Morning-after pills made available to N.Y. high school students

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The entitlement system has failed miserably also. Can you admit to that?

No, I won't put chastity belts on the girls not do anything to the boys penis. However, I will hold each fully accountable for the consequences of their actions.
Something tells be that you will disagree with this and have a taxpayers-paying-the-cost of the consequences plan.

Your method overlooks one key factor: the offspring. When you suggest that these children/parents deal 100% with the consequences of pregnancy, the babies are the ones that are forced to suffer most. How can they eat properly on the wages a 15 year old can earn? And don't give me that "They should have considered that" crap. I am talking about the innocent results of these "irresponsible acts" committed by those 15 year olds. The infant child has NO SAY in what happened. What do you suggest we do with them?
I still believe it's a good program...and even birth control pills and the Injections sometimes give a reaction.....feel the good will outweigh the bad.

Less teenage pregnancies, teen Moms and hopefully less dependence upon the Welfare system.

And ... less New Yorkers :giggle:
I love to see less Georgians.

You should write a song about it.

"I've been everywhere man, even Alabama man, but what I'd like to see is less Georgians in this land man ... "
You should write a song about it.

"I've been everywhere man, even Alabama man, but what I'd like to see is less Georgians in this land man ... "

lol, you funny.
And "how" are you gonna hold each and every underage minor/teen accountable for their consequences of their "actions"?....We're not discussing skipping school or them commiting a minor crime...

I'll repeat what I said before but you won't like it as you sais before.
Every penny spend by anyone our any agency that is not charity will be paused back during the lifetime of the parents. The offspring will get anything and everything that is necessary during his/her first eighteen years of life. But regardless of how long it takes, the parents will 50\00 pay back 100% of any and all funds provided.
Just ask your boys about this. I'm sure they will be more responsible (you already have them at 95%, thank you) about their decision and aware that there is no free-ride. I'm 100% positive they will not want to spend their adult life into their 50s paying for a wrong decision.
The dependence on welfare system isn't good for our country and we need have more people who are productive citizens.

I know it is different story if Americans are disabled and their condition isn't workable.

I don't agree with this. Handing out condoms and morning after pills is no different than handing out food stamps. Both are equally supportive to provide for those who are unable support themselves and their children. You can't just tell people to be productive and expect it to have an effect, just as you can't rely on telling teens not to have sex. It all starts with the parents...
I'll repeat what I said before but you won't like it as you sais before.
Every penny spend by anyone our any agency that is not charity will be paused back during the lifetime of the parents. The offspring will get anything and everything that is necessary during his/her first eighteen years of life. But regardless of how long it takes, the parents will 50\00 pay back 100% of any and all funds provided.
Just ask your boys about this. I'm sure they will be more responsible (you already have them at 95%, thank you) about their decision and aware that there is no free-ride. I'm 100% positive they will not want to spend their adult life into their 50s paying for a wrong decision.

How old are you?
lol, you funny.


I don't agree with this. Handing out condoms and morning after pills is no different than handing out food stamps. Both are equally supportive to provide for those who are unable support themselves and their children. You can't just tell people to be productive and expect it to have an effect, just as you can't rely on telling teens not to have sex. It all starts with the parents...

Well, I disagree with you.

The Plan B and condom, and food stamps aren't same. It is very common for non-profit organizations to provide a condoms for free, so I'm sure that pro-women organizations may have Plan B for women who need. Who is responsible to issue an food stamp? from government and you have to through with a lot of paperworks (red tape), and possibly to hire a lawyer if food stamp application got denied, despite about fully qualified. The food stamp doesn't meet recommended nutrient because of lack of funds, also for me with medical condition, I have stringent nutrient requirement that cost more than average Americans feed everyday.

Having a child is very, very expensive, they need MORE supports than just food stamp only. The condom and Plan B could save women from unwanted pregnancy, but if condom is broken so Plan B is last option.
I'll repeat what I said before but you won't like it as you sais before.
Every penny spend by anyone our any agency that is not charity will be paused back during the lifetime of the parents. The offspring will get anything and everything that is necessary during his/her first eighteen years of life. But regardless of how long it takes, the parents will 50\00 pay back 100% of any and all funds provided.
Just ask your boys about this. I'm sure they will be more responsible (you already have them at 95%, thank you) about their decision and aware that there is no free-ride. I'm 100% positive they will not want to spend their adult life into their 50s paying for a wrong decision.

I can't help with you over restless society.
Well, I disagree with you.

The Plan B and condom, and food stamps aren't same. It is very common for non-profit organizations to provide a condoms for free, so I'm sure that pro-women organizations may have Plan B for women who need. Who is responsible to issue an food stamp? from government and you have to through with a lot of paperworks (red tape), and possibly to hire a lawyer if food stamp application got denied, despite about fully qualified. The food stamp doesn't meet recommended nutrient because of lack of funds, also for me with medical condition, I have stringent nutrient requirement that cost more than average Americans feed everyday.

Having a child is very, very expensive, they need MORE supports than just food stamp only. The condom and Plan B could save women from unwanted pregnancy, but if condom is broken so Plan B is last option.

In that case, I hope you never have kids.

Well, you had disagreed with the statements in my previous post. Just to clarify, my point was the solution begins with the parents. So if you don't think parents should have a role in teaching kids to make wise decisions - you shouldn't have kids.
Well, you had disagreed with the statements in my previous post. Just to clarify, my point was the solution begins with the parents. So if feel that the parents have a roll in teaching their kids to make wise decisions - you shouldn't have kids.

Your original post (#227) is very, very confusing and I don't understand about what are you talking about it.

I felt that your post isn't make sense, at least for me. I found it is very silly to compare the food stamp with condom/Plan B.

I found your post - #233 is very disturbed and rude because you don't know about me. It is up to between me and my partner (wife or husband) to have kids, so it is none of your business when come to family planning. I glad that you have no control over me.
I do know some parents do teach their kids about situation with sex and not all kids willing to follow their words, and I know some kids, especially from deaf school, are too stubborn and their parent was very strict, but kids choose to have a wrong way. I don't blame on parent if they are hardworking and tell kids about how to take responsibility, and the consequences about sex, but kids decide to not listen at all.

Most deaf classmates in my class at elementary school during 1990's, but today, most of them live on SSI and very few of them are criminal (I know one in state prison for illegal weapons), so I'm only one student that went off to college and I do know about my responsibility.

I perfectly understand about all consequences and risks with sex, so it looks some of you, especially TXGolfer never got my words.
I do know some parents do teach their kids about situation with sex and not all kids willing to follow their words, and I know some kids, especially from deaf school, are too stubborn and their parent was very strict, but kids choose to have a wrong way. I don't blame on parent if they are hardworking and tell kids about how to take responsibility, and the consequences about sex, but kids decide to not listen at all.

Most deaf classmates in my class at elementary school during 1990's, but today, most of them live on SSI and very few of them are criminal (I know one in state prison for illegal weapons), so I'm only one student that went off to college and I do know about my responsibility.

I perfectly understand about all consequences and risks with sex, so it looks some of you, especially TXGolfer never got my words.

Especially me, huh? :lol: Hey wait, are you name calling?
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