Most dangerous metro areas in the US

Here in Wisconsin, there are adult stores in the suburbs. That must make them dangerous communities. :lol:

Maybe someone meant stripper clubs? :P Seattle had a lot of them on 1st Ave in downtown Seattle but most of them were razed and that helped to reduce the crime and the image of the Pike Place Market area and the tourists visiting the area.
I already know about detroit has had a bad reputation since the 50s and 60s... Because my grandma born in there, it was GREAT city until she married a guy and moved to califorina and lived there for awhile, having four kids(my mama is the last baby) until my mama is around 4 years old, they decided to move back to Michigan due to job. Then they was planning to live in Detroit but too dangerous. My grandma told me all and everything about Detroit and etc like that.

I hope Detroit will be able to improve its' reputation. Of course, that will take time given the long history of crime it has.
Maybe someone meant stripper clubs? :P Seattle had a lot of them on 1st Ave in downtown Seattle but most of them were razed and that helped to reduce the crime and the image of the Pike Place Market area and the tourists visiting the area.


I'm thinking of an adult store in the suburbs that is pretty popular by suburban and city residents alike. It's located along an expressway which may explain why there isn't a higher crime rate. This suburb has an ordinance which says that adult stores need to be located so many miles away from a school or residential neighborhood.

I'm thinking of an adult store in the suburbs that is pretty popular by suburban and city residents alike. It's located along an expressway which may explain why there isn't a higher crime rate. This suburb has an ordinance which says that adult stores need to be located so many miles away from a school or residential neighborhood.

Ahh, I see interesting.
Here in Wisconsin, there are adult stores in the suburbs. That must make them dangerous communities. :lol:

There is an adult store 2 blocks from my house. My neighborhood is dangerous as Baltimore made the list. LOL!
I hope Detroit will be able to improve its' reputation. Of course, that will take time given the long history of crime it has.

Well we hope it would. Everyday I go there I alway worry about my vehicle not ever 1 min without check it to make sure it safe with no one stand near.

Detroit would get long time get on track but too many punks destroy and spray paint plus stole parts from cars. When I used to work for school. They actual came to stole 4 car's rims after that they have security guard there to watch.

Road there is WORST IN WORLD. They could bent rims, bent frame, and strut. That why we use Truck instead car.

I am sure they would never get on track in long long time.
Higher the Ratio of people, the higher the crime level.

Crimes and murder is everywhere. No Town or City is immune from it.
There is an adult store 2 blocks from my house. My neighborhood is dangerous as Baltimore made the list. LOL!

I just remembered that there's an adult store located on the highway a few miles away from my home. They must be popping up everywhere. Watch out! :laugh2:
I just remembered that there's an adult store located on the highway a few miles away from my home. They must be popping up everywhere. Watch out! :laugh2:

My hubby loves it!
Interesting NYC did not make the list.

Jiro told me that NYC is one of the safest cities in the US, that's why it's not in the list.

yes. sometimes i get annoyed when people tell me that NYC is so dangerous because of "Harlem" and movies. NYC was ranked #1 safest city in USA for a short while. Now it's around top 5 safest cities if my memory serves me correctly.
I think that's because of Rudy. Rudy turned NYC around quite a bit compared to what it used to be, no?

Yes they worked their butt off to clean up the image.

yep. all thanks to Rudy and NYPD Commissioner Bratton. Those duo had very very aggressive policy. They removed all X-rated stores that are within x-blocks from kid zone, increased # of NYPD officers and patrols, created several special police task forces to clamp down on white collar corruptions, organized crimes, gang, and several more. As the result of that - Time Squares was reborn. It's no longer littered with prostitutes & pimps, peep shows, and drug dealers at every corners like you see in movies.

Philly mayor even called Bratton for advice on making his city safer several years ago. I recently went to Philly last year and I was very amazed at its transformation compared to several years ago. Philly really did a great job cleaning up its image and neighborhoods. Long way to go though.... Camden is just across the river from Philly so that put a damper on Philly's effort.
New York! New York! don't you love em!

I have been living here since 1992 and still stuck up here. Grew up in Penn's woods and golly Philly is on top of the list! Thank god I left Penn's woods!

I once live couple hours north of Charlotte, NC, and my jaw dropped that they made to top of the list! Thank god I live there for only 7 months! Never again move to NC!
Adult stores=crime? That's interesting, guess those horny men are bad after all. :giggle:

well - it creates negative image and dangerous atmosphere for community. I mean there are kids around, for heaven's sake. When there are adult stores around, that means lot of sick & dangerous people lurking around such as prostitute, pimp, drug dealers, pedophiles, ex-cons, etc.

now that adult stores are gone.... the streets are filled with lively events, tourists, people, etc.
New York! New York! don't you love em!

NEW YORK! NEW YORK! So good they named it twice!!!! :laugh2:

for those who doesn't get it - when you live in NYC, your address is like this -

123 Street Name
New York, NY ######
New York! New York! don't you love em!

I have been living here since 1992 and still stuck up here. Grew up in Penn's woods and golly Philly is on top of the list! Thank god I left Penn's woods!

I once live couple hours north of Charlotte, NC, and my jaw dropped that they made to top of the list! Thank god I live there for only 7 months! Never again move to NC!

Raleigh (Triangle cities) don't make it on list, unlike Charlotte, however it count in metro, not just city itself.