Michael Jackson Died at the age of 50

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Still here? :hmm:

If a child walked in on an adult urinating, should the adult be arrested? Would it be the adult's responsibility to ensure this was impossible, by locking the door or other means of preventing this?

My whole point here is this: there are people that are mourning this man. You continue to dredge up evidence that failed to sway a jury. We all have skeletons in our closets. He MAY have done something wrong, but that does not mean he DID. You are not swaying anyone here. The sides are widely split. Feel free to link us up to more websites and news articles from the past. If a L.A. county prosecuting attorney cannot convince a jury of his guilt, how do you propose to convince a group of his fans in AD?

OK, now I will bow out again. Time to move on, or is it? You decide. If you feel so strongly about pedophiles, get involved!

I said "purposely" exposed oneself to a child with the intention to expose his, say, penis. Not about accidentally walking in. Where did I say that? Again, I said

Would purposely exposing oneself to a non-family member child up close (not molestation but exposing oneself) be deemed an illegal act?
Would or should this be an illegal act if the intention is expose oneself sexually?
I certainly hope you mean outside of AllDeaf. If so, I commend you for your efforts.

of couse outside. I'm very active with the PTA and volunteer at the school. my main job is to keep the registered sex offenders and parent that are not allowed to be near children because they are abusers, off campus...

many of the parent have me talk with their kids about the dangers of the internet

of couse outside. I'm very active with the PTA and volunteer at the school. my main job is to keep the registered sex offenders and parent that are not allowed to be near children because they are abusers, off campus...

many of the parent have me talk with their kids about the dangers of the internet
I really mean it; thank you for your efforts. I have no personal gripe with you. I like a good debate. Not much good to hang him now. If you believe in a Higher Power, now is the time for punishment for his sins, if he
is guilty.
I said "purposely" exposed oneself to a child with the intention to expose his, say, penis. Not about accidentally walking in. Where did I say that? Again, I said

Would or should this be an illegal act if the intention is expose oneself sexually?
Obviously, it should be considered a crime. However, I did not respond to that, as much as I asked a variation of your question. You are not gonna change my mind. Accept that. I do not convict people based on news articles. The jury in his trial was shown far more evidence than NBC or CNN would have access to. They said he was not guilty. Now, I ask you, what is gained by continuing to beat him down at this point?
Feel free to continue to find your "proof" of his guilt. Post away. I am moving on. We will meet again in the arena of debate....:D
And that is exactly what MJ did. Allowed his guest to see him in the nude.

He may have not molested them or anything. That is what made this issue a big deal. He acted inappropriately.

Regardless of his personal life. He was inevitably, The King of Pop!

Rather he became the King of poptarts.
I really mean it; thank you for your efforts. I have no personal gripe with you. I like a good debate. Not much good to hang him now. If you believe in a Higher Power, now is the time for punishment for his sins, if he
is guilty.

Good point...

That's all anyone can do. No use in beating a dead horse to a pulp. The man is dead and if it gives anyone a peace of mind, good for them.

If a child walked in on an adult urinating, should the adult be arrested? Would it be the adult's responsibility to ensure this was impossible, by locking the door or other means of preventing this?
my family went to a harlem globe trotters show a some years ago. my boy was 5 at the time. i walked him to the mens room. stood back as he walked up to the urinal. the man using the next urinal saw my son. turned, smiled and started shaking his penis at my 5 year old.

the perv didn't notice my at first. my fist slammed into his face. hit him a few more times and 2 men came in tried to break it up. i told them he was shaking his penis at my son... they started hitting the perv

my son and I walked as security came into the restroom. i could not hear what was said but when those security guards drug that perv out of the rest room they said "you really got to watch where you getting drunk at, you're falling all over the place"...

my son and i went back to the show... no pity no remorse :cool2:

{location was wilkes-barre pa}
Sorta like 9-11 when we were in shock, and the terrorists were dancing in the streets. I am not comparing the MJ detractors with the Arabs, but the whole divide between the 2 sides is not gonna be filled in. There is no middle ground here. Funny, I started this thread by agreeing with the pedophile stuff, but I was not ready to keep digging deeper for more reasons to ridicule the MJ fans here. So it goes...
Obviously, it should be considered a crime. However, I did not respond to that, as much as I asked a variation of your question. You are not gonna change my mind. Accept that. I do not convict people based on news articles. The jury in his trial was shown far more evidence than NBC or CNN would have access to. They said he was not guilty. Now, I ask you, what is gained by continuing to beat him down at this point?
Feel free to continue to find your "proof" of his guilt. Post away. I am moving on. We will meet again in the arena of debate....:D

Not articles but from available court documents and a documented confession on tv that he slept with boys ("non-sexually as he said, yeah, right) and host of other things that bring him forward as more of a pedo than not.

Some warning signs and key profile that points to that of a potential pedo.

* Appear to be trustworthy and respectable.

* Have good standing in the community.

* Prefer the company of children and teens.

* Are mainly attracted to pre-pubescent boys and girls and can be heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual.

* "Groom" children with quality time, video games, parties, toys, candy, gifts or money.

* Single out children who appear troubled and in need of attention or affection; children from dysfunctional families.

* Often date or marry women with children or have children who are the age of their preferred victims.

* Rarely force or coerce children into sexual contact; it's usually done through trust and friendship.

Is Michael Jackson a Pedophile? - Jim Kouri - MensNewsDaily.com™

Granted, not a guarantee but does raise flags. MJ raised many red flags. Nuff said.
I wanted the last word here....*pouting*
I really mean it; thank you for your efforts. I have no personal gripe with you. I like a good debate.


Not much good to hang him now. If you believe in a Higher Power, now is the time for punishment for his sins, if he
is guilty.
Oh I belive there is a special VIP for MJ in HELL... was phasing out of this thread. then I so post that was impling stuff towards koknut and "other loud protester"(me)...

these posts

You seem to have an overactive fascination with pedophilia.:cool2: I'd be more inclined to allow my child to spend the night with MJ than with you.
Funny how you also attack those who cannot attack back. Very courageous of you.:cool2:

Exactly. And those who protest the loudest most likely have their own skeletons they are attempting to hide.:cool2:

Those who are focusing on the negative portion of his existence no doubt have skeletons of their own to hide.:cool2: Those who comment the loudest are usually attempting to deflect attention from their own guilt.

No different than you labeling another that has been aquitted of all charges.

And I labeled no one. I simply stated that kokonut had an unusual fascination with pedophilia.:cool2:

The loud protests seem to continue.
I wanted the last word here....*pouting*
don't pout it will be OK
Mod's note:

Alright, this would be the last post for this thread. This thread is suppose to be a tribute to Michael Jackson. We all know that there is controversy surrounding his life. He is a legend for the entertainment he has given us around the world in the 1980's. I'm not a fan of him, but we all have to respect and let the nature take care of whatever goes on. With this being said, let's leave it as that, and give respect for him whether the molestation or whatnot is true or not as we all are human one way or another. He may have a lot of loyal fans and enemies, but the respect goes both ways when a person is deceased.

With that being said, I am going to lock up this thread since some of the posts has swayed off course and went a bit far already and some of the posts are removed as a result.
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