Models - what they really look like

I didn't read your last post, I'll let you have the last wor... erm thesis statement.
Typically, 'they' want runway models to be taller than 5'8 for females and 5'10 for males.

I did some modelling when I was younger (16)... I was already 5'9 so they pushed me to train for runway...but I thought schooling was more important, so I just walked away from modelling. The photographers I worked with never worked with anyone who were deaf before and said they had a blast doing so. I didn't have my hearing aids in at the time (was going through a rebellion phase but that's a story for a different time), but I don't see why a deaf person couldn't show off their beauty and personality to the world. :)
You know, how girls are so obsessed with beauty and modeling and they get all anorexic and feel ugly when in reality, models are often more "strange" than the girls are...

...They're all the same girls in same order. You'll see that they're wearing the same outfits. They don't look same but they're really the same, just that they're wearing makeup and their hair fixed.

Now, think about magazines - they do a LOT of photoshop and they make them look "flawless." It's not reality, it's fantasy.

Hmm, actually... none of my gf's feel compelled to compare themselves to models when it comes to beauty. Easy I think to see why with the photo collage you posted. Almost all of those models look about average, but definitely not beautiful (with the exception of two or three of them). Most model agencies value unique, eye catching - sometimes down right odd features over beauty and I think the photo collage you provided is a prime example of that ideal. In my mind, a better way to get your point across would be to show actresses without makeup on. Sex appeal is more important for actresses.

I think they're all fine but read this article...

You're right, they're just that... fine. I wouldn't use the term "beautiful" to describe most of those women.

Sadly, women tend to compare themselves to the best of the best out there and you'll usually find that in the acting world. As the article you linked to points out: "What these men are noticing is merely fashion's long-established tendency to find and glorify the most unusual good looks, rather than the interchangeably pretty, thin-but-curvy, pneumatic appearances that are validated by beer ads and Maxim throughout the West. Models can't be merely pretty; pretty doesn't cut it. It's better to look interesting. And it's frankly true that many models are not necessarily "attractive," which is a passive word and a poor synonym for beautiful."

But thanks anyway, for attempting to make us women feel better about ourselves :)
I see all of those models have a oval shape, and a wide forehead.

I know the pictures have been photoshopped for years. Did anyone else look up at Photoshop Disaster website? They usually post the pictures from Victoria's Secret.
ummm yeah, i look better with makeup too... i dont think most of them look that bad in their "ugly" pictures to be honest.. i think its a weird camera angle but they do look like they all have giant heads. haha.. i guess it could be because theyre so skinny?