Linux distro recommendation for old Dell laptop

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That's pretty cool with blackberry tethered to Puppy Linux. :)
I just found out that Barry (forgot his last name) who developed software for Blackberry use it on PuppyLinux put the software into .pet file format to make it easier to install while rest of distro require different software to be put together which is lot more work so it's not bundled like Puppylinux.... I installed Xubuntu then installed Xmberry and still couldn't get the bb modem running. I realized that Xubuntu was just trimmed down Ubuntu which missing many "lib." files.. I tried Fedora Core 10 live CD to install it on my laptop, it's taking long time finally arrive to desktop but it won't install when I clicked " Install to HD" cuz I want to use xmberry.rpm which are ready for any Redhat base OS. I forgot to check out CentOS but I ran out of CD-R to burn!! Grr!! Also my laptop's external CDrom cannot recognize CD-RW disk. So I'm pretty much stuck tho.

Oh well!!! I guess I have to purchase another stack of cd-r because my laptop won't boot USB cuz it's not supported by BIOS. I had to use BootCD with USB driver specifically to boot USB. It's all technicial mumbo jumbo jobs :lol:

But at lest, I am able to use Puppy Linux to browse the net regardless browser crashed (it just simply disappear) every now and then. I wanted to use Terminal but PuppyLinux is programmed differently than any distro. That's something I have to learn. If I finally got different Distro installed with .rpm and run smoothly, I probably would download bunch of .rpm files.

Sorry that I'm still stuck with old laptop at least for now. I would love to have newer laptop with Nvidia graphic chipset which are 100% Linux compatible that allow me more flexibilty. Some HP laptops are 100% Linux ready, some are not. I have Acer Aspire but it's not 100% Linux compatible because of ATI Xpress 200m graphic chipset is a big issue (It'll boots up Linux just fine but it'll crash after running some program) and also require add on driver like Acer ACPI and MadWiFi to get WIFi mini pci card turned on and Atheros ar5005 wifi chipset to work. So I don't want complication, just want it work out of the box!!!

I just found out that Barry (forgot his last name) who developed software for Blackberry use it on PuppyLinux put the software into .pet file format to make it easier to install while rest of distro require different software to be put together which is lot more work so it's not bundled like Puppylinux.... I installed Xubuntu then installed Xmberry and still couldn't get the bb modem running. I realized that Xubuntu was just trimmed down Ubuntu which missing many "lib." files.. I tried Fedora Core 10 live CD to install it on my laptop, it's taking long time finally arrive to desktop but it won't install when I clicked " Install to HD" cuz I want to use xmberry.rpm which are ready for any Redhat base OS. I forgot to check out CentOS but I ran out of CD-R to burn!! Grr!! Also my laptop's external CDrom cannot recognize CD-RW disk. So I'm pretty much stuck tho.

Oh well!!! I guess I have to purchase another stack of cd-r because my laptop won't boot USB cuz it's not supported by BIOS. I had to use BootCD with USB driver specifically to boot USB. It's all technicial mumbo jumbo jobs :lol:

But at lest, I am able to use Puppy Linux to browse the net regardless browser crashed (it just simply disappear) every now and then. I wanted to use Terminal but PuppyLinux is programmed differently than any distro. That's something I have to learn. If I finally got different Distro installed with .rpm and run smoothly, I probably would download bunch of .rpm files.

Sorry that I'm still stuck with old laptop at least for now. I would love to have newer laptop with Nvidia graphic chipset which are 100% Linux compatible that allow me more flexibilty. Some HP laptops are 100% Linux ready, some are not. I have Acer Aspire but it's not 100% Linux compatible because of ATI Xpress 200m graphic chipset is a big issue (It'll boots up Linux just fine but it'll crash after running some program) and also require add on driver like Acer ACPI and MadWiFi to get WIFi mini pci card turned on and Atheros ar5005 wifi chipset to work. So I don't want complication, just want it work out of the box!!!


Sony lappy would work too, I have Ubuntu on my sony lappy, it's 7 years old now been using version 5.10 ubuntu linux.. My sony uses ATI video
Sony lappy would work too, I have Ubuntu on my sony lappy, it's 7 years old now been using version 5.10 ubuntu linux.. My sony uses ATI video

Make sense that it's an older ATI video. Ubuntu works fine with ATI 7000 up to 9800. If it's an ATI Xpress from 200m to 400m, it's an issue. The newer ATI X800 and newer works fine. So my laptop just got hit with lousy ATI Xpress 200m graphic chipset.

I had ATI 9000 Pro 128mb AGP card on my old system and it works wonder with Ubuntu with Compiz turned on. But it can't work two things, Water Effect and one of other effect.

