Move Over Bed Bugs; Stink Bugs Are the New Bug in Town


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Smelly Stink Bugs Impervious to Pesticides, Spreading Rapidly

Meet Stink. He's got glands that release a foul, musty odor when he's mishandled or feels threatened.

He's just in from Asia and he's disguised as a small brown shield. But don't let that fool you. He's not the one who'll need to be intercepting attacks this Fall.

Rather, while the people of the Northeast have been distracted over the past several months -- with their eyes fixed on their beds -- Stink and his friends have been letting themselves in through the back door -- your vents.

And once the stink bugs are in your home, it's unfortunately very difficult to get them out.

Most Americans turn to manmade pesticides, when faced with a bug infestation of this kind; but no luck there this time. No, these super critters appear to be resistant to the stock of pesticides in this country. And, as such, the little shield-shaped bug has nullified one of man's defenses.

So, what about Mother Nature's defenses? There are natural checks and balances -- predators and prey, warm and cool weather -- in place for just this reason, right?

Wrong. The critters are native to China, Japan and Korea. And, while there is talk of an Asian wasp that controls their population growth over there, there is currently no natural predator for them in America.

Bad news bugs.

And to make matters worse, the stink bugs appear to have no problem whatsoever migrating to find more favorable weather conditions for themselves. In their native Asia, that meant a move to rocky outcroppings; a cold-weather home, which apart from the occasional climber or caver, seemed to bother no one. Here in America, though, they've settled for the closest equivalent: Urban office buildings, hotels and suburban homes.

And that's why homeowners across the mid-Atlantic region have been discovering mushrooming populations of these stink bugs in their homes of late. Parke Brewer lives in Silver Spring, Maryland and he is one of those unlucky homeowners.

"They're everywhere," Brewer says, surveying the rafters and screen windows of his covered porch. "If you look around this whole porch, which we like to enjoy if it's a nice day out, for dinner, for lunch, for relaxing; but when the stink bugs are around, they'll fly and hit you in the face or in the head. And it's not very pleasant to be out here. So, I've tried to attack them as best as I can, but I'm losing the battle."

Brewer is not alone. Since 2001, when the stink bugs were first spotted in Allentown, Pa., their population has burgeoned and they have spread to 29 states in mid-Atlantic America.

"It's kind of a perfect storm of conditions that are allowing these guys to explode," says Mike Raupp, an entomologist at the University of Maryland. "One, we used to use heavy pesticides. Now, these bugs are increasing in numbers. Two, we're becoming an importing nation. Bugs are coming in. Three, people are going to countries we've never gone to before; lots of second and third world countries, where bugs like bed bugs are common.

"So, there are lots of opportunities for bugs to come in. Also, this year the weather was perfect for bugs to explode."

So, this year's weather, which has proven such a foe to farmers across the country by withering crops with its extreme heat and droughts; appears to have enabled yet another farm foe in the stink bug. And that's exactly where stink bugs have been hiding all this time; in gardens, orchards and fields, sucking the sap out of the plants there.

But with the coming of Fall, they've transformed their menace from a business to a personal one.

"It's never ending," says Brewer, clutching a plastic bag full of the stink bugs, which he's captured and now suffocating. "You'll trap or you'll capture or smack them with a fly swatter, 20 to 30 times in one day. Then, there'll be that many more even within an hour. I take it personally and I try to catch as many as I can, but it hardly seems to put a dent in them."

As a result, Brewer's porch is largely out of commission, due to the unpleasant aroma which he insists the bugs emit, even if he does not squash them. So what is there to do?

Well, some people don't find the smell that bad.

"Stinky is as stinky does. Stinky is a relative thing," Raupp says. "I don't find them unpleasant, but a lot do. Some people say they smell like cilantro. Then, I say, put some salt on them."

In fact, in some countries like Laos, the bugs are eaten and even considered a delicacy because of their pungent smell. But, if that's not exactly your taste, there is this bright side to look at:

The stink bugs are not harmful to you, your children or your possessions. They have not been known to carry diseases. They're merely going to seek shelter in your home and, occasionally, make the place smell really bad.

"You're never going to beat Mother Nature," Raupp says. "Bet on the bugs. The bugs have the answer. They've been at this thing for 6 million years. People don't have to freak out. It's not a plague, even though they're showing up in biblical numbers."

