Linux distro recommendation for old Dell laptop


Here it is. Have you tried that? I googled and extracted and paste it from Ubuntu forum "tips and trick" on "how to install anything on Ubuntu".

How to install a .run file
For those of you that have been using Ubuntu for a while, you probably already know this. I'm posting this for the newbies that download a game installer in .run format and have no idea what to do with it.

How to Install a .run File:

For this How To I am going to be using the dummy name "". You should replace this with the name of the file you are trying to install.

1. Open a terminal. In Gnome the terminal is found in Applications>Accessories>Terminal.
2. Navigate to the directory of the .run file. For this example, I have mine on the desktop so I would type in "cd ~/Desktop" and press enter.
3. Type "chmod +x" (press enter).
4. Now type "./", press enter, and the installer will run.

replace "" to file that you downloaded from Nvidia

Be sure that in Terminal, you logged as Root user (sudo -s)

try it. You're very close to get it fixed!

If I were there with you, I would be happy to assist you :lol:

I got berry4all working!

As I am speaking now, It's connected to my BB Curve. But it's slow in Xubuntu. I changed the speed on "Sprint" note from 115200 to 921600 to maximize the modem speed. I was unable to extract modem speed cuz the window of Berry4all was "blank" when using. It seem Puppy have better Blackberry_Modem software that works very effectively. I like Xubuntu cuz its lite version of Ubuntu for my laptop. I noticed that it's slow getting aorund. So did the network using BB..

I believe that it had to do with laptop's peewee 4mb Neomagic graphic chipset and 256mb RAM. :shrug:

I guess I would try another ubuntu called Fluxbox ubuntu or any distro that I can do with Debian. Or fall back to PuppyLinux and put up with browser crash every now and then.

At lest, I understood how to install it and run it.

Following instruction from this site..

If you are not familiar about adding OpenPGP Key, let me know. I will be happy to explain how to get a key and add it and add apt-get file to repository. It's just the repository download and update from Update Manager after setting up.

Then download Barry using apt-get as instructed and click "Y" on every questions to get it shut up and install!!!

Plugged BB Curve into USB (tethering BB Curve to USB)

I ran Terminal

I had to run it as a Root user (sudo -s) then "cd bbtether"

then typed "sh" and hit return.

the Berry4all window will pop up and you just navigate and click "Device and click "rescan" and it'll save the "end point"

Then try click "Modem" "connect"

While the Terminal will scroll list of modem "garbage" constantly while you are online till you stop using it by CTL+C in Terminal to disable the modem (that was the quickest way to disconnect modem.)

On 2nd time and afterward, You don't need to click "Device" on Berry4all window. Just click "Modem" then "connect" and you're ready to go. Its endpoint information from your BB already saved in file so save your hassle.

If BB won't connect or Berry4all window show error or withrew connection cuz it can't connect. Just reboot your BB by removing battery and replace it. Then try that again without "Device"--"Rescan" Just click "Modem--Connect" directly to see if it works. If it did then you're online...

If you got the BB tether modem working, but unable to go in website on Firefox which will say "work offline". Just go and click "File--Work offline" and uncheck it then try "try again" You'll get through. This is strange issue..

If your pc or laptop is fast going around on Ubuntu or Xubuntu whatever distro you are using and Berry4all connects your bb and surf net pretty fast. Let me know. I just want to know where fault lie to, Berry4all software or just my crappy laptop going slow on Xubuntu....

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I just downloaded and installed Puppy Linux 4.2 and it was so much better and nicer. It seem that Seamonkey Browser is more stable now. Its browser didn't crash on me every now and then like older version. Its desktop look much nicer.

Puppy Linux 4.2 "Deep Thought" | Puppy Linux

The developer change and added new interface without Barry Kauler's "ok" since Barry no longer developing Puppy Linux. I like newer one better. I just reformat and reinstall newer Puppy Linux. I just installedBlackberry_modem program again and able to use it because it's faster than Xubuntu. Puppy Linux just load up to RAM entirely after booting up from flash disk (SCSI flash memory drive as it called). So I don't have any issue about laggy desktop and web browsing. It still plays Youtube video with little bit of choppiness which is very normal for old pee wee 4mb NeoMagic graphic chipset and 500mhz Coppermine Core processor in laptop.

