Be with you always, & may he guide your every step.