Miss*Pinocchio said:At least I got Jesus's shoulder... he loves me and understands me.
Jesus is on my side about the homosexual issue.
At least I am not going to hell.
And plus God don't want anyone to play race card or gay card or anything...
and don't expect him to give ya sympathy.
All murderers will go to hell, all theives will go to hell... all sinners will go to hell....
unless they asked for forgiveness and confess and
do no more sin.
God don't want to listen to why you were a molester...
there is no excuse to molest children, just because
you were molested in the past, doesn't mean
God will sympathize you.
If you be homosexual now, and die tomorrow suddenly in a car accident,
and when you go to judgement day....
Devil will wait for you at the gate.
So yall better pray and confess and ask God to forgive you
and do no more sin....
Miss*Pinocchio said:Well Jacob did alright.
Then God opened Rachel's womb and she became pregnat and gave birth to a son and said, "God has taken away my disgrace." She named him Joseph.
Wow 12 children, Jacob had... LOL!!!!
God does not approve of polygamy. The Bible records the events of polygamy but that doesn't mean it shows approval. The Bible actually shows that polygamy is a bad idea. Every time a man in the Bible has more than one wife or concubines, things turn out bad. There are jealousies between the women and amongst the children.Miss*Pinocchio said:Well Jacob did alright.
Cheri said:I get that part that they know each other, Does that mean that the wife and his other lovers know that there are romancing involved?
pinkster said:Yeah. At one point one of his girlfriends lived with us for 4 years. 3 of those years I lived at home and was in high school. We lived in a 2 bedroom apartment, the 4 of us.. They tried this, "take turns" shit. Because in my small room I had 2 twin beds. My parents had a king size bed. So everyweek they would take turns, and every other week I would wake up and say good morning to my mom, who was sleeping in the other twin bed. How much more fked can you get?
Sorry for the delay in response, I forgot I posted that
Cheri said:Must have been so confusing for you, I wouldn't like that idea seeing my mother sleeping on a twin bed while another woman is sleeping with my father on the queen size bed together. My dad had an affair but nothing compares the sitution you were in. Must have been hard for you to witness that.
Well Jacob did alright.
Rachel was barren. Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Reuben, for she said, "It is because the Lord has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now."
She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son. So she named him Simeon.
Again she conceived, and when she gave birth to a son she said, "Now at last my husband will become attached to me, because I have borned him 3 sons." So he was named Levi.
She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son. So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children.
When Rachel saw that she was not bearing Jacob any children, she became jealous of her sister. So she said to Jacob, "Give me children, or I'll die!"
Jacob became angry with her and said, "Am I in the place of God, who has kept you from having children?"
Then she said, "Here is Bilhah, my maidservant. Sleep with her so that she can bear children for me and that through her I too can build a family."
So she gave him her servant Bilhah as a wife. Jacob slept with her, and she became pregnant and bore him a son. Then Rachel named him Dan.
Rachel's servant Bilhah conceived again and bore Jacob a second son.
Then Rachel named him Naphtali.
When Leah saw that she had stopped having children, she took her maidservant Zilpah and gave her to Jacob as a wife. Leah's servant Zilpah bore Jacob a son. Then Leah she named him Gad.
Leah's servant Zilpah bore Jacob a second son. Then Leah named him Asher.
During wheat harvest, Reuben went out into the fields and found some mandrake plants, which he brought to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah, "Please give me some of your son's mandrakes."
Bus she said to her, "Wasn't it enough that you took away my husband? Will you take my son's mandrakes too?"
"Very well," Rachel said, "he can sleep with you tonight in return for your son's mandrakes."
So Jacob slept with Leah that night.
Leah bore Jacob a fifth son and named him Issachar.
Leah conceived again and bore Jacob a sixth son. And named him Zebulun. Some time later she gave birth to a daughter and named her Dinah. Then God opened Rachel's womb and she became pregnat and gave birth to a son and said, "God has taken away my disgrace." She named him Joseph.
Wow 12 children, Jacob had... LOL!!!!
Everytime I tell people Homosexual is okay...
people tell me that Homosexual is wrong.
But everytime I tell people that Homosexual is wrong.
people tell me that gay people love each other and i can't judge.
Why I have to be wrong all the time?
Why can't people just say, yeah Miss P, you are right?
Why people want to argue with me or disagree with me?
And why people rather give me advice and they don't want
me to give them advice?