I am so happy that I still can use Blackberry as Modem on Puppy Linux. Much faster than Berry4all!!!

It made my old laptop useful again with new SD to 44 pins IDE adapter!! It's worth it!

I may plan to download SMplayer so I can watch movie on it if it works.

I was able to turn it to homemade "netbook" after all.

If there any qq's let me know! I might close my thread if there's no more qq's

I just downloaded and installed Puppy Linux 4.2 and it was so much better and nicer. It seem that Seamonkey Browser is more stable now. Its browser didn't crash on me every now and then like older version. Its desktop look much nicer.

Puppy Linux 4.2 "Deep Thought" | Puppy Linux

The developer change and added new interface without Barry Kauler's "ok" since Barry no longer developing Puppy Linux. I like newer one better. I just reformat and reinstall newer Puppy Linux. I just installedBlackberry_modem program again and able to use it because it's faster than Xubuntu. Puppy Linux just load up to RAM entirely after booting up from flash disk (SCSI flash memory drive as it called). So I don't have any issue about laggy desktop and web browsing. It still plays Youtube video with little bit of choppiness which is very normal for old pee wee 4mb NeoMagic graphic chipset and 500mhz Coppermine Core processor in laptop.

I am so happy that I still can use Blackberry as Modem on Puppy Linux. Much faster than Berry4all!!!

It made my old laptop useful again with new SD to 44 pins IDE adapter!! It's worth it!

I may plan to download SMplayer so I can watch movie on it if it works.

I was able to turn it to homemade "netbook" after all.

If there any qq's let me know! I might close my thread if there's no more qq's


Can I install Firefox 3 on Puppy Linux?
Can I install Firefox 3 on Puppy Linux?

I was thinking of doing same thing!! The issue is that I couldn't figure out how to install tar.gz on Puppy or convert tar.gz to .pet on it too. Its RXVT Terminal won't let me do it. It's not like Ubuntu which is much easier and powerful..

Remmy that I'm just new to Puppy and still trying to figure out how to do it.

But on the murga-linux forum (puppy linux forum). I found one with Firefox download but it's an with log in window pop up. I tried to log in but it won't let me in to download. So I went ahead and read more on same blog. One blogger said that just download directly from firefox website and untar it with Xacharver that came with Puppy Linux. Once you extract it to /root file. You can just open firefox and run it from there by clicking "Firefox" next to "Firefox.bin".

It did ran firefox 3 on my puppy but when I navigate to and to my thread but it crashed (disappeared) every time. I am not sure if it had to do with my laptop's RAM issue ect.. Try yours. If yours works fine while you navigate then I would know it's my laptop to be blamed for :lol: .

What I really want is to ./configure, make, make install but the RXVT terminal won't let me do it!! Ugh!!

I would research and find out how to do it.

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I was thinking of doing same thing!! The issue is that I couldn't figure out how to install tar.gz on Puppy or convert tar.gz to .pet on it too. Its RXVT Terminal won't let me do it. It's not like Ubuntu which is much easier and powerful..

Remmy that I'm just new to Puppy and still trying to figure out how to do it.

But on the murga-linux forum (puppy linux forum). I found one with Firefox download but it's an with log in window pop up. I tried to log in but it won't let me in to download. So I went ahead and read more on same blog. One blogger said that just download directly from firefox website and untar it with Xacharver that came with Puppy Linux. Once you extract it to /root file. You can just open firefox and run it from there by clicking "Firefox" next to "Firefox.bin".

It did ran firefox 3 on my puppy but when I navigate to and to my thread but it crashed (disappeared) every time. I am not sure if it had to do with my laptop's RAM issue ect.. Try yours. If yours works fine while you navigate then I would know it's my laptop to be blamed for :lol: .

What I really want is to ./configure, make, make install but the RXVT terminal won't let me do it!! Ugh!!

I would research and find out how to do it.


I just got on Xirc chat (came with puppy linux 4.2, the one with 3 people icon on desktop) and asked about Firefox issue. They told me that there are bug in Firefox and also Puppylinux. It have to do with pipline issue. They are working on it to fix the plm. They're nice to assist me on Puppy Linux related issue. I got some answered what I needed.

I just tried out CrunchBang Linux (base on Ubuntu 8.10) and it works very nicely on my laptop. It's a black 'lightweight' desktop :cool: it matches my laptop's body (look sexy) . I had to install it by pulling out SD to IDE adapter and plug it to 44pin IDE to USB. Then ran the desktop on CrunchBang Linux Live cd then plug in the drive to USB. I ran installation and sure enough it did reconize same thing SCSI Flash memory adapter.. I proceed installing it and finished it off with Grub without rebooting. I unplugged and removed adapter from IDE to USB then plugged it back into my laptop. Because laptop's external CDrom drive is crappy like it still can't fully install Xubuntu and CrunchBang Linux.

It booted up to my laptop perfectly fine and it's a very simplistic Ubuntu Fluxbox. It ran as fast as Puppy Linux (thank goodness!) and now I am able to use Ubuntu's terminal!!!!! that something I'm good at.

I will be working on Blackberry modem software. I finally extracted to Tar.Gz format via Puppy's terminal and saved it to my BB Curve's flash memory so it's easier for me transfer to Ubuntu. I will have to see if it works or not. I forgot to write down where the Blackberry_modem files supposed to go. I will run Puppy and install and see where it went then do the same to CrunchBang Linux

Cross finger !!

Finally got 40GB laptop hard drive from friend!!!

Recently, My friend's girlfriend asked me to check to see if her 5 yr old Dell Inspiron laptop with 2.0 Ghz Celeron processor and 256mb ddr ram. It won't boot up. So i took it home and tried to fix it. I tore her laptop into million pieces and check its board. I put the board back on and assembled halfway then plug in power jack in. It did finally boot up but it's kinda like Russian Roulette (boots but hangs with black screen, boots then shut down in few seconds, boots and listed Graphic adapter make, model and version and hangs, finally boots to BIOS but locked up after trying to configure, boots up but nothing ect, that's what I called it). It was pretty funky. I decide that it's pieces of crap now. But it have good 40gb hard drive. So I told her I'll transfer data to DVD R disk. Then advise her to get a new one. My friend bought her a new HP laptop as a Christmas gift. She told me to keep the crapped out laptop.

Sooooooooo!!!! Hummm!!! I took an new opportunity to use laptop 40gb Western Digital hard drive and installed it to my old 500mhz Dell laptop. Then I installed newest version Xubuntu 9.10 Karamic Kaola. It had issue with crappy external 20x CDrom drive. I decide to use USB to IDE/SATA (44pins and 40 pin plus SATA) adapter and plugged 40GB hdd in. I had to remove Desktop hdd power jack so to prevent Xubuntu from installing Grub (it's like MBR to Windows. It's for booting up Linux on drive). I plugged USB in and slipped in Xubuntu CDrom to DVD drive. I booted it up to desktop then click to install. It finally install Xubuntu fully then when it's done. I just power down without rebooting it. I unplugged 40gb hdd from adapter and transfer it to my peewee laptop. It did finally boot right up to Xubuntu desktop and it was setting up everything. The desktop is a KDE and it look soo nice and sexy!! Very much updated. It was a little bit slow going around but it was so much better than using SD to IDE flash drive.

I updated Xubuntu to fix bugs ect. It finally boot up faster and it seem that it get around much better. Glad that I got "free" laptop 40 gb hdd. I still plan to keep SD to IDE flashdrive if I got the crappy Dell laptop with Celeron processor working (I doubt it would.)

My old laptop is now usable for my business and home use when my other laptop and all desktop PC been taken up. I'm kinda selfish with my old laptop for now till I buy new one. Then the old one would be good for kids to do online homework or research paper work.
