McCain's a racist, I have proof.

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What if she adpoted? we really don t know all the facts. Remeber, newspaper or news or magazine can print anything they want and twist it around.
She was born in Bangladesh, and the McCains adopted her.
She was born in Bangladesh, and the McCains adopted her.

Accord, Cindy McCain adopt her without let her husband know or talk with him first.
Accord, Cindy McCain adopt her without let her husband know or talk with him first.
She brought the baby home without asking him first.

Obviously she had to "talk with him" before they went thru the adoption process.
She brought the baby home without asking him first.

Obviously she had to "talk with him" before they went thru the adoption process.

Don´t you agree that wife and husband should discuss adoption plan first before they bring the baby home?
Don´t you agree that wife and husband should discuss adoption plan first before they bring the baby home?
Not necessarily. They should discuss it before they go thru the adoption process.
Not necessarily. They should discuss it before they go thru the adoption process.

What!!!! :jaw:

Are you saying that it's not necassary to discuss with spouse until agree first BEFORE bring the children from poor country to their home and then prepare for adoption?

What!!!! :jaw:

Are you saying that it's not necassary to discuss with spouse until agree first BEFORE bring the children from poor country to their home and then prepare for adoption?


I think what Reba meant is, When a couple is in plan for adopting a child, They can bring the baby home but they are not required to discuss it. It is their option to discuss it. However if they are being serious about the whole adoption process itself, then yes it would be necessary to discuss about it BEFORE they go through the adoption procession.

I hope this helps.

I think what Reba meant is, When a couple is in plan for adopting a child, They can bring the baby home but they are not required to discuss it. It is their option to discuss it. However if they are being serious about the whole adoption process itself, then yes it would be necessary to discuss about it BEFORE they go through the adoption procession.

I hope this helps.

Yes, that´s Reba´s "manipulation" post...

I think I should post the link an earlier then you will understand why I am trying to say in my first previous post...

Cindy McCain took the baby with severe CP to home WITHOUT telling her husband FIRST. Thats what I am talking about. Cindy McCain

I beleive in discuss with husband until agreement FIRST before bring the baby to home and prepare for adoption application. I was shock by Réba´s reaction that it´s not necassary.

Yes, that´s Reba´s "manipulation" post...
A "manipulation" post--what does that mean?

Cindy McCain took the baby with severe CP to home WITHOUT telling her husband FIRST. Thats what I am talking about. Cindy McCain
It was almost an emergency situation. Would you prefer that Cindy just left the two babies behind?

It's possible that a husband and wife know each other enough to know how each other would react in a given situation. The baby Bridget touched Cindy's heart in a way that she knew would also touch John's heart. Her intuition proved right. Cindy said that "... the maverick senator immediately accepted his new daughter."

Media Matters - NY Daily News : "[M]averick" McCain "immediately accepted" adopted daughter

It's interesting that when wealthy Angelina Jolie adopts third-world babies everyone praises her. But when a conservative wealthy woman adopts a third-world baby with a birth defect she gets all kinds of criticism.

I beleive in discuss with husband until agreement FIRST before bring the baby to home and prepare for adoption application. I was shock by Réba´s reaction that it´s not necassary.
The arrangement worked out well for them so why be shocked? Just because you or I might do things differently than the McCains doesn't mean we're "right" and they're "wrong."

I think what Reba meant is, When a couple is in plan for adopting a child, They can bring the baby home but they are not required to discuss it. It is their option to discuss it. However if they are being serious about the whole adoption process itself, then yes it would be necessary to discuss about it BEFORE they go through the adoption procession.

I hope this helps.
:ty: for the good explanation.
Obama's maternal grandparents are white. Obama's mom is white. She married and divorced twice.
How come you didn't tell us that since you indicated you are friends with the Obama clan from Hawaii or Kenya?

What in the world are you ranting about? I never indicated anything of the kind.:roll:
A "manipulation" post--what does that mean?

It was almost an emergency situation. Would you prefer that Cindy just left the two babies behind?

It's possible that a husband and wife know each other enough to know how each other would react in a given situation. The baby Bridget touched Cindy's heart in a way that she knew would also touch John's heart. Her intuition proved right. Cindy said that "... the maverick senator immediately accepted his new daughter."

Media Matters - NY Daily News : "[M]averick" McCain "immediately accepted" adopted daughter

It's interesting that when wealthy Angelina Jolie adopts third-world babies everyone praises her. But when a conservative wealthy woman adopts a third-world baby with a birth defect she gets all kinds of criticism.

The arrangement worked out well for them so why be shocked? Just because you or I might do things differently than the McCains doesn't mean we're "right" and they're "wrong."
Bolded above, Where did you get that idea? She is a big joke and people make fun of her.:hmm:
Bolded above, Where did you get that idea? She is a big joke and people make fun of her.:hmm:

**nodding** Constantly!

Here's an idea. Adopt an ethnic child with a birth defect from the United States.
I think it is a really noble gesture to adopt a baby. It really does not matter where the baby comes from. I now think more highly of the Macain's because they have done this.

Are you forgetting the fact that McCain left his disabled wife, Carol? That shows real compassion for people with disabilities. :roll:

Are you forgetting the fact that McCain left his disabled wife, Carol? That shows real compassion for people with disabilities. :roll:

Ohhhh that is going to burn!

Are you forgetting the fact that McCain left his disabled wife, Carol? That shows real compassion for people with disabilities. :roll:

Did you know that he also volunteered to pay her medicals bills for life from her injuries??
Did you know that he also volunteered to pay her medicals bills for life from her injuries??

Money without love is a life full of emptiness.
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