Lillys surgery date

Glad it went well and hope that Lily's recovery is fast and uneventful. Do you have to wait long until switch on?
OK, Liily did fine! I ran home real quick to let the dog out, grab a couple of things, and update everyone.
The surgery was fine, no trouble swhat so ever. The doctor came out and updated us after he finished the implantation. Then he came back out about an hour later to tell us that they tested the implant. The test revealed that the array was working perfectly. Every electrode successfully stimulated the auditory never in the way it was designed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100% successful. Of course, I am trying not to get too excited because you never know what lies ahead.
Lilly was pretty rough in the recovery room, they gave her morphine, and oxycodone. They also gave her soem medication to prevent her from vommiting. She did last time from the meds. So she is resting as you see in the pictures. She is eating ceral and drinking fluids. SHe will be heading home in the morning. So now, I am heading back to the hospital and am gonna try to catch a nap. I only slept a few hours last night and have been awake since about 4:30 am.

Wonderful!! I am glad Lilly did fine. When I read this, I got goosebumps ALL over! :D
I am so glad everything went well. wow, it seems that it was just yesterday, that i read in one of your posts about Lilly getting a 2nd implant and 1,2,3, the surgery is done. Hope for a speedy recovery for Lilly!
Hey, glad that it went well! now, activation is next soon! she will be hearing sounds in both ears with grins touching both ears. :D
After posting the last message, I went straight back to the hospital. When I got back, Lilly was wide awake, watching "cars" (her favorite movie). SHe was playful, laughing eating nad drinking! She stayed awake from the time she woke up after the surgery, at about noon, until she went to sleep last night at around 8:30! She was in a great mood all evening! Simply amazing! She underwent a long surgery, woke up, and stayed up! She did sleep all night last night, exceot of course when the nurses checked on her. We are now home. Lilly is playing in the living room like nothing ever happened.
We got for a 1 week check up with the dr. next wed. She is being activated 2 weeks after surgery.
She is doing very well, next to no swelling, great mood, only meds are tylenol.
ooooh I am sooo happy to hear it. I am glad that shes fine and the surgery went well!! whew!! So happy!!!
Glad that everthing has gone well. It is amazing Lilly was able to watch CARS so soon after the surgery. I had my tonsils out when I was 8 and was out of it the rest of the dayand most of the next. What a trooper!
Congrats! Way to go Lilly! What a trooper she is staying up for the rest of the day. I'm glad everything went well.
Hey, glad that it went well! now, activation is next soon! she will be hearing sounds in both ears with grins touching both ears. :D

Love the way you said that!

Lilly looks really good in the new picture! Once the bandages come off, she'll be doing just that!
How is Lilly doing? I'm not sure if you have posted in the last few days. How long did she have to wear the big bandage? If I remember right you said she stayed over night. How did that go? Victoria will be staying over night too. I am staying with her and I am sending my husband home to be with my son. I am nervous how she will react after surgery. She has quite a little temper and I am afraid it's going to be a nightmare after surgery. Is she back to her normal self now?

Thanks for the info!!
How is Lilly doing? I'm not sure if you have posted in the last few days. How long did she have to wear the big bandage? If I remember right you said she stayed over night. How did that go? Victoria will be staying over night too. I am staying with her and I am sending my husband home to be with my son. I am nervous how she will react after surgery. She has quite a little temper and I am afraid it's going to be a nightmare after surgery. Is she back to her normal self now?

Thanks for the info!!
With Lotte, the biggest fuss she made was annoyance about the IV in her foot. (Fluids)
Then, when that was removed and after she got some asprine against the pain.... She was up and running, playing CYCLING!! on a tricycle..)

SO... worry about hyper-activity!!!! Make sure you have enough to keep her occupied... Portable DVD-player?? anyone?

remember... you'll be the wreck, she'll be the sunshine..

Obviously.. like with investments... historic experiences are no guarantee for coming experiences .... LOL