Most Useful Devices for Deaf People

I like texting on mobile phones. It is a great thing, for deafies and hearies alike.

Youtube's automatic subtitling is a brilliant idea. The accuracy is poor sometimes. I only have 50% hearing in one ear and that is not good enough most of the time. But subtitles + some sound = useful. The subtitles help me to fill in the blanks myself.

My alarm clock vibrator (saying only "vibrator" might give the wrong impression, it is ambiguous as seen above) is very useful.
Because I wanted to put my vibrator in my mattress sheets, but my parents kept putting it under my mattress which made the vibrator to fail.

I used to have the vibrator eons ago and the problem with those is that with a big queen bed it's hard to "feel" it especially when shifting around. So I now use the light flasher it works like a charm! :D
I used to have the vibrator eons ago and the problem with those is that with a big queen bed it's hard to "feel" it especially when shifting around. So I now use the light flasher it works like a charm! :D

My bed shaker is under the mattress of my queen bed, basically in the middle of the upper or head of the bed. It works great and hubby and I have no problem. He is hearing and prefers it to a standard alarm clock. He said it's annoying enough that he refuses to hit the snooze. :giggle: Got to admit though, the dog gets freaked out by it. :lol: