My Artworks

NOT BAD!!! Keep up artwork you can!!
HEY I am Manga artist! wanna to see? I will show you!!! :)
SCBassist said:
That looks impressive, reminds me of anime characters. I once dabbled in advertising design, after some 15 years, I'm sure I am rusty! LOL

Heh, no worries. I assure your drawing will be fine only if you keep pratice. :)

MeYag2CAL said:
hi KM05,

i was impressive by your art like japanese animation. it's cute.
how old were you start drawing a picture? i was curious.

peace :)

Thank you. :aw: I was became an anime artist when I was sixth grade until three years ago, I was not anime artist anymore, but rather to fantasy artist. You will see my new artworks when I send my character sheet and picture to the "club" and post with them in here. I also quitted last year but I still enjoy the drawing, anyway. Thanks for asking! ;)

queenmanga said:
NOT BAD!!! Keep up artwork you can!!
HEY I am Manga artist! wanna to see? I will show you!!! :)

Thanks! :D Yeah, I saw that. They are so cool! Will you post more pictures in your thread? I like to see some more of yours. :)

*speak in general*
As for my new artworks - I am very almost to finish my character sheet. Phew! It took me so longer to complete the form. I'm not sure when I will post them in here. I, of course, will update 'em after I'm done and to send 'em away to the "club". ;)
I almost forget about my fictional character for Naruto. The team was currently changed some new rules so I put my character in hold on. Until they finish some details and rules and etc etc so I can send my character and wait see if they can accpet mine or not. :cross: So... I'm just go ahead to edit a bit of my character sheet and will update with it in my blog in this AllDeaf and LiveJournal when I have a time.
now try extend your character , say their siblings, the mother, father, uncles and aunties...the whole family. even pets
Oh, wow.. I totally forget about that! :ty: thanks a many for bring it up!

Okay, I would. :)
Very, very nice. I love the baby, too!!! You should do some toddlers, too. Maybe a group of younguns. Anyway, good stuff!
Heh! Thanks~ Someday, I hope I will draw more. I don't draw many toddlers or babies. ^_^
Since I have no heard from the Naruto Team Project, and my character sheet stuff is still in hold-on... Hmm...

However, I hope, today, I will get a new scanner so I can scan many of my old artworks to share with AD'ers! :D

Anyway... Here's very old picture.

"Panther Dude"
By Jessie B


Photoshop 8
Pencil & plain paper
At the deaf school
that's some good and cute artwork (except the nightmarish one lol). So you're member of I just recently joined that site :)
Yes, you and KarriaMann05 because you both have good talent with drawing.

I use Paint Shop Pro to do the drawing. The drawing was based on the Ellipse tool I used in PSP. I did not go to school to learn how to draw. I just play around and use my own creativity. Its take time and effort to finished the result.
that's some good and cute artwork (except the nightmarish one lol). So you're member of I just recently joined that site :)

Yes, I have a DeviantART account. Click that to visit there if you like to. :)

PenDeafPal - your arts look so cool! What a creativeity :thumb:

Liebling - I was only drew with pencil and sometimes ink pen for clean picture after I was done with some artworks. I also was learning how to use photoshop at my school.
Right now, I have my own Photoshop account, pro-painter ix, and I don't draw very much. My drawing skill is just becomes in a limitation and I used to draw anime/manga pictures so many time until my drawing style had been just changed into my own style, not anime type anymore.

I just got my new scanner so, hopefully, I have a time to scan and update some new and old artworks. :)

Thanks for asking, lady ;)
Nice work you got too deafpenpal. And yes I already saw your deviantART work Karissa nice work. I'm new to the site and currently don't have any skills with Photoshop, Paint shop pro, Flash or any of those computer programs except for the original Paint program that comes with the computer lol.

Here's my deviantART if you wanna see
Wow your artworks are really awesome. It is very creative. Keep up the good work KarissaMann05 and Deafpenpal. :)

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