Stink Bugs Infesting Cities and Suburbs - ABC News
In Missouri there was a stink bug problem. What we did, if they got into the house, you "sucked" them up in the vacuum and then put the vacuum bag into the fire pit. Problem solved. If you don't want the stink in your vacuum, you used a shop-vac that was kept out in the shed. They came every 2-3 years and were a real problem. They loved to cover a wood deck and you couldn't help but walk on them and then the stink would really be bad. We kept a water hose nearby, sprayed the deck off or just vacuumed them up.
I'm surprised no one noticed it until this year. I have been having major stinkbug issues for several years . They were all over inside my house for years, and I just gotten used to them. But this year is the first time they are not a problem for me. Maybe they left and start attacking other homes. FINALLY, they are GONE (for me anyway)!
Never encountered one to my knowledge, but I live in the South....some people did mention the "stinky" bugs had been around for a while, but not to this extreme.....

And it seems the "Love Bug" is passe' too! Haven't seen but a few all summer long.

And did read a new story last week about a woman and her daughter spent the night in a motel (here in Jacksonville), woke up to find bed bugs all over them.....ewwwww!....The motel apolozied and refunded her $$......
Never encountered one to my knowledge, but I live in the South....some people did mention the "stinky" bugs had been around for a while, but not to this extreme.....

And it seems the "Love Bug" is passe' too! Haven't seen but a few all summer long.

And did read a new story last week about a woman and her daughter spent the night in a motel (here in Jacksonville), woke up to find bed bugs all over them.....ewwwww!....The motel apolozied and refunded her $$......

We didn't have the love bugs this year either. Wonder what's up. Did the hurricanes from a few years ago wipe them out?
There's plenty of stink bugs in Virginia where I used to work as window technician, I see plenty of them at customers homes. Gross!

I have not see any stink bugs here in California, perhaps stink bugs like to live in humid area?!?!
I hadn't heard of them before. Now one more thing to worry about. :ugh3:
Source: Stink Bugs Infesting Cities and Suburbs - ABC News


Meet Stink. He's got glands that release a foul, musty odor when he's mishandled or feels threatened.
(AP Photo)
There's plenty of stink bugs in Virginia where I used to work as window technician, I see plenty of them at customers homes. Gross!

I have not see any stink bugs here in California, perhaps stink bugs like to live in humid area?!?!

I dunno, there is no stink bugs in here since I live in heavily humid area.
There's plenty of stink bugs in Virginia where I used to work as window technician, I see plenty of them at customers homes. Gross!

I have not see any stink bugs here in California, perhaps stink bugs like to live in humid area?!?!

Great. I live in Va. :P
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

Never seen those before...dang. No wonder why Northeast population is declining due to major pest issues, who knows?
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

Never seen those before...dang. No wonder why Northeast population is declining due to major pest issues, who knows?

I don't think so, they are more likely to spread to southern states in eventually and you would have deal with more pest issues in southern states, such as brown recluse spiders, crazy ants (limited to Houston metro but still spread more) and spread of killer bees but human population in the south continues to growing.
Oh yeah, sometimes one would sneak into my bedroom and acting like it is lost, lol. They smell bad, but not that bad that I have to leave the room. Maybe because I haven't really tried to kill it.

I am more concerned about fireants being out of control, though. We have so many in the backyard. Always got to be careful where you put your feet in.

Bedbugs...because they are coming back, I am gonna avoid buying used bed, sofa, etc. since I don't want them in home either.
Gonna buy it brand new instead.
how bad does it smell? what does the odor remind you of? I have to be prepared for those stinky leggies. =( I dont want them in my house.
Great. I live in Va. :P

You don't see them? Meaning your house is clean. :D

They often find inside the window frames, blinds' headrail, curtains, under/inside A/C box, behind refrigerator, try to visit your friend's home/apt?
You don't see them? Meaning your house is clean. :D

They often find inside the window frames, blinds' headrail, curtains, under/inside A/C box, behind refrigerator, try to visit your friend's home/apt?

I never open my windows. I have curtains but they are not floor length and I would not have put curtains at all but my mother who is not into the modern look put up some curtains. My curtains only cover the top of my windows.

My dad will leave windows open to save money on AC so I guess that's the reason why my parents are having problems with them.
My neighbor prolly has stink bugs as a problem with them cuz she'll leave the windows open to save money.