Demerol stopped his heart.
I never heard of Demerol before.
Demerol is a painkiller similar to morphine.
I beleive that the boy´s mother only use boy to make scandal for money. Michael helped boy´s mother with the cost of cancer surgery.
I personally believe the mother of a boy only want MJ´s money.
Boy described the splotches and markings on MJ's wee wee very, very accurately as well as describing his pubic hair to the police. How is this possible for this boy to know this?
Demerol stopped his heart.
I never heard of Demerol before.
Demerol is a painkiller similar to morphine.
And before somebody says "Link, please!":roll:
Here it is.
The Smoking Gun: Archive
I guess for a grown man to sleep with many children in bed is in fact a normal and charming, not to mention sweet, thing witness?
He could have saw MJ's private while changing or after showering, we just don't know all the facts or the full story, we only know what the media had informed us. We don't know if he had touched the boy criminally or not. There are definitely three sides to a story, MJ's, the boy, the truth and the truth is will you please stop beating a dead horse already, the man is dead, and being disrespect of him right after his death is inappropriate so show a little compassion for him and his family.
Boy described the splotches and markings on MJ's wee wee very, very accurately as well as describing his pubic hair to the police. How is this possible for this boy to know this?
Answer: MJ exposed his wee wee to this boy in the first place.
Actually, Michael did not denied that he was nude front of the children as he came out from shower and allowed the children slept in his bed. Jordan and other children was NEVER touched inappropriately by Michael. All the children were being questioned, support Michael´s claim, not Jordan and his family. Why just Jordan ??????
Don't be blind. It's all in the court document. No wonder MJ wanted settled for $20+ million dollars.
*sigh* :roll:
Would you accept money instead of justice if your child had been sexually abused?
I just find it hard to believe that someone could accept $20 million dollars from no matter who if they thought their child was abused. It shows itself that they care about is money over justice.
[ame=]YouTube - Michael Jackson Jordan Chandler Molestation Extortion Scheme[/ame]
After view the video, I KNEW from the beginning that Michael was an innocent. This whole situation was started with Jordan Chandler´s father. They just want Michael´s money.
Jordon Chandler filed a restraining order against his father "ex-dentist" Evan Chandler, that man who started the whole.
Can you explain why Jordan refused to show in court in 1993 and 2005? Of course he knew it´s a LIE.
Michael, you have my support. R.I.P. Michael Jackson
All I can say is - Rest In Peace, Micheal.
As for his ups and downs - Granted, He's an icon to the pop. He's had it all and made it big.
When it comes to all about the speculations he's had - I think I would rather remember him from the better time when his "Thriller" was a major hit for his career. Not because of the lowest point of his life with being in the paparazzi's eyes.
finally, someone else who also sees it through all this excessive non-life threatening media fiasco.
Again with the drawing of conclusions without sufficient information. Evidently, the courts saw it differently.
My, you are a bitter and judgemental person. You really should deal with that. a cop, I investigated several sex crimes with victims who were children. Both pedophile and pederast cases (pedophiles victimize pre-pubescent kids, while pederasts prey on pubescent kids). In fact, one of the biggest cases of my career was in a New York City hospital where a 12-year old female patient was sexually abused by a hospital employee (the suspect got 20 years; I got a commendation). So I kind of speak from experience. My contribution to the discussion of Michael Jackson and the allegations of child molestation will be simple:
Here are the characteristics of child sex offenders from an article I wrote a couple of years back for The Chief of Police Magazine. You judge for yourself whether Michael Jackson fits the MO of a predator.
* Are popular with children, teens and adults.
* Appear to be trustworthy and respectable.
* Have good standing in the community.
* Prefer the company of children and teens.
* Are mainly attracted to pre-pubescent boys and girls and can be heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual.
* "Groom" children with quality time, video games, parties, toys, candy, gifts or money.
* Single out children who appear troubled and in need of attention or affection; children from dysfunctional families.
* Often date or marry women with children or have children who are the age of their preferred victims.
* Rarely force or coerce children into sexual contact; it's usually done through trust and friendship.
In addition, physical contact is gradual, from touching and holding to sitting the child on the lap and kissing. They derive gratification in a number of ways. For some, looking is enough. For others taking pictures and watching children undress is enough. Still others require physical contact.
They find different ways and places to be alone with children; and are primarily male, better educated and more religious than the average person. Child sex abusers usually choose jobs that provide them with greater access to childen. Even if the pedophile has no children, his home is usually child-friendly with toys, books, video games, computers, bikes, swimming pool, rec room swing sets and other items to attract children into his home and to keep the children coming back. Usually the items reflect the preferred age of his victims.
The pedophile usually has no criminal record and deny they abuse children even after arrested, prosecuted, convicted, incarcerated and ordered into a sex offender therapy program. Pedophiles are often victims of childhood sexual abuse themselves, or they may have grown up in a dysfunctional home environment.
I rest my case.
Jim Kouri
Rather it's about MJ's history and his odd fascination with children, mostly boys, and then you have sleepover nights with children. MJ even admitted that. Later on in his life red flags began popping up with his slow and gradual self-destruction and ever increasinly erractic and eccentrinc personality. But, or course, he was a musical genius in his early days before he succumbed to Hollyweird and that’s what I’ll choose to remember. So sad — the corruption of innocence, the talent squandered, the celebrity gone wild. All the trappings of being a star.
Again, to those who claim Michael Jackson was exonerated of the crime of sexual molestation of a minor, I would ask a simple question; would you allow your teen or pre teen son to spend a night at Jackson's home unchaperoned?
I thought so.
Yeah, just don't say anything. A non-answer will suffice and explains lots, including apparent hypocrisy.
Michael Jackson, world famous pedophile, dead at 50.
Food for thought:
Is Michael Jackson a Pedophile? - Jim Kouri -™
It all goes back to this simple point...nobody knows the truth. For someone to claim that is egostical.