I am finally back among the living!! First of all, I want to thank everyone for their concern and get well wishes, and I apologize for worrying everyone. Shel is right...I am obsessive about answering my emails. Long story short, here is what happened:
Kept thinking I was getting over the flu, but could not shake the fever. It kept spiking around 103 or 104, so I finally gave in and went to the doctor. He said I had developed pneumonia and was dehydrated from the high fever, so he wanted to admit me to the hospital over night for IV fluids and antibiotics. So, I checked into the hospital, and the next thing I remember, I was waking up in intensive care feeling like an elephant had been jumping on my chest! Evidently, I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics, and went into
cardiac arrest. The soreness was from where they used the paddles to shock me back. So, I have been completely out of touch with the whole world for several days. They finally dismissed me around 6 this evening. I just got up to get some juice and grabbed the laptop at the same time to try and catch up a bit. Am much better (I really mean it this time!), but still taking high dose antibiotics and cough medicine. The congestion seems to be much better, as I can now get a deep breath again. The doc has ordered me off work for another 10 days, so I will be in and out of AD as my energy levels come back. I have really missed all you guys, and I am really touched by your concern. I am thankful to have made so many wonderful friends here at AD.
Which reminds me: this did earn me Thanksgiving off this year! My nephew's wife is going to cook all of the family dinner this year and has threatened to tie me to a chair if I even try to help! LOL. And my 3 year old great nephew said he could make me all better. He would share his blanket with me, and give me "chickie noodle soup" and a "popsicker". Maybe we have a doctor in the making!
LOL at Rockin Robin! No, I haven't been banned. Although there are those that wish for it on a daily basis!
Anyway, thanks again to all of you.