The LDS church made the smart move of outlawing polygamous practice way back then...I will tell you why:
First of all, I supported the LDS all of my heart by 100%... Anyone who practice polygamy is
not a member of LDS and is excommunicated like what Bewitched had said (
Ok, imagine yourself...
If we still practice it to this day right here in USA, a father who is the breadwinner will not be able to bring enough foods on the table to feed his wives and nearly triple-dozen of kids like as to what happened to Tom Green per Bewitched's
#16, as an example.
If you are wondering how did Tom Green, a magazine subscriber salesman who makes only $15K a year, be able to feed his super-large family of 33 kids? He looked at my fat wallet and ate up most of it by through my hard-earned taxes!

He applied for WIC (Women, Infant, and Children) welfare program. 33 kids x $300/ea = $9,900/mo. On top of that, he applied a low-income food stamps (including Medicaid) program that runs to about $15,000 a month. The total expedure that the State of Utah provides the Green's polygamous family is about $25,000 a
MONTH and is still doing it as of today. :roll:
It was no wondered why the State of Utah's teacher salary is the lowest in the nation! They make about $25K a year!

Utah does not have enough budget to boost teacher's salary. A federal-mandatory welfare programs that already gobbled-up so the precious financial educational resources which is intended for teacher's salary ended up for welfare support to those polygamous at uncontrolled rate now. :thumbd:
One of these days, I hope that the polygamous will be "cut-off" from those sizeable state-supported program.

Then, everyone in the polygamous towns (including recent new town just formed in Eldorado, Texas earlier this year. Read
this.) would be scattered everywhere finding better lives. By the way...Hey, Texans! Watch and grip your wallets because of that new town is
now in your state! :Ohno: However, if you want a baseball cap that inscripts as "Polygamy capital of Texas", get it
Presently, the State of Utah have just formed a "shelter" program throughout the polygamous towns. If a wife wants to abandon from the polygamy family, all she can do is run to the shelter. Then, she'll be protected and transport elsewhere to be among us as "Gentiles". The same goes for children.
The saddest part is that a polygamy twin towns in Hildale, UT/Colorado City,AZ had tooo many young teens males. Not enough to meet their religious beliefs for having plural wives in the future. So what did the town do with them? Boot and go on with their own separate lives to be among us as a "Gentiles".

By the way, kuifje's
#17. Their religious is Fundamental LDS (FLDS). RLDS and LDS do not practice polygamy nowadays. Also kuifje's
#30, the twin towns are noted. Not St. George or Nevada. If anything happens to them in Hildale, UT, they just walk across to Arizona side (Colorado City, AZ).
Personally, I am much rather to have my didlo to one juicy hole. I can only be able to handle one woman at a time as per Shiva's
#33, not two or two-timers, or even worse affair fling (a 100% trust in marriage relationship evaporates afterward so Reba's
#27 is right on the nose). Miss*P, if you are thinking of about having men going for another wives as per
#10, consider them as a comparable to "orgy" (group sex). Supposed he had SI with wife #1, then next night wife #2, finally the next night you. With all of his didlo germs from those wives brings inside to your hole. Would you be happy and be satisfied?

That's why I agreed with webexplorer's
#25 by understanding of this situation.
Gay marriage and polygamy are different. Like as to what Fly's
#6 and Oceangirl's
#7 said. Gay marriage is made of an adult consent (both to agree together) to be married. Polygamy is different. A 12 years old (just barely after hit pubic) was
forced to marry someone that she doesn't want. Her parents choose and like this guy and wants her to marry that guy, period. That's a big
NO-NO! I agree with Magstsu's
#5. Allow the kids to grow and be responsible for themselves....freedom of choice, too.
Bewitched, I resides in Utah's "Happy Valley" and am aware of what the heck is going on with those polygamy news. Polygamists are nuts and

. Mark my word for it.