I had to have counseling/therapy when I became an adult because my childhood memories were jigsawed and basically all mixed up... and I wanted to know what was that all about. She had suggested that a lot of the blurry/jigsawed memory problems occured because I didn't really understand a lot of what was going on around me, thus the memories that I did manage to retain were only part of the whole picture. There are so many incidents that I remember - and really wish I could ask people in the memories - such as asking one cousin, "Why were you laughing when you sat in that rocking chair?" Weird things like that. I actually have very strong memory skills- I can remember very detailed things such as the exact wood pattern on my parents' sofa - from 15 years ago. But important events in my life such as birthday parties - there are only bits and pieces. Weird, huh?
Yeah its weird, I have bits and peices too, I really wish I could ask some people, but then some of these people have ceased, or drifted off completely like my parents have no longer connection with them, people move on and such, it can be slightly irratating that there'd be questions never answered, even for tiny silly details like "why did you say that, or did you tell me this when I was little?"
I'm not surpised at all when you mentioned remembering things like patterns, I have that similar fascination too especially with remembering the vinyl floor patterns or the bathroom glass windows in the 1970's.
In a way it was comforting and I admit I missed some fo those patterns, the nice orangey, or brown coloured paterns on those 70's wallpapers and in a quirky way it remained me of seasame street' "counting" animations that wowed me alot LOL - wierd ?! yes so having said that now I think I know what you mean by saying 'weird' nods.......
We could say our memories are too weird, its not 'normal' that this sort of confusion arent healthy nor helping the social and personal growth we needed.
I can hardly remember things like if a kid was laughing on the chair, but i do old 'earliest school classmates' and their play-time/ground talks about the "six million dollar man' on tv, or Logan's Run Tv series as we'd take turn to imitate these characters in the playground, - but all the while I would not KNOW anything of what they TALKED about like the 'dialouges' which the kids would 'repeat' or imitate, becuase i was deaf, i just only heard some blip ' or laser gun noises' we all imitiated that ofc but the more -harder to pick out voices,(and cartoons are impossible to lipread ofc!) im completely lost, i recall qutie vividly one day, that about when i was 7 or 8 years old (in a group of classmate some how go together at a long lunchtime (1 hr seemed a long time when you're small) we decided to play The Flintstones (while I knew Fred flintstone but had no idea who was Barney Rumble was,i was asked to Play him, I was dumbstruck as I didnt know how Barney would talk (he was a quite character in the show) and did found out about 6 months later when Flintstone was aired again) However, that playground incident was kind of sour and not much fun and i did recall the bell rang ('being saved by the bell" !!) but still i was left wondering who was Barney and felt stink that i didnt play well, kind of spoiled the fun. When I was much older, like 20 years later or so, yes that long! I just didnt think about it untill, like "oh geezz" it was embarrassing) but at the time i was perplexed as well as ignorant, but felt dumb yet was happy to be playing with that 'dream girl' of the classroom of the day lol, so much that i didnt realise I was looked an idiot. hell i didnt even know how I got through it. But what pains me is that these sort of thing have lasting effects on just ourselves but also the way hearing children perceives us (and their parents). it is needless and quite damaging even in subtle ways, like the complete lack of leadership role , or loooking stupid (even when I was completely unware of that), which these hearing kids really got the idea of, or group interaction while being deaf, we got zip, nothing at all, only parroting and following, i think its cruel.