Lillys surgery date

Its hard, but necessary. The nerves, second guessing youself, lack of sleep, emotional basket case stuff only shows how much you love her. If there was a parent that didnt have that wasnt nervous or scared or didnt have any of these feelings, I would be very concerned with the parent, and feel very bad for the child.
When the time comes, you will be fine. Victoria will be fine. As for sending dad in the O.R., I dont think that would be a good idea. If he is anything like me, the first incision would be the last. There is no way that I would be anywhere near that room. There is no way in hell that I could sit there and watch them operate on her.

Thanks, that makes me feel better. I actually meant I don't think I can be there when they put her under. I know they sometimes ask a parent to be in the room, I don't know if I can do that. I didn't even like seeing her on the catscan table!
Ditto here...
I have seen a video of the operation.... no thanks....
Wonderful as CI is.. I'll leave that part to the experts. The last thing they want is a dad looking over their shoulders and fainting :)

My part was to comfort the child - make her at her ease and comfort my wife. With that, I'm the expert....

I could not see a video, those things I don't want to know!!!
Best wishes for Lily! Hope it all goes well and do let us know how it went when you are ready.
Thanks everyone! WOW! Tomorrow! just over 12 hours from now! Guess who will not be getting any sleep tonight. I will try to update everyone tomorrow evening. If not then, definately thurs.
We have all of the prep work done, all thats left now is the surgery. Keep your fingers crossed.
Thank you. BTW, the picture of Ashley smiling with food on her face is adorable!

Gotta go, time to start dinner my womenses will be home soon!

Talk to ya'll after the surgery!
Thanks everyone! WOW! Tomorrow! just over 12 hours from now! Guess who will not be getting any sleep tonight. I will try to update everyone tomorrow evening. If not then, definately thurs.
We have all of the prep work done, all thats left now is the surgery. Keep your fingers crossed.

Best of luck, I will keep you, your daughter, and your wife in my thoughts!
Thanks everyone! WOW! Tomorrow! just over 12 hours from now! Guess who will not be getting any sleep tonight. I will try to update everyone tomorrow evening. If not then, definately thurs.
We have all of the prep work done, all thats left now is the surgery. Keep your fingers crossed.

Good luck!! :)
Lillysdaddyandmommy... I'll be praying for you all tomorrow and for the medical team working on her!
I had a little free time before going to bed. so..... here I am. Thanks again. I will try to keep you updated tomorrow. My wife is bringing a laptop to do some work while we wait all morning. She said it has wireless internet, but we are not sure if it will work in the hospital (cell phone signal).

Thanks again.
OH We had a huge moment while playing before Lilly went to sleep. We had her doctor playset out this evening, I was the doctor, I used the toy scalpel to act like I was doing the surgery on her other ear. I made the incision in the same place as tomorrow, ran my fingers over the area acting like I was working. I finished, kissed the area, and signed all done. Then I signed the CI sign behind each ear, then motioned that she can hear from each ear. with a questioning look, I signed to her asking if she wanted to hear from both ears. It took a couple seconds, but she got a big grin, and said "Yes"!!!!!!!!!
She understood! This was huge! I got all teary eyed (again) and that reassured me for tomorrow. She could not have done that at a better time.
When my wife came in the room, I went through the whole routine again, and she then told me "No", but she had a very playful look and a smile. So while she said no, her body language and little grim told me that she was playing.
I had a little free time before going to bed. so..... here I am. Thanks again. I will try to keep you updated tomorrow. My wife is bringing a laptop to do some work while we wait all morning. She said it has wireless internet, but we are not sure if it will work in the hospital (cell phone signal).

Thanks again.
OH We had a huge moment while playing before Lilly went to sleep. We had her doctor playset out this evening, I was the doctor, I used the toy scalpel to act like I was doing the surgery on her other ear. I made the incision in the same place as tomorrow, ran my fingers over the area acting like I was working. I finished, kissed the area, and signed all done. Then I signed the CI sign behind each ear, then motioned that she can hear from each ear. with a questioning look, I signed to her asking if she wanted to hear from both ears. It took a couple seconds, but she got a big grin, and said "Yes"!!!!!!!!!
She understood! This was huge! I got all teary eyed (again) and that reassured me for tomorrow. She could not have done that at a better time.
When my wife came in the room, I went through the whole routine again, and she then told me "No", but she had a very playful look and a smile. So while she said no, her body language and little grim told me that she was playing.

Awww. It's amazing how much children understand. :) I can't wait to read all about Lilly's bilateral activation! Good luck tomorrow! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers! :)
............OH We had a huge moment while playing before Lilly went to sleep. We had her doctor playset out this evening, I was the doctor, I used the toy scalpel to act like I was doing the surgery on her other ear. I made the incision in the same place as tomorrow, ran my fingers over the area acting like I was working. I finished, kissed the area, and signed all done. Then I signed the CI sign behind each ear, then motioned that she can hear from each ear. with a questioning look, I signed to her asking if she wanted to hear from both ears. It took a couple seconds, but she got a big grin, and said "Yes"!!!!!!!!!
She understood! This was huge! I got all teary eyed (again) and that reassured me for tomorrow. She could not have done that at a better time.
When my wife came in the room, I went through the whole routine again, and she then told me "No", but she had a very playful look and a smile. So while she said no, her body language and little grim told me that she was playing.
OK, Liily did fine! I ran home real quick to let the dog out, grab a couple of things, and update everyone.
The surgery was fine, no trouble swhat so ever. The doctor came out and updated us after he finished the implantation. Then he came back out about an hour later to tell us that they tested the implant. The test revealed that the array was working perfectly. Every electrode successfully stimulated the auditory never in the way it was designed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100% successful. Of course, I am trying not to get too excited because you never know what lies ahead.
Lilly was pretty rough in the recovery room, they gave her morphine, and oxycodone. They also gave her soem medication to prevent her from vommiting. She did last time from the meds. So she is resting as you see in the pictures. She is eating ceral and drinking fluids. SHe will be heading home in the morning. So now, I am heading back to the hospital and am gonna try to catch a nap. I only slept a few hours last night and have been awake since about 4:30 am.
That is great. Hope Lilly is feeling herself soon. I am so excited for you. I can't wait to be the one updating everyone on Ashley's surgery.
............. I am trying not to get too excited because you never know what lies ahead.
Go on !!!

Go outside and shout it out !! Get exited...!!!!
Do it for "now".

Ahead lies plenty more amazement, and you'll be exited again...

Good to hear evenrything went well....