I have preteen but soon teenager next week... She is 12 years old.. next week she will be 13..
I went through HELL with her.... *sigh*
Believe it or not.. Liebling

))... you are in Germany.. Your opinions and OUR opinions are different.. Now days the teenagers are horrific, but lucky parents who have good teenagers.. Happen to be me.. one of my kids who is teenager.. Amy..
She is pain the a&&... I tried many things, I could find the best for her and us.. She just tried to find many things that she wants get in trouble with me.. labeled as unfit mother... abusive mother...
why? She didnt have many things as her friends have... well.. its my rules..
cell phones.. no kids cant own one till they are 15 years old.. why? 15 years old can have a job... go get a job & pay the bill.. of course I will help with account.. wants to get on computer, wants to get on phone..
She wants go out with her friends almost everyday.. but most of times, I said no.. because.. rules are rules.. during the school weekdays.. have to finish homework, clean room, do little chores & stuff.. before go with friends but be home by 7:30pm because bed time at 8pm.. Since she didnt do those rules, and she isnt responsible.. so I had to take away her privledges.. She ticked off and runs to school counselor that I abused her.. so she can get away what she wants..
She failed two classes out of 6 classes again this year, I made her stay in room for whole weeks till she pulls her grades up..
Since she didnt do chores at all, didnt do her own laundry even I asked her to bring down her dirty clothes so i can wash & she folds.. she dont care... she doesnt take shower for days.. bad mouthing to everyone in this family, causing our other kids more problems, or made them mad or name callings..
I tried .. family thearpy.. counselors.. nothing helped.. she went to displince camp for felony charges with her friend last year.. it worked for short time.. but now, she hates me.. because i am deaf.. and refused to know about deaf cultures or ways.. wanted to live different family..
So I agreed with Cyber Red's Thread...the mother did to her daughter... I would have done to Amy.. but I dont want to risk with Child Protective Service again..
It's Tough Love.. that I sent her displince camp.. and didnt work out..
so.. Liebling

)) see that prespretive I went through.. it didnt means my fault raising her wrong.. no.. I raised her wonderful till she turned 12.. and hang out wrong crowd and school... I packed up and moved across different town and different school last spring.. after landlord kicked us out because want to sell the house.. so its right time and good timing for all us to start over.. with new neighborhood and school.. that school is wonderful.. it showed that Mack changed alot.. which he have EBD... and Mallory's IEP went passed fly high!! Amy improved by their strict rules but she kept ditching.. I was hoping that they have school patrol when the kids ditch.. I am suffering and exhausted with her behaviours.. and affect my little ones.. (Allen -3 and Marshalee-1).. but thanks to Mack and Mallory with alot of patiences and helped me go through with good spirits..
Even the doctor warned her that mommy have weak heart.. she doesnt care.. yes, I have weak heart.. but I am moving on..
other thing.. Liebling

)) punishment in public, I believe in that.. and its must.. because if the kids do something wrong or bad.. in public.. right away.. punishment at the moment.. also, cant wait till get home and punishment.. it confuse the child..
sigh.. alot more to say this thread.. but all i have to say.. we have to boost up our strict and punishments and STAND with what you said to the teenagers.. but teenagers dont like interprut while they talking to you, they want you listen.. thats hardest part...
that all i say for now.