Money Color Changes....


New Member
Mar 12, 2003
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Color change to $20 bills imminent


The federal government will unveil a new $20 bill that will introduce a predominant but subtle color into the background, marking the first time in modern history that a U.S. bill will feature a color other than green.
oh really, cloud ? this article was printed on March 5, 2003 and
the color money will be effective on March 27, 2003 !!!

Amazing !! (They look just like the Monopoly game :)
Actually I heard they are going to make it look like foreign money, if you look at the other currency, they have different colors which make it diffcult to it looks nicer!
you gotta be kiddin me. I doubt it will happend. If it did ill probably get confuse and think its game money.
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
Actually I heard they are going to make it look like foreign money, if you look at the other currency, they have different colors which make it diffcult to it looks nicer!

agreed here ;)
Oh, it's going to happen alright. I've read about it last year or so, and I think it's a good idea to prevent counterfeit money from being distributed.
From that article, it mentioned that various colors is
an effort to thwart counterfeiters ... i have to admit
that does NOT make any sense to me... i thought
it's better to have only one green color for
better security reason... oh well, we have to see
what happens after March 27th... Hope that
this will never happen anyway
:ugh: I don't want to have the rainbow money. other countries have different colored money. its all werid looking. i had a few dollars from japan and singapore from when my brother went there, I lost them. :oops:
Well, you are British, Shelley...

Don't they have any colored money there?
Originally posted by Steel
Well, you are British, Shelley...

Don't they have any colored money there?

and we, Canucks use coloured currency too as well.