My other system have Nvidia GeForce 9400GT and It can do ALL effects on Compiz and I am able to have Water effect turned on and it was sooooo neato!! (it's eyecandy!!)..

Make sense that it's an older ATI video. Ubuntu works fine with ATI 7000 up to 9800. If it's an ATI Xpress from 200m to 400m, it's an issue. The newer ATI X800 and newer works fine. So my laptop just got hit with lousy ATI Xpress 200m graphic chipset.

I had ATI 9000 Pro 128mb AGP card on my old system and it works wonder with Ubuntu with Compiz turned on. But it can't work two things, Water Effect and one of other effect.

My other system have Nvidia GeForce 9400GT and It can do ALL effects on Compiz and I am able to have Water effect turned on and it was sooooo neato!! (it's eyecandy!!)..


Did you answer my question via #26?
What kind of methods that BB can tethering with Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) via USB?

It's a Xmberry that you use to tether BB as modem. The problem is that you'll have to compile and install program in. Mind you, it's mostly Tar it, ./configure, make, make install job to do. It's alot of work.

But there are newer version that I came across as I am speaking. It's called Berry4all so you might want to check your Ubuntu's repository to see if it's listed. If not then download from Sorceforge. (I realized that I overlooked the link while I was in Thibaut Colar's site for old way to install Xmberry)

Berry4all - Blackberry support for the rest of us [Berry4All]

The Python program was written by Thibaut Colar

Here's the info you can get it through apt-get. I personally just found it!! So I'm going to try that as soon as I re-install Xubuntu on my old laptop. I think that I missed that the whole time since it had been created back in Nov 2007!!

Use your blackberry as modem with just Barry - : Your Number One BlackBerry Community

(my suggestion that you read their blog first and get an idea if you can configure your Ubuntu to get through without password if you're using Sprint. it's a good info in there!)

Sorry cuz that Tethering BB to Linux program search did not provide much info until now.

Let me know if you got it working!

I downloaded Xubuntu Jaunty Jackrabbit and tried to install it on my laptop via flashdrive but the CD that boots USB drive (it's for old computer that do not have USB boot support) did not have Jaunty Jackrabbit version BootCD to boot USB since it's so new tho.. It use Xubuntu 8.10 that I currently have now with bootcd for USB.. (check the pendrive Linux site) Create BootCD for booting USB: or use Ubuntu: .. Cuz my Dell laptop's external cdrom is a pieces of crap that it can't fully install Xubuntu from CDrom!! Installing from USB works with BootCD for USB ..

I hope I satisfied you :thumb:
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Make sense that it's an older ATI video. Ubuntu works fine with ATI 7000 up to 9800. If it's an ATI Xpress from 200m to 400m, it's an issue. The newer ATI X800 and newer works fine. So my laptop just got hit with lousy ATI Xpress 200m graphic chipset.

I had ATI 9000 Pro 128mb AGP card on my old system and it works wonder with Ubuntu with Compiz turned on. But it can't work two things, Water Effect and one of other effect.

My other system have Nvidia GeForce 9400GT and It can do ALL effects on Compiz and I am able to have Water effect turned on and it was sooooo neato!! (it's eyecandy!!)..


Ah, I don't use any compiz effects and just automatic screen-off save my lappy LCD screen burns.

You can find at Ubuntu Forum for ATI Xpress it's may help..
Ah, I don't use any compiz effects and just automatic screen-off save my lappy LCD screen burns.

You can find at Ubuntu Forum for ATI Xpress it's may help..

I already did. It require lot of terminal work (Of course, I do copy and pasting) to get it fixed. Since that my Acer laptop is a "main" system for my family to use. I decide not to bother installing Ubuntu. Until I get another good laptop that allow me to have full use on Compiz, I would probably give Acer to my kid to abuse it since I got it free tho.. :giggle:

Foxrac, here's another one

it’s me… henry » Blog Archive » Tethering with Blackberry

Remember, the blogger mentioned reboot or unplug from "XPS", he meant Dell XPS.

It's a good info too.

PS: I just found Thaibut Colar's Berry4All site, to install it in Linux, here the site.

Installing Berry4All [Berry4All]

I hope this helps!


Bad news, Ubuntu isn't suit for some ASUS notebook, depends on model.

I tried install Ubuntu on my ASUS notebook and everything works fine, except for WiFi, graphic card and installers.

Graphic card is too stubborn to get install so properly and WiFi still not work after madwifi installed, my wireless card is Atheros wireless and graphic card is GeForce 9650m GT.

Neither of them could make drivers installed by Ubuntu alone.

If notebook is Intel wireless card and graphic card (X3100, X4500) will work with Ubuntu and other Linux OS.
Bad news, Ubuntu isn't suit for some ASUS notebook, depends on model.

I tried install Ubuntu on my ASUS notebook and everything works fine, except for WiFi, graphic card and installers.

Graphic card is too stubborn to get install so properly and WiFi still not work after madwifi installed, my wireless card is Atheros wireless and graphic card is GeForce 9650m GT.

Neither of them could make drivers installed by Ubuntu alone.

If notebook is Intel wireless card and graphic card (X3100, X4500) will work with Ubuntu and other Linux OS.

Are you using Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex or 9.04 Jaunty Jackrabbit?

As for Atheros wifi, there's Madwifi driver (currently it already have newer driver). Sometime it fools you that it's not connected.. Look at Network Connection on upper right bar near the clock. Try LEFT click on icon and see if you can get drop down list of wireless router (that's one part that fooled me with surprise). It may already detected the Atheros.

Let me get back with you on Wireless adapter compatibilty. I know Atheros is 100% Linux compatible cuz the guy who was a programmer in Atheros company already programmed it in Linux (he's the one who built MadWifi driver).

Nvidia 9650GT should work non-free propriety driver. Go and boot into Ubuntu Desktop.., I would recommend you to navigate to Administrator--Detect Hardware. This is where it can find propriety driver for Nvidia. My desktop have new Nvidia GeForce 9400GT using non-free Propriety driver on Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10.. It works perfectly and had Rain Effect and other effect works nicely on it that I had an issue with ATI card..

You're few step away to have success with installing Ubuntu on laptop!! You would be one lucky guy on that!! I would be drooling over it Grrr!!
Are you using Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex or 9.04 Jaunty Jackrabbit?

As for Atheros wifi, there's Madwifi driver (currently it already have newer driver). Sometime it fools you that it's not connected.. Look at Network Connection on upper right bar near the clock. Try LEFT click on icon and see if you can get drop down list of wireless router (that's one part that fooled me with surprise). It may already detected the Atheros.

Let me get back with you on Wireless adapter compatibilty. I know Atheros is 100% Linux compatible cuz the guy who was a programmer in Atheros company already programmed it in Linux (he's the one who built MadWifi driver).

Nvidia 9650GT should work non-free propriety driver. Go and boot into Ubuntu Desktop.., I would recommend you to navigate to Administrator--Detect Hardware. This is where it can find propriety driver for Nvidia. My desktop have new Nvidia GeForce 9400GT using non-free Propriety driver on Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10.. It works perfectly and had Rain Effect and other effect works nicely on it that I had an issue with ATI card..

You're few step away to have success with installing Ubuntu on laptop!! You would be one lucky guy on that!! I would be drooling over it Grrr!!

I use Ubuntu 8.04.

I tried download 8.10 and burned on CD but unable to boot up and got eror said end request I/O error, dev sr 0, sector.

For graphic card, I tried goes to Hardware Drivers and none of drivers are detected, even there's no ask for graphic card drivers.

I'm using GeForce 9650m GT, that's mobile, not desktop.
I use Ubuntu 8.04.

I tried download 8.10 and burned on CD but unable to boot up and got eror said end request I/O error, dev sr 0, sector.

For graphic card, I tried goes to Hardware Drivers and none of drivers are detected, even there's no ask for graphic card drivers.

I'm using GeForce 9650m GT, that's mobile, not desktop.

Ah ok no problem. What version are you using on Ubuntu, 32bit or 64bit??

Here's the driver for 32bit

here's for 64bit

It's a .run file so I am not sure if that what is supposed to run directly

Did you actually install it and let Ubuntu update it's repository. AFter a while, it finally detect non-free propriety driver . That's what I did on my desktop and it works. Let's hold hope that Linux Mobile graphic driver would be available for it.
Ah ok no problem. What version are you using on Ubuntu, 32bit or 64bit??

Here's the driver for 32bit Linux Display Driver - x86

here's for 64bit Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T)

It's a .run file so I am not sure if that what is supposed to run directly

Did you actually install it and let Ubuntu update it's repository. AFter a while, it finally detect non-free propriety driver . That's what I did on my desktop and it works. Let's hold hope that Linux Mobile graphic driver would be available for it.

I use 64 bit.

I tried from this site but too stubborn to get installed and tried click run then won't run at all time, same with terminal too.
I use 64 bit.

I tried from this site but too stubborn to get installed and tried click run then won't run at all time, same with terminal too.

I haven't tried .run program. I'll see what I can do cuz I do have Nvidia 9400GT and this should be a good learning challenge for me. If I got it, I'll let you know asap.
