i'm confused, jennyb. you said that the only asl using pre-school in toronto only has hearing students. what do you mean by hearing? hard of hearing? children with ci's?
i think one of the reasons why our experiences differ is because here in the u.s. we have the americans with disabilites act which guarantees services for the deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, etc.
i'm also fortunate enough to attend the second largest state university in wisconsin. we have 30,000 students and although i am the only person who is deafblind, there are about 80 or so deaf and hard of hearing students in the d/hh program.
The children at the preschool at hearing. Like they can hear. No CI or hearing aids. Some have Deaf parents or family members, some are interpreters kids, but the kids are hearing.
In Ontario we have an Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities Act. There are services, just not many. We are also suffering the same interpreter shortage as everyone else.
University of Toronto has around 80,000 students. 4 of us are Deaf. York has about 10ish I believe.
The contrast between our two experiences is pretty interesting!