My Activation

This is so great to read!!!!! I go for my evaluation on Monday. I'll make my own thread probably after my appointment. I don't want to jump the gun in case I can't get one.

Super excited for you have been waiting a long time. I know you have done your research, have you decided what brand you will go with? I wish I would have gone with AB.

Definitely start your own thread when your ready, it's fun and interesting to see how well or different others do.

This is so great to read!!!!! I go for my evaluation on Monday. I'll make my own thread probably after my appointment. I don't want to jump the gun in case I can't get one.

Best of luck with your eval, Ambrosia!
well, its not the processor, turns to pointing at the coil, my magnet is weak and Ive told the audi and she says its fine, I have thick course hair and now that its grown out my magnet will jump on to the fridge if Im close to it, if I press down on my coil it sounds fine, but just sitting there it makes everyone sound like theyre gurgling water while talking and its bugging the shit out of me.
well, its not the processor, turns to pointing at the coil, my magnet is weak and Ive told the audi and she says its fine, I have thick course hair and now that its grown out my magnet will jump on to the fridge if Im close to it, if I press down on my coil it sounds fine, but just sitting there it makes everyone sound like theyre gurgling water while talking and its bugging the shit out of me.

Wellll that is one way to get rid of it!
well, its not the processor, turns to pointing at the coil, my magnet is weak and Ive told the audi and she says its fine, I have thick course hair and now that its grown out my magnet will jump on to the fridge if Im close to it, if I press down on my coil it sounds fine, but just sitting there it makes everyone sound like theyre gurgling water while talking and its bugging the shit out of me.

You can get a stronger magnet. I think the range is from 1 to 5 with the higher number being stronger. I use a 5 and have a 6 (special order) as a spare. The audi can't really say "it's fine" since she's not the one wearing it.
well, its not the processor, turns to pointing at the coil, my magnet is weak and Ive told the audi and she says its fine, I have thick course hair and now that its grown out my magnet will jump on to the fridge if Im close to it, if I press down on my coil it sounds fine, but just sitting there it makes everyone sound like theyre gurgling water while talking and its bugging the shit out of me.

I have super thick long hair and my CI stays on pretty well. Did you get two of everything on your first surgery? I did and if you did, maybe replace the whole coil wire and a new magnet. You can twist the magnet to make it tighter too. I'm just guessing though.

If all that fails.....cut your hair. If that does not work then there is something wrong with your CI.

Mike, what I did was have the Cochlear rep. meet me at my appointment. They are really good at figuring these things out. You definitely need to do this before you have your 2nd surgery. IMO

I know this can be so so frustrating. GOOD LUCK!!!!
One more thing....If you wear like a baseball hat, will that keep your magnet secure on your head. Worth a try at this point.
Well people sound like theyre gurgling water, and when I press on the coil it stops... so something wrong with the coil in imo... I am calling first thing tomorrow and I will request that.
Well people sound like theyre gurgling water, and when I press on the coil it stops... so something wrong with the coil in imo... I am calling first thing tomorrow and I will request that.

Take your backup coil and attach to the processor your currently using and see if that fixes it. Mine is the Freedom but just messing with it I pulled the coil away from my head to see when it would start cutting out and its about half an inch before the sound starts sounding funny. If the back up coil don't fix it try your back up processor with the coil in question and see if it still does it. If it does then it could be the internal part itself.
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Take your backup coil and attach to the processor your currently using and see if that fixes it. Mine is the Freedom but just messing with it I pulled the coil away from my head to see when it would start cutting out and its about half an inch before the sound starts sounding funny. If the back up coil don't fix it try your back up processor with the coil in question and see if it still does it. If it does then it could be the internal part itself.
My backup works fine, just this one is screwed, my remote cant even find it half the time unless its right next to it, so its the coil, Im waiting on the audi to call me back...
I took the magnet and it has a really strong pull on my keys and whatever else but put it on my head and its very weak, just barely push it and it will pop right off my head, it has no pull what so ever to this thick skull.
Sounds like 2 different issues. The magnets only purpose is to hold the coil to your head only it won't affect the way a remote or anything else works. Might have got a lemon they should replace or repair it for free.
I agree with Scott, get it replaced so you don't have to mess with all of this.

Are you still going to do the other ear? Cochlear needs to make you a happy customer.
Yes they are sending me a new coil and cable, so told me to wait on sending the other back ( as I want to keep my original if not defective) so if the new coil is the fix, Im good, if not then I will be going in and getting it all looked at.
Yes, still set on my second surgery on the 25th at 7am.
Got the new coil and cable today, OMFG !!! clear as a bell now, the damn thing I had must have been a piece of crap since day one.
OMG sounds are so crisps and clear now. I told the audi I still heard something when she said "No, you shouldnt be hearing anything right now" during mappings... well, this will be brought up at the next mapping, when my other is activated.
Whoa. That's crazy. I sure hope when my daughter gets hers, they send her one that works properly from the get go. That kind of stinks. You had a faulty unit from the beginning, and never really knew it, but just accepting the sound it produced, when it should have been so much better.

Well, now that you can hear "clear as a bell", let me know how well it works for your instruments and perceives music. I know you said before, music still sounded like garbage, but is it any better now with the new coil?
Condor, thanks for reminding me, I just played the other day and I couldn't tune by ear and chords sounded way off but single strings were ok. I just picked it up, tuned it and chords now sound fine. Amazing that a bad coil can cause all the chaos.
well started again, if I press on the coil its fine, I think its the magnet is too weak, so i will have them test everything when I go to my next mapping. I keep telling them the magnet is too weak (basic magnet) where everyone else I know have #4 and 5... mine is a 2. and it barely hangs on. They are concerned with breaking down the skin, Im concerned with the damn thing staying on... just a light bump wit fingers it falls off and it shouldnt do that. Im about to raise hell if this woman doesnt listen to me when i go back and find a new audi.
well started again, if I press on the coil its fine, I think its the magnet is too weak, so i will have them test everything when I go to my next mapping. I keep telling them the magnet is too weak (basic magnet) where everyone else I know have #4 and 5... mine is a 2. and it barely hangs on. They are concerned with breaking down the skin, I'm concerned with the damn thing staying on... just a light bump wit fingers it falls off and it shouldn't do that. I'm about to raise hell if this woman doesn't listen to me when i go back and find a new audi.

In the mean time, do you use any grooming products on your hair? I am thinking of something accidentally coating the magnet and making a difference in how good of contact it makes; especially with it being one of the weaker magnets.
nope, and i recently shaved it down ( military crewcut ) so its practically on my scalp